You Better Pray


After Brian and I left, he kept saying I can't believe it to himself. It was getting really annoying. I sighed as we pulled into the school's parking lot. I got out slowly and headed to my first period with Brian trailing behind. He soon caught up with me and slung his arm around my shoulder.

"Another glorious day at Huntington High." Brian asked.

"Yeah, glorious doesn't really fit with what I think about that school." I replied while looking around the school grounds. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw someone that I didn't expect to see ever again. My cousin Val. I ran out of Brian's arms and straight toward her. "Val!" I called with my arms wide open. I didn't really care if people looked at me in a strange way. She turned her head and saw me and started running towards me as well. We collided in a huge hug.

"Oh my god! Veronica, where have you been?" She asked as we let go of each other.

"Right here in Huntington. I'm sorry I didn't call you, but I had to keep a lo profile. I didn't want my father finding out where I was." I said smiling at her.

"It's okay, I understand. Your dad's a psycho. I don't blame you for leaving. I'm so happy! I thought I'd never see you again!" She squealed in excitement. Then she took in my appearance. "Oh my lord, you're wearing a skirt." She said in a whisper.

"I know. It's horrible isn't it?" I asked.

"No! You look great. Who talked you into it? I tried countless times to get you to wear actual girl clothes and now you wear them. So, who's the boy?" She asked knowingly. We started to walk into school.

"No one." I stated.

"Yeah sure, I believe you. Oh my, who is that?" She asked looking into the halls. I followed her gaze and saw her looking at Matt. Maybe she'll keep his attention! I thought to myself.

"Mr. Muscles? That's Matt. Want to meet him?" I asked with eagerness.

"Yeah." She said breathlessly. I nodded and smiled as I practically dragged her over to him.

"Hey Matt!" I called out to him. He turned his head at the sound of his name being called and connected his eyes with me for a spit second before laying his gaze on Val. It seemed like his eyes lit up when he saw her. My plan was working perfectly. "Matt, this is my cousin Val. Val, Matt."

"Hey." He smiled at her.

"Hi." She replied shyly.

"Okay, I'll let you two get to know each other while I go talk to Jimmy." I say while walking away. I ran as fast as I could and jumped on his back. "Hi Jimmy."

"Hey midget, what's up?" He asked looking over his shoulder at me. Jimmy always called me midget. It didn't bother me as much anymore.

"Just playing match maker." I replied looking back at Matt and Val. They were flirting like no tomorrow. Then I saw Zacky and Gena Making out against the locker. "Oh that's just disgusting." I said making a gagging sound.

"Sounds to me like someone's jealous." Jimmy said with a smirk. I hopped off of his back and scoffed.

"Yeah, I'm jealous of that Barbie. I don't want blonde hair or fake tits. Plus I have respect for myself, which she sorely lacks. Why on earth would I be jealous of her?" I asked.

"Because she has the guy you want." He said looking me in the eyes. There was no signs of joking on his face. one-hundred percent serious. I nodded knowing he was right. I didn't dare make eye contact. It would make me feel uncomfortable. "So, who's the chick?" He asked looking at Val.

"That's my cousin Val. I don't know if you know this yet but Matt has been hitting on me lately. I didn't like it at all. I just don't see him that way so I figured I would set him up with Val." I said.

"It seems to be working, I'm impressed. How did you do it?" He asked bewildered. I smiled and looked up at him.

"She had the hots for him anyway. You should have heard her. It was way to funny." I laughed. "Jimmy?"

"Yeah?" He asked looking down at me.

"Have you had a hug today?" I asked looking up at him. He smiled and shook his head.

"As a matter of fact I haven't. I don't feel very loved." He said with a fake pout. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his mid-section.

"So where's my puppet?"I asked him. He looked at me with a confused look on his face.

"Dear little Johnny. I haven't seen him yet."

"Oh, I don't know. He should be here soon." He said. I nodded and pulled away from him.

"Do you feel the love now?" I asked him. He smiled a toothy grin and nodded. "Good." I smiled. I then heard a loud squeal and I looked over to see Brian and Veronica making out in the hall way. " I did that too." I said pointing at the two.

"You did that? I've been trying to convince Brian for weeks to ask her out!" Jimmy said rising his hands in the air. I laughed a little and shook my head at him. Then I was tackled to the floor. I looked up and it was Robyn.

"Well if I didn't know any better, I'd say that you're happy." I said while hugging her.

"Thank you! Brian told me that you convinced him to ask me out. I owe you." She said standing up while helping me along the way.

"Don't worry about it hun, anything to make my fiends happy." I said smiling. I then looked at Zacky. He was flirting with Gena.

"Are you happy though?" She asked n a hushed tone. I sighed and looked at her. She had a worried look in her eyes.

"It doesn't really matter. Don't worry about me. I'm fine." I replied smiling a little. She looked at me for a little while before looking over at Brian. Then the brightest smile I've ever seen graced her lips. I love making people happy.

I wonder how long I will be unhappy.
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You guys are so awesome! I have 9 stars on this story now. I never would have them without you. I'm continuing this story in memory of Jimmy. It is now dedicated in his memory. Comments = love!