You Better Pray

The Best Of Me

With each step I took up the stairs, the harder it was to contain my anger towards Brian, who was in fact following me to my room followed by Robyn. I know that it was a stupid reason to be angry at him, but I guess that's just how pathetic I am.

But I was so close to kissing him! I'm just mad because I don't have the courage to kiss him my self. There really was no point to it anymore. I might as well lay down face first in the dirt and hide for the rest of my life. God, I'm such a wine ass!

Zacky had gone home to get ready for tonight's party. I couldn't help but think of how amazing he's going to look tonight. Then I thought about him bringing the fake girlfriend along and my anger boiled again. If he'd kissed me then I wouldn't be mad.

Hell, I'd be on top of the world. I wonder what would happen if I told him that I did remember the kiss? How would he take it? I guess I'm not much of a risk taker. Once I was in my room, I grabbed a pillow. Then once Brian entered the room I started hitting him over and over with the pillow.

"You- Ruined- It!" I said with every hit.

"What the hell Veronica?" He asked from the floor while covering his face with his arms.

"That's the second fucking time you ruined it!" I yelled hitting him a couple more times over the head.

"What the hell did I ruin?" He asked with a confused look gracing his features.

"He was gonna kiss me you moron!" I hit him one last time and dropped the pillow onto the bed.

"Okay, stop fighting. Veronica, it's time." She said with a wicked smile adorning her lips. I quickly looked at Brian with a worried glance.

"Should I be scared?" I asked him.

"Most likely." He laughed.

"Oh stop!" She said hitting him on the shoulder. She then picked up a dress that I had never seen before. It was amazing!

"Brian! Get out!" I yell.

"But I wanna watch you get all pretty!" He said making a boo boo face.

"I'll call you back in when I'm dressed you freak!" I laughed. He nodded and walked out shutting the door behind him. I slipped the dress on and it fit me to perfection.

"It's safe!" Robyn shouted and Brian walked back in.

"Man, it's so weird that just a few months ago, you dressed like a dude. Now you look like a princess."

"No one, and I mean no one calls me princess!" I say trying to make a straight face. It didn't last long though.

"Okay, get your ass over here." Robyn said patting the bed. I sat down and Robyn started emptying her make-up bag. Brian was behind he in a flash.

"Um Bri?" I asked.


"Why are you watching her do my make-up?" I asked in a worried tone.

"Because I find it fascinating." He said smiling. After a while, Robyn had my hair and make-up done and it was all perfect. She had my hair down and in ringlets. She made my eyes a deep purple and made the eye liner not too thick and not too thin.

"You looks so beautiful." Robyn said hugging me. I hugged back with a wide smile plastered to my face. She was just amazing.

"Thank you so much Robyn." I smiled.

"Okay, let's go!" Brian shouted, then proceeded to carry Robyn over his shoulder. I laughed as I followed them out the front door. My breath hitched in my throat when I saw Zacky in front of his house. He was perfect.

He had a silk black dress shirt on and a pair of black skinny jeans along with his beat up converse. He looked so sexy. Why does he have to tease me? He ran across the street but stopped when he saw me. I suddenly got nervous when he looked me up and down so I looked anywhere but him. I looked up towards the sky and realized that dusk would soon be here.

I quickly slid into the driver's side and started the car up. The Used's new album Artwork was currently in my CD player so I turned it to On The Cross. It had amazing melody to it. This was their best album right next to their first one. I guess it's because they don't have many love songs on it, which I'm grateful for. I waited patiently for Zacky to get in the car. He seemed to be taking his sweet ass time. He then slid into the passenger's side and pointed to the radio.

"Who's this?" He asked.

"The Used. Ever hear of them?" I asked looking side ways at him. He nodded and started drumming his fingers on the side of the car. "Do me a favor?" I asked.

"What's that?"

"Grab a cigarette out of the glove box and light it for me please?" I said smiling. He did as I said and handed me the cancer stick. "Oh! and grab a pack for yourself while your at it."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I got cigarettes laying around everywhere."

"Hey! Can I have a pack? I ran out." Brian said from the back.

"Yeah, if you look under your seat, you should find one there." I instructed him. He bent over and I said, "Now insert head into anus." I instructed. Everyone started laughing. |But Brian did find that pack that I was talking about. We soon reached Brian's house and there were already a lot of people there.

Once we were inside the house, music was blasting and there were people drinking and dancing all over the place. The music was horrid though. Seriously, Lady Gaga? Who the hell put that shit on?

"Hey Brian?" I yelled at him.


"Put on some music." I said.

"Okay, Bullet For My Valentine it is." He smiled. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a Pepsi out of the fridge. Then I saw Matt heading in but I didn't see Val any where.

"Hey, where's Val?" I asked him.

"I have no clue. I don't think she was all that into me to begin with." He replied then he looked me up and down and bit his bottom lip a little. Oh shit! Not again!

"You look beautiful tonight." He said walking closer to me. I started walking backwards until I hit the counter.

"Uh, thanks?" I said with a worried look on my face. Well, at least I got a little vacation from this. It's just inevitable. He then pulled me into a hug.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered in my ear. He stood back and pulled a small box from his pocket and handed it to me. Once I opened the box, I was completely speechless. Inside the box was a beautiful charm bracelet. I looked up at him in a hurry and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"How did you know that today is my birthday?" I asked him.

"I looked at your driver's license." He smiled showing off his dimples.

"You didn't have to get me anything though!" I smiled at him.

"Now, what kind of person would I be if I didn't get you a present?" He asked me. Just then, The Used came on and I jumped up and down in excitement, which caused Matt to laugh.

"What?" I asked him.

"You're just too cute." He laughed. I blushed and looked down. I was never good with complements. "Do you want to dance?" He asked me. I smiled and nodded my head. We went out to the living room and I put my arms around his neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I put my head on his chest and I could hear his heart beat, which was going a little fast but I thought nothing of it. Then I heard her voice. It made my skin crawl. She was complaining about the music. Typical. How did she even get here?

"What's up with the music in this place? It's completely depressing." She winned. I just rolled my eyes and continued dancing.

"I'll be right back. I have to get some air." I said to Matt after the song ended. He nodded his head and I headed out the front door, avoiding eye contact from Zacky. I sat on the porch swing and lit up a cigarette. I heard the front door open but I didn't bother to look up.

"Hey." Zacky said sitting down next to me.

"Hey." I said in return. I took a sip of the soda that I had brought out with me. Zacky reached over and touched the charm bracelet Matt gave me.

"Who gave you this?" He asked.

"Matt did." I replied in a monotone voice.

"Oh." He said quietly. "So are you two..." He trailed off.

"Are we what?" I asked. I knew what he was getting at though.

"Are you guys together?"

"Why would it matter if we were?" I asked looking at him sideways.

"It doesn't, I'm just wondering."

"Well, to answer your question, no we're not. He just got it for me formy birthday." I replied.

"Oh, well I got you something too." He said smiling.

"You didn't have to do that!" I said smacking him on the shoulder.

"I just wanted to get you something." He laughed. He took out a box that was simular to Matts and handed it to me. I fake glarred at him before I opened it. "I know how much you like stars." He said smiling at me. Inside was a beautiful star necklace. "It even had a V on the bottom one for Vengeance." He said smiling at me. I smiled and hugged him.

"I really wish you didn't get me anything." I said still in his arms. Truth be told, I didn't want to let go, ever.

"But I did." He said hugging me tighter. If I coul have it this way forever, I would. I have to say something.

"Hey Zacy?" I asked him. I pulled away from him and looked into his eyes.

"Yeah?" He said staring right back into mine.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"What is it?" He looked concerned when he said this.

"Well, it's just that..." I then got cut off by the bitch in the mini skirt.

"Zacky! Come dance with me!" She whinned. She actually stomped her foot! If I wasn't so pissed, I'd be laughing my ass off right now.
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Well, This isn't all that I wanted to write but my hands are killing me. I'll try to update soon. Also, I've started a new story called Just Like Heaven. It's a sequel to Hearts Burst Into Fire, which is a one shot. I'd appreciate you reading it. =D

OH! and you guys are awesome! 100 comments!!! =D You made me so happy!!! =D THANK YOU!!!!

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