You Better Pray

If I Don't Stay All Bottled Up Does That Mean I Will Be The Talk Of The Town?

I was nervous beyond belief as I waited outside of the school for Zacky. I probably looked like a lost puppy. I took out a cigarette and lit it as I waited. I had a slight feeling that I had been set up. I had trust issues to say the least. I could never count on anyone and I was wondering why I was starting now. There was something that Zacky was doing to me but I couldn't quite figure it out. I then saw him turn the corner and a smile crept onto my face but quickly covered it up.

"Hey, you actually showed up! I was doubting you would cause I've bothered you a lot today and I thought you would have had enough of me." He said with a smile of relief plastered across his face and joy in his eyes.

"I figure I've hidden in the shadows for far too long and now I just want to have fun and have a friend to share it with." I probably sounded completely stupid saying that. "So what are we gonna do anyway?"

"We, my friend, are going to Matt's house." I looked at him as if he were crazy. Large crowds, even if they were just a hand full of people, made me very nervous. Especially if we were going to the main man that ridiculed me since I started going to this school.

"Do they know you're taking me there?" I asked a little worried.

"Nope, it's gonna be a grand surprise." He smiled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. I smiled and shook my head. I was scared as hell.

It didn't take long to get to the terminators house. The closer we got the more nervous I became. What if they don't like me. What if they yell at me to get out of the house. We stepped onto his porch and Zacky rang the door bell while I stood behind him. The door opened and I heard Matt say hi.

"I brought a friend if you don't mind." and then Zacky the grand traitor of the universe stepped aside to make me visible. Matt just starred at me wide-eyed and I felt like I was in trouble.

"Did I do something wrong?"I whispered. He snapped out of it and grinned before shaking his head no and letting us into his house. I could hear the chatter of teenage boys as we walked threw the hall. Matt walked in front of Zacky and I before going into what I presumed to be the living room.

"Guys, you'll never guess who's here." I heard Matt say. Zacky walked into the living room and I just stayed in the hall not wanting to deal with all the stares.

"Wow, it's Zacky. How impressive!" I heard one of them say before snickering.

"What? Hold on." Matt came around the corner. I smiled shyly before he picked me up over his shoulder, walked into the room and set me down. I slowly turned around to see three faces staring at me in shock. I shook my head and went to turn around but Matt stopped me. "Just be strong." he whispered into my ear. I nodded and turned back around.

"Hi." I say quietly.

"Oh my god! She speaks!" Jimmy said. I put my head down.

"You can sit down if you want." Matt tells me. I nod and walk to where Zacky is seated.

"So Eliza, What's so special about dear Zacky that got you to talk to him?" Brian asked.

"He wouldn't leave me alone." I stated.

"What the hell.We've been trying to do that for years but nothing ever worked." Brian exclaimed.

"It's probably cause he was nice and you were just a dickhead, no offense." I heard Jimmy snickering after I had said that.

"None taken." After that, an awkward silence flooded the atmosphere.

"So, what's your secrets?" Jimmy asked.

"What?" I asked in confusion.

"Well. You have many piercing and tattoos that no parent would allow. How did you get away with it?" Jimmy continued.

"I don't live with my parents." I said. I wasn't proud of that fact.

"You don't? Who do you live with?" He asked astounded.

"I live by my self."

"That is so cool." Matt said.

"What is? I don't have friends, I don't have family. I'm all alone."

"Oh, well I didn't look at it that way. How long have you lived by yourself?"

"Remember when I first started going to this school?"

"Six years?" Jimmy asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, I ran away because I was being neglected. My so called parents didn't pay any attention. They didn't give me food or clothes, so I got a job to save up enough cash and moved all the way here to sunny California."

"All the way? Where did you live before?" Matt asked.

"New York. I chose California because of the guarantee that there would be no snow."

"But isn't snow supposed to be pretty or whatever?" Brian asked.

"Not when you have no choice but to walk to school in six feet of the shit. It's wet and cold. There's nothing great about it."

"Okay. So I was wondering, If you were always alone, what did you do for fun?" Zacky asked.

"Guitar Hero." I smiled.

"You have a pretty smile. You should wear it more often." Brian winked.

"Dude, your man whorish ways will not work with me." Laughter erupted the room.

"So how good are you at Guitar hero anyway?" Jimmy asked.

"I guess I'm pretty good, why do you have it too?" I asked looking around the room.

"Yeah you wanna play?" Matt asked. I nodded and he walked over to the closet and got out the guitars and started up the x box. I had a guitar controller as did Brian.

"I'm so gonna kick your ass!" Brian smirked. I rolled my eyes and Put it on Pro Face Off. Then I went to the extra songs and went for Through the Fire and Flames by Dragonforce.
Then quickly put it on hard, I'd play it on expert if I could, but the damn song is completely impossible. "Are you crazy?"

"Why you can't do it?" I asked with a slight smirk. "Stop being a baby and deal with it. It'll be over before you know it."

The song started and It was easy for me to hit the notes. I quickly glanced at Brian's side of the screen and laughed when I saw him barely hitting a note.

"Why is this so easy for you?" Brian asked after the song ended.

"Six years is a lot of practice time don't you think?" I asked with my head tilted to the side. Jimmy ran over to me and crushed me with a hug.

"You're my new best friend." He smiled at me.

"I don't thinks so, I found her first so I get to keep her." Zacky said pulling me into a hug.
Everything is changing. But I don't know if it's for the better or the worse
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the chapter title is from the song Hometown Hero by The Dear And Departed but i tampered with the words a little. I love that song!!!
The orange and green skittles will be very disappointed in you if you don't comment. >=(
Special thanks to Bryce Avary and music_addict for the comments! =D