You Better Pray

I never thought I'd have friends...

Zacky's P.O.V

I couldn't believe it. How could someone do that to their daughter. It didn't make any since to me. I just want to be there for her. Through the good and bad times.

"So do you want to head back now? You know, before we get hit by a car" I asked looking down on her.We were still sitting in the middle of the road. She was beautiful. I couldn't deny that.

"Yeah I guess. Are they mad at me?" She had worry in her eyes.

"No, just Brian but he'll get over it." We got up and started heading back to Matt's house.

Eliza's P.O.V.

Once we got there, I didn't know how to explain myself. It looked to me like if I'm gonna start hanging out with them then I should open up to them. They did deserve an explanation of my little outburst. When we walked into the living room, all eyes were on me again. But this time worry replaced the shocked faces they had earlier that day.

"Are you okay?" Matt asked. I nodded and sat down between Zacky and Brian.

"Yeah. I'm sorry for flipping out on you Brian. I just couldn't deal with telling you.

"Telling me what?" He asked.

"The real reason why I left. It's cause, cause I." I stop and look at Zacky. Then whispered in his ear asking if he could tell them. He nodded and looked around the room before speaking.

"The real reason she left was because her father used to beat her and she was raped by him." Looks of shock were in almost everyone's face, except for Brain. He had the look of guilt.

"I'm so sorry!" He said looking down.

"Hey, it's not your fault."

"I know but I kept pestering you and I didn't even know."

"I had to talk at some point or else I would have probably committed suicide."

"Veronica, I never want you to say that! Hell, I don't want you to even think it. Cause you're part of this group now." Matt said. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"I would have never guessed how nice you guys are."

"That's what you get for closing yourself from the rest of the world." Brian said shaking his head.

"Oh! I have a question!" Jimmy smiles at me.

"Alright, what is it you goofy mother fucker?" Everyone laughed at this.

"If you live by yourself, how are you paying for everything?" This got everyone's attention. I guess they were all wondering that.

"When my grandmother died, she gave all her money to me. That's why my dad was so pissed at me, cause I wouldn't share any of it with him."

"How much did she leave you?" Zacky asked.

"Five million dollars." Everyone had gone silent.

"How much have you pent of it?" Matt asked.

"Just about a million."

"I had no idea you were rich. You certainly don't dress the part." Brian stated.

"What's wrong with the way I dress?" I asked. I seriously didn't know.

"You're a twig yet you wear baggy ass clothes. You know what, We will go to the mall tomorrow and I will pick out your new wardrobe!" Zacky declared.

"Alright, but nothing whorish and I get to buy you something. anything you want, I don't care how much it costs, I'm getting it for you."

"Okay whatever. Meet me here at twelve O'clock and bring cash with you."

God I never would have thought I would ever have friends!
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HA HA I UPDATED!!! I rather like this chapter. But I'm not sure. Leave some comments if you love me! =D

love of vengeance