You Better Pray

The mall.

The next morning I woke up tired as hell cause I went to bed at 3:00 in the morning. Doing what you may ask? I kept thinking about Zacky. He had the greatest eyes. He was so sweet. I'd be crazy not to like him.

I got up slowly, yawning to myself. I got out of bed, had a shower and got dressed in baggy combat pants and a small fitting red long sleeve shirt and a XL black t-shirt. It was now 11:45 so I put my converse on and headed out the door to my car. I started it up and headed towards Matt's house.

Once I got there, butterflies were scrambling in my stomach looking for an escape. I looked down at my hands and they were shaking. Why was I so nervous? There's nothing to be worried about right? I mean it's not like they changed their minds over night. Or did they? I guess I'll find out...

I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Once Matt opened the door he smiled and told me to follow him in.

"Is Zacky here yet?" Great, I'm using him as a security blanket. I thought to my self.

"No, why do you like him?" He asked looking back at me with a smirk in his face.

"Well yeah, I mean he's a great guy and so far a really good friend."

"that's not what I meant." He said sitting down on the arm chair. I looked at him confused before I got what he was trying to say.

"Oh no, I just met him yesterday."

"Okay, whatever you say." He laughs. I can tell he doesn't believe me. After a few minutes of silence I finally spoke.

"I never would have thought that i would be friends with you. I used to think you were an asshole." I got cut off by him.

"You think I'm an asshole?" He asked in a hurt voice and put his hand on his heart.

"You didn't let me finish. But now I see you're really nice and caring and somehow very curious."

"Well that's the perks of being my friend." He smiles. The door opened and in came a girl that I had seen around school. Her name was Robyn and I was wondering why she was here cause I'd never seen her hanging out with the guys before.

"Uh Matt, What's she doing here? Not that I have a problem with you hun, I'm just freaking out a little because you're the school's loner."

"It's okay." I say.

"Yeah she's no longer mute thanks to Zacky." Matt replied.

"Who?" She asked.

"the new kid, I think he got her to talk cause she has a little crush on him." He winked at me. I just rolled my eyes.

"Aww! That's so cute!" She laughed.

"Hey, I wouldn't be talking if I were you. I know for a fact that you like Brian."

"Aww! That's so cute!" I said imitating her. She gave me a play glare and I laughed a little.

"I think that's the first time I heard you laugh." Matt said.

"Eh, what can you do? Nothing." I simply said. At that point Zacky walked into the room. I smiled a little and noticed Matt smiled knowingly to himself.

"So who all is going?"Zacky asked. Matt and Robyn raised their hands and he nodded.

"Can we wait until Brian gets here?" Robyn asked. I giggle at this which I received a weird stare from Zacky and a glare from Robyn. I didn't care though. It was too funny and cute.

"Okay, do I get to know what's going on?" He asked. I stopped laughing.

"I'm sorry Mr. Baker, but I'm not in liberty to discuss that."

"Whatever you say dear."

"Hey! Do I have antlers or hooves? No? Then I guess I'm not a dear then huh?" I laughed as I said this.

"Random much?" Matt asked cocking an eyebrow.

"You'll get used to it."

"Hey guys, What's up?" Brian asked. I jumped to my feet and ran towards him and jumped into his arms. "What's this all about?" He asked looking confused.

"I wanted to see if I could trust you. You have passed the test!" I saluted him and Jumped out of his arms.

"Are you hyper?" He asked. I nodded my head multiple times.

"Okay! Let's go!" I smiled and ran out of the house and into the front seat of my car. Then I popped my trunk and got out a new bottle of Pepsi.

"Now it makes sense." Zacky said from behind me. In my trunk there was a cooler filled with ice and Pepsi.

"Help yourself." I said walking back into the drivers seat. By the time everyone was in the car they all had a Pepsi. This made me smile.

Then off to the mall we went. It took us twenty minutes to get there. We piled out of the car and went into the mall. Zacky took my hand and started running towards Hot Topic. We got in there and he started going through the clothes. He handed me seven outfits to try on. I got a little worried when I saw him put in a few skirts.

"Now go in there and try them on. I want to see every outfit." He said pushing me to the dressing room. I put the first outfit on and I didn't want to go out there. "Come out!" He demanded.

"I don't want to." I said back.

"You come out or I'm coming in!" My eyes grew wide when he said that and ran out bumping into him. I blushed and looked toward the floor in embarrassment.

"Wow!" I heard Brian say.

"Does it look that bad?" I asked a little unsure of myself.

"No, you look gorgeous." Zacky said softly with a smile on his face. I blushed and looked at the others.

"You look so pretty!" Robyn said in a cheery voice.

"thank you." I said in a small voice. I went back into the dressing room and tried everything else on. When I was done trying on the clothes I got two hoodies and converse with stars on them. I went and bought everything. Then we went for lunch in the food court.

"I can pay for my self you know!" Zacky insisted.

"Listen! If you're making me dress more like a girl then I'm paying for your lunch, got it buddy!" I said pointing my finger in his face.

"Yes ma'am!" He salutes. I laugh and we order the lunch that I pay for. I can't help it though. I am naturally a giving person.

"Once we start to eat I can't help but notice that Brian and Robyn are sitting very close together. Brian whispers something in her ear and she starts giggling. They are so cute together I thought to myself. I smile and continue eating.
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I hope you liked the update!!! Comments!?!?
this is Robyn aka a7x rocker
Her outfits.