You Better Pray

The Internet Is For Porn!

We were still in the food court of the mall and I was bored. I sat still for a minute starring off into space. It was like I knew I was doing it but I was just too comfortable to even move. I felt a nudge and I looked around completely confused.

"Huh?" I asked looking up at Zacky.

"I thought I lost you for a second there." He smiled.

"Oh, no I was just thinking." I replied.

"About what?" He asked.

"To tell you the truth, nothing. I was just so content with thinking about nothing. I do that a lot to just to warn you." I laughed. I looked over at Robyn and Brian and laughed as they were still flirting. "Hey, Romeo and Juliet! When's the wedding?" They gave me a confused look and I sighed. "You two are almost to the point of making out." I laughed. They just glared at me and I laughed even more. "Oh! I want some Pepsi!" I declared standing up.

"Don't you think you've had enough?" Matt asked. I gasped at him as if he committed a crime.

"Well, since you said that, I'm going to get some skittles too!" I replied while play glaring at him.

"Oh god, lord only knows what happens when the two are mix together in you." Matt replied. I started laughing like a mad scientist and received a few glances from passing shoppers. I started walking towards the candy store and everyone followed. Once inside I grabbed a giant bag of Skittles and a giant bag of Reese's Pieces. I turned around and they were all starring at me like I was gonna rob a bank.

"Um, I feel the need to ask this but, do you usually get that much candy?" Zacky asked.

"Yeah, It lasts me for a month. But I figure you guys would want some too." They nodded their heads slowly before I continued to cashing out. Once we were done with that we headed out of to my car and headed back to Matt's house. Once we were inside the house we could hear the T.V. on. "Matt, wasn't your T.V. off before we left?" I asked. He nodded but didn't think too much into it.

"It's just Jimmy. He always does this." He said. I nodded and went into the living room where Jimmy was in fact watching T.V. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Hi shorty!" He waved. I glared at him. I hated it when people made fun of my height.

"Don't call me short Sasquatch!" I replied. He stood up still smiling and walked up to me.

"Shorty, shorty, shorty!" He sang.

"Fine, that means I don't have to share and candy with you!" I replied looking up at him. His eyes lit up and the biggest smile spread across his face.

"You have candy?" He asked in a child like voice. I laughed and nodded and pulled out the huge bags of candy.He started jumping up in down with excitement.

"You don't want to do that. Jimmy is hyper active alone and if you feed him candy it'll only get worse." Brian explained to me.

"Are you telling me that you don't let him eat candy?" I asked bewildered. They nodded and I gasped in fake shock. I turned back to Jimmy. "You poor poor boy. I'll give you some candy!" I smiled which caused his smile to grow larger. I sat down on the couch and opened the Skittles, grabbed a hand full and plopped then\m into my mouth. I extended the bag to Jimmy and he took a Hand full as well.

A hour later me and Jimmy were Jumping up in down in full swing of our sugar surge. The rest just started at us like we were completely loony.

"Jimmy!" I yelled.

"Yeah?" He yelled back.

"Do you like Avenue Q?" I asked a little quieter. He stopped jumping and looked at me confused. I gasped and ran to Matt. "Have you heard of Avenue Q?" I asked him. He shook his head no as well. I growled in frustration. "Has anyone heard of Avenue Q?" I asked and received a bunch of no's. "Matt, can I use your computer pretty please?" I smiled at him. He nodded and I got on to Youtube. I looked for the best song ever called The Internet Is For Porn and pressed play. The song started and everyone looked at the computer confused.

"You wanted us to listen to Sesame Street?" Zacky asked.

"Just wait!" I said and then the video loaded.

Soon enough everyone was dying of laughter.

"How the hell did you find that?" Jimmy laughed.

"I have a lot of free time." I replied. "I have to go home now. I have to clean up." I said to everyone.

"No don't go! you're too much fun!" Jimmy pouted.

"I have to. I'm sorry." I replied while hugging him. I gave everyone my good byes and walked out of the house. Once I was at my car, Zacky came out after me.

"Hey, can I go with you?" Zacky asked.

"Um, sure I guess, get in." I said. I got in the drivers seat and started the car. In the matter of twenty minutes we pulled up to my house.

"You live here?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" I asked slightly confused.

"I live there." He pointed to the house across the street.

"Huh, small world." I said. I got out of the car and headed into my house with Zacky on my trail. "Hey, do you want to go swimming?" I asked him.

"Sure but I don't have a bathing suit." He said.

"That's okay. I got some in my room. I'll go get them for you." I walked up to my room and grabbed my swim suit and a pair of swim trunks for Zacky. I quickly slipped mine on and put a t-shirt over my top and headed down stairs. I tossed that swim trunks at Zacky and laughed when they landed on his head. He looked at me and shook his head.

"Do you have an actual swim top under that shirt?" He questioned. I nodded and he sighed. "Take it off."

"What?" I asked wide eyed.

"Take off the shirt." He said again.

"No, I don't want to." He then walked over to me and took the bottom of my shirt and lifted it up over my head. I glared at him after he threw the shirt on my couch.

"See, it's not so bad." He whispered looking at my half naked torso. He ran his fingers on my stomach lightly and caused the butterflies to go crazy. I tried to cover up as much of my exposed skin as I could. I felt very uncomfortable. He laughed and took my hands away from my body. "I don't see what the problem is. Your body is perfect." He said. I looked into his eyes and I felt a nerve racking feeling coarse threw my veins. Then my door suddenly opened to reveal the rest of the guys and Robyn.

"Whoa, we didn't mean to interrupt." Matt said winking at me. We quickly distanced our selves from each other. Then something dawned on me.

"How did you know where I live?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Lucky guess?" Matt said. I gave him a threatening look and he sighed.

"Okay, Jimmy followed you home today." I looked at Jimmy with a questioning look and he smiled.

"I was curious!" He exclaimed. "Are you going to have sex?" He laughed. My eyes opened wide.

"No! We're going swimming. Do you guys want to?"

"Yeah sure. We'll be right back, we're going to get some swim suits." Matt said. Soon they were all out and I looked at Zacky.

"That was weird." I said. He then started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You're blushing so hard." He laughed.

"Hey! It's not funny." I said smacking him on the arm.

"You look so cute!" He laughed pinching my cheek. I then walked away from him and headed out to my pool and jumped in. I started to swim around when I heard a splash and water went right into my face. I wiped water out of my eyes and saw Zacky swim right towards me. I laughed and started swimming away from him and backed myself into the wall. Great! I thought to myself. He swam right in front of me and put his arms on either side of me.

"What are you swimming from?" He smirked and cocked an eyebrow. I quickly went under the water and swam away from him. Once I resurfaced I looked back at him and started laughing as he glared at me.

"What, you thought you could trap me so easily?" I asked. He just smirked.

I'm starting to really like Zacky. Why is he so damn man pretty?
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Okay! chapter seven for ya! I hope you enjoyed it! Comments = <3! I love you forever if you comment!!!