You Better Pray

I Just Want To Have Fun

Today was the day that I was dreading. It was the day that I go back to school as the new me. I started to apply eye liner and eye shadow to my eyes and then I got dressed in one of the outfits Zacky had picked out for me. This was the first time I ever wore make-up and it felt weird to be in a skirt. I didn't like it at all. I pulled on one of my new hoodies in hope that it would cover me more. I then put my new shoes on and headed out to my car. From there I headed off to school. The closer I got the more I wanted to turn around and wallow in my own pity. But as much as I would love to, I had to go. I wanted to graduate as soon as possible. I soon pulled into the school and took a deep breath. It's now or never. I thought to myself. With that I got out of the car and almost got hit by a truck. Luckily, I stepped back against my car in time. Then a boy got out of the car and looked at me with shock on his face.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I said walking closer than me.

"It's okay." I laughed.

"Are you new here?" He asked. I shook my head no and the look of realization hit his face. "You're Veronica Bailey aren't you?" He asked. I laughed and nodded.

"That's me." I smiled. He then smirked as he looked me up and down.

"You're looking good. What caused this big change."

"A new friend. He wants me to dress more like a girl for some reason. I don't mind the shirts but the skirts are just too much. I think it shows off way to much skin." I said looking down at my bare legs.

"I don't think so. I think you look beautiful." He said while moving a strand of hair out of my eyes. I blushed and looked towards the ground with a small smile playing at the corners of my lips. "I'm Milo by the way. " He said bringing his hand up so I could shake it. I held onto his hand and lingered here for a second. Milo was gorgeous to say the least. His face was perfect and I couldn't help but wonder what the rest of his body looked like. "Well I guess I'll see you later," He smiled at me as the bell rang. He then leaned over and kissed my cheek gently which caused my face to turn a bright shade of crimson. "See you later" He winked with a gorgeous smile plastered onto his face. I then started to walk towards the school. Once in there I went to my first period class and endured the first session of stares I was sure to get. After a few minutes Brian and Zacky walked in and looked right at me with smiles on there faces. I smiled back and continued to listen to Mayday Parade. They then sat beside me. I could hear everything they were saying but I soon tuned them out as I started doodling.

"So do you think I should ask?" Zacky said towards me.

"Yeah, sure dude. Go for it." I replied not really knowing what I was saying. I hope I don't regret this later. I thought to myself.


Once lunch rolled around I headed to the tree that I called mine. I began eating my lunch until I saw a pair of Nike shoes standing before me. I looked up and saw Milo smiling down at me. I pulled one of my ear buds out and smiled back up at him.

"Hey." I smiled. I began to feel hot. It was near ninety degrees out so I took off my hoodie. Once I did so his eyes lingered on my chest for a second and then they went back to my eyes.

"What are you doing all by yourself?"

"Oh, just trying to stay out of the sun. I burn easily so I try to avoid the sun all together." I laughed dryly.

"Well why don't-" He was cut off by Brian walking up to us.

"Hey Brian." I smiled.

"Hey, Matt wanted to talk to you."

"About what?" I asked while standing up. He shrugged.

"Hey Brian." Milo said.

"Hey man, what's up?" He said giving him a man hug. I started to walk towards where Matt was sitting.

"Hey Robyn." I smiled as I walked past her. She waved back and returned my smile.

"Yes Mr. Sanders?" I asked with a smile. He stood up and motioned for me to follow him. We walked into a secluded area and he sighed.

"Alright, Tell me how much you like Zacky." He said starring me right in the eyes.

"I guess I like him a lot, why?" I asked a little confused.

"Well, He asked Gena out today during science. I know cause I was there." I took everything he said in slowly. I then nodded in understanding. It only figures that he would go for that type. The whoreish type. "Are you okay?" Matt asked. I nodded my head which surprised him.

"Yeah, I'm not surprised that he'd go out with her. All I am is some ugly chick he pitied." I said looking down.

"Listen to me Veronica." He said pulling my head up so our eyes s meet . "You are not ugly in the least bit. Every part of you is beautiful." I said with nothing but serious in his voice. I nodded and hugged him.

"Thank you" I said quietly. He hugged me back and rubbed his hands up and down my back.

"Um Veronica, I'd be careful about Milo if I were you." He said with worry in his voice.

"Why?" I asked looking up at him.

"He has a reputation that he dates girls just to fuck them then he dumps them right after." He said in all honesty.

"I know." I replied with a smile.

"You do?" He asked astounded.

"Yeah, if you don't remember correctly, I've been going here for years. I didn't just stand around with my head up my ass. I listened and studied my environment. I know almost everything about everyone here. I'm just trying to have a little fun here okay." I laughed.

"Well in that case, You wanna do something tonight?" Johnny said from behind me. Where the hell did he come from?

"Oh I'm sorry but you have to be this tall to ride." I smiled while lifting my hand over my head. He pouted while Matt laughed.

"Alright Shriek, Let's go back to the table."

"Hey! That's very offensive!" He pouted. I just laughed at him.

"You'll get over it."
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Oh, Milo is hot. lol If you didn't click on the link DO IT!!! He's just too hot! lol. Comments would be awesome!!! =D