No Place in My Heart for a Criminal Like You

Do You Feel Better Now As She Falls To The Ground?

After we had lost the cops chasing closely behind, the rest of the ride back to Joker Manor was awkwardly quiet. Only the calm humming of the van engine could be heard and I couldn’t see anything at all, since I was yet again blind folded by one of the goons.

As soon as we had entered the mansion, The Joker had ordered me to go to bed and informed me that he’d be up there soon. I didn’t like the tone he used to say it. I didn’t bother answering back or saying a word in fact, in fear that he might turn on me.

When I entered the bedroom I kicked off the shoes and sat on the edge of the bed, waiting for him to enter. I knew that he wanted to talk to me about something, most probably about the incident earlier on that day. Nervously and unintentionally, I was stroking and fiddling with my hands, thinking about what he was planning to do with me. When I heard footsteps coming down the hall, the stroking turned to scratching. Cowering, almost, I stood up from the bed and started backing up towards the ensuite door. The door opened slowly, revealing who I thought it would be in the first place, The Joker. His gloves and coat were off, and his shirt sleeves were rolled up his forearms. His expression was not amused at all, but as I had already figured it wouldn’t have been. He was definitely still pissed off with me. In contrast to how he had opened the door, he slammed it shut, making me gasp and jump. As I continued to back away, sensing his fury, he walked closer to me in an intimidating manor.

“I’m sorry,” I apologised, not knowing what else to say to stop him from doing whatever it was he was going to do. The apology only earned a hard slap across the face, making my head turn to the side. Then another. And another. And then another, until I had finally backed up into the vanity table. As I brought up my hands to soothe the burning pain in my face they shook in fright of what he had done and if he might do it again. He had me pinned against the table now, so that I couldn’t escape. Even though I wasn’t looking into his eyes, I could still feel his penetrating gaze aiming right at me. I didn’t want to look into his eyes, already knowing that they’d be full of hate, anger and resentment.

No matter how much I didn’t want to look at him, however, he gripped my chin with his index finger and thumb. “Look at me,” he ordered through gritted teeth. I refused to do so, which only infuriated him more, making him let out a loud bellow, “Look at me!” This time I knew better than to anger him further, so without a hesitation I brought myself to look up into his eyes. Just as I had imagined, his eyes were full of fury. Without knowing it, I began to cry under his pressurizing gaze.

“Please, say something,” I begged, not being able to take anymore of the tension building up as he stared at me. “I’m sorry; I promise I’ll do whatever you say. I promise. I promise,” I swore to him hysterically as I tried to embrace him and stroke his chest, but he merely pushed me away and continued to glare at me.

“Why should I listen to you? It’s too late anyway. It seems you can’t be trusted and I don’t like that. I thought you’d be a good help to me, but all you’ve been to me is a nuisance and I don’t like that either. Therefore I need to find some way of...making you useful to me. And that way is taking this pent up anger out on you. It’s unfortunate, I know, but what else am I going to have to keep you around for? I gave you a chance at helping out with a few of my little games, but you went and ruined that for yourself didn’t you, hmm?”

“My men opened up my eyes slightly. You see, they told me something which I hadn’t noticed until recently. Apparently, lately I’ve been turning soft. All because of you,” he growled hoarsely before clasping a hand around my neck. “Now...I’m not like that. When I appear weak to others, it makes them think that they can take me on. They actually think that they’re of a higher standard than me.” He laughed slightly with his hands shaking rapidly. I swear he was having a mental breakdown. Sure, The Joker was a walking disaster and an emotional wreck of some sort, but now he was acting worse than ever. His hands shaking had now spread across to his whole body. “For the first time in years, I had my men actually have the guts to confront me and tell me exactly what they thought about me and this whole situation. And when they told me...I didn’t react...You wanna know why I didn’t react? Because they’re right. I’m weak...or so they say. Let’s see how weak I actually am...hmm?”

I saw him raise his hand, but before he could bring it back down to slap me, I kicked him in the groin hard making him back away. Straight after, I punched him across the face with all the muscle in my body. He stumbled back, but caught the ensuite door frame before he actually fell over and then leaned against it for support. He held a hand to his face and wiggled his jaw around, before turning his head slowly to show his expression of annoyance and fury. Even though his dirty green hair was strewn across his face I could still tell exactly how infuriated he was. I don’t know where the sudden burst of confidence came from, but it had to be done before he became even more frenzied with his attacks.

I stood up from off the vanity table and started backing away towards the door, where he soon followed. “Now, I only did that to help you. You got to understand that I was trying to slap you out of this little...episode you’re having. I just want you to stop. I didn’t want to hurt you and I wasn’t even trying to defend myself, I was just trying to help you.” In my head I was begging for him to believe me, because I was telling the truth. But it was clear in his face that I hadn’t made any impact on him. He continued to take steps closer to me.

Once he had approached close enough, he brought his fist to the side of my face, knocking me to the floor. I let out a high pitched yelp when my head collided with the floor. When I noticed him glaring down at me on the floor, I attempted shuffling and cowering away from him whilst on the floor. My feet slipped against the floor while I tried to slide further away from him. I didn’t manage to slide too far away from him, before he grabbed both of my ankles and brought me back underneath him, all the while I was screaming frantically. Not as if anyone could hear me, or anyone that cared in that matter.

The Joker was now straddling my waist with my hands pinned above my head, so that I wouldn’t try punching him again. My legs were still free and flailing crazily, but this had hardly any effect on him. When my knees collided with his back, he’d only jolt slightly without any pain inflicted.

“Don’t try to punch me ever again,” he warned me unusually calm, his voice shaking whenever my knee would come in contact to his back. “Although I like how brave you are, don’t ever, ever do that again. Understand?”

Ignoring his request, I managed to get a hand loose, so I took this as my chance to land another punch to his face, while screaming, “Get off me!” In return, The Joker growled through his clenched teeth and moved both of his hands to my throat, now with a lust to kill in his eyes. The force was more intense than before and tears were welling up in my eyes from not being able to breathe. One of my hands was desperately trying to tears his hands away, while the other was trying to push him off me by pushing his shoulder. There was now nothing I could do. I couldn’t scream for help or plead for him to stop. I was slowly losing energy from lack of oxygen and I couldn’t bring myself to push his shoulder any longer. In defeat, I brought both of my hands to his bare forearms and began stroking them with me shaking all the while. I suppose it was like some sort of sign of me giving in to him and a plead for him to stop. But he didn’t acknowledge this and continued to strangle me to death. Seeing as there was no way out now, I gave in and let the darkness overcome. But that was until I felt his grip loosen slightly and his furious expression had died down, but only slightly. Gradually his grip slackened and slackened, until I was able to breathe again.

I felt a sweet release all around me as I felt the oxygen flood my lungs once again. I coughed and choked as I breathed from the lack of it earlier on and I gripped tightly to The Joker’s arms as if I was holding on to my dear life. As I lay almost lifeless on the floor, The Joker picked me up from off the floor, bridal style and then placed me on the bed, where he climbed on too and hovered over me. His hands were placed either side of me propping him up for support.

As a way of apologising, I suppose, he crashed his lips down onto mine. That’s what I assumed it was anyway. I knew that he had trouble apologising or any form of manners in fact, so he would express them in a different way.

Deciding to accept his apology I kissed back, feeling like a fool. No matter how horrible he treats me I always give in easily when he kisses me and that’s why I felt like a fool. I hated myself for it, but I couldn’t help it. I only ever saw the good in him and never the bad which one of my many downfalls. This usually concludes with me getting hurt.

I pulled away from the kiss and moved my lips to his neck and began nipping and biting it. Once his hand began to slide up my dress, I started loosening his tie whilst keeping my lips to his neck. His hand rested on the hem of my underwear for a moment before pulling them down. It reminded me of the time in my office in Arkham, except this time I wasn’t worried about getting caught, because there was no-one to catch me...and stop me from doing the possibly the stupidest thing in my whole entire life time. I was then regretting what I was doing, but I couldn’t pull out now. It was too late. He had already torn my underwear off and his whole torso was now bare. When I stopped kissing his neck, in shock that I was actually doing what I was doing, he took this as a chance to take his belt off. He stood on his knees on the bed, unfastening it and then started for his zipper. I wanted to try to help him, but I was paralyzed in horror at what was about to happen. I never wanted it to go this far and now that it had, I didn’t know what to do to stop it. While I was debating what to do, The Joker had made his way back on top of me, now completely naked. I looked down for a second and my head shot straight back up when I realised.

“You look nervous,” he stated as he looked down at me, trying not to make eye contact. I was totally embarrassed for both of us. “You do want this, hmm?” My mouth opened and closed a few times trying to find the right words to say, but I failed at finding any. I wasn’t sure if I did want this or not. Seeing that he was getting impatient, I nodded my head slowly. “Then just relax.” Hesitantly, I opened up my legs for him, shaking as he moved closer to me. I squeezed my eyes closed when he entered wanting to slap myself for how idiotic I was being. “Look at me,” he whispered huskily. I did so shyly. His breathing was now heavier and uneven, just like mine. I was thankful that I wasn’t fully exposed to him as I still had my dress on. I don’t like showing my body to anyone, but I still didn’t feel at ease with him. I mean, he was a murderous, psychotic, terrorist, clown and I was doing unspeakable things with him. You can’t blame me for being a little less than comfortable. Despite my look of discomfort, however, he still continued. And as wrong and awkward it may sound I admit, it was rather pleasurable. I’d like to say all the moans and groans were just to please him, but that’d be lying.

Obviously things got a little rough after awhile, him being The Joker and all, but nothing that I couldn’t handle. Once he had finished, he collapsed beside me panting slightly with his back facing me and without another word he fell into a sleep all the while I was watching him. It was the quietest and most peaceful I’d ever see him. I slid closer to him and slowly brought my hands up to the scars on his back. I smoothly ran my fingertips across every battle wound and imperfection, gradually making my way around to his face. I propped myself up on one arm so that I could see over his body. He was definitely asleep. His mouth was open, but only very slightly. My hands made their way to the scars on his face and as my fingers touched every bump and indent, his lips would twitch slightly and then he’d lick them with a little grumble escaping.

Once I felt as if I had tormented him enough while he slept for one night, I lay back down beside him and wrapped an arm around his waist, falling into a deep sleep.

Fist fights turn into sex, I wonder what comes next. He loves to always keep me guessing.
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Like? Not like?
Ugh...I hate writing sex scenes. I feel all awkward. I try to make them as formal as I can without turning it into just smut. Hopefully it's okay.
My mum just walked into my bedroom, looked up at my Joker poster and shivered violently. Then says "that Jack gives me the creeps." I was creased with laughter. But then she corrected herself and said "I mean Joker." Instantly I stopped laughing realising that The Joker's real name is Jack Napier! Oh my god! My mum has psychic powers! Unless...she secretly has an obsession for Batman characters and researches them nightly. Hmm...I think it's time for me to undergo an investigation.
Personally, I don't find the poster above my bed creepy at all. In fact, it's rather comforting.
I feel as if I have an obsession with different parts of Heath Ledger's body every week. This week it's his neck. Go check out The Joker's neck and it epic.
I think I've rambled on enough. Toodles! Oh and I'm back at school tomorrow, so might not be able to update as often...sorrrrry.
Love you lots like jelly tots!