No Place in My Heart for a Criminal Like You

Warm Me Up And Breathe Me

“You alright back there, puddin’?” I heard The Joker holler from the driver’s seat.

Since my mouth was still taped shut I only mumbled something incoherent back at him, angrily. He was deliberately swerving around corners sharply so that I was thrown all over the van. My head kept banging the sides of the van and I bumped into numerous henchmen perpetually.

“That’s what they always say,” The Joker mumbled more to himself than anyone else and I could virtually hear him roll his eyes. I could feel him eying me as I was continued to be thrown around in the back as he ordered, “can someone please keep her still! Someone sit her down!” Immediately after the order was shouted, a man in a happy clown mask pulled me up off of the floor and sat me next to him, but leaving his dirty paws on me once I was sat next to him.

I could hear his heavy breathing reverberating in his mask as he stared intently at me. I tried acting nonchalant, not wanting to look at him, so I ignored the fact that his face was coming closer and closer to my neck. His actions were very subtle as to not attract any attention from The Joker, knowing that he’d most likely slaughter him for even looking at me. Or so I thought. I struggled helplessly as he nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck with his hand slowly sliding up my thigh. I let the tears slip down my face trying to express my discomfort, almost pleading to be let free. My glance turned towards the rear view mirror at the front in which I could only see The Joker’s eyes constantly looking back at me and what was happening. I was obviously wrong about thinking that he would have killed the man on the spot and that saddened me even more. I begged him to do something, with my eyes. But I couldn’t read the expression within his. It was a mixture between anger, irritation, sympathy and the usual Joker smugness. No matter how much I wanted him to help me, he didn’t. He let his henchman continue harassing me, until the trip finally stopped.

I almost jumped from the seat instantly, tearing myself away from that pervert’s grip. The Joker stepped out of the driver’s side and made his way around to the back of the van. He then continued to open the double doors in which I practically dived through and then into The Joker’s arms.

“Eager, aren’t we?” He asked as he ripped the tape away from my mouth, earning a loud gasp from me. I tried not to look in Happy’s direction as all the clowns piled out of the van, the scene resembling that of a comical circus act, when many clowns exit a miniscule vehicle. Except this was not a happy time. In some ways that scene completely contradicted the situation that I was currently in.

Without a struggle on my part, I let The Joker lead me in the direction towards a large mansion in which I’m guessing is his hideout. The whole area was almost completely surrounded by foliage and it was hard to see any other signs of civilization excluding the mansion.

“Welcome to your new humble abode!” The Joker exclaimed with his voice booming throughout the halls as his arms rose in the air, showing off his home. I was in awe at how huge it was. It made my house look like a mere shed. While I stood frozen in shock, the clowns wandered off all in the same direction, leaving me and The Joker alone. “So, let me show you around.” He snaked an arm over my shoulders and pushed me in the direction that the clowns had previously walked in.

“This is the living area. When you’re alone I’d advise you not to come in here.” The room stank of sweat, cigarette smoke and booze, with a small tint of gunpowder and gasoline. His men were all spread out in the room and there was a lot more of them than there was in the van. Poker chips and cards were strewn across the room, as well as instruments of pain, some stained with blood.

“Why’s that?” I asked, sincerely curious and speaking for the first time since I’ve gotten here. Not that that I’d want to be in this environment for any longer than a minute. It was almost unbearable to stand there for two seconds.

“Cause my men…they’ll eat you,” he explained briefly. My eyes widened in horror, knowing that he was obviously right. I was thankful that The Joker was around; otherwise I’d have been brutally raped and then murdered if he wasn’t. Without realising I gently clasped The Joker’s arm for protection, feeling the penetrating stare from all of his henchmen. He continued to lead me into other rooms with a smug grin plastered across his face, acknowledging the effect he had over me and how weak I was towards him. I loosened my grip around his arm and simply followed close behind him to various other rooms. The places exactly are irrelevant. A large kitchen to match a large dining room, followed by a couple of bathrooms is all.

The upstairs rooms were mainly occupied with multiple bedrooms and few bathrooms. He didn’t bother showing me every bedroom, but he showed me one. My bedroom, apparently.

“This here is your new bedroom. I hope you like this environment, because you’re gonna be here for the majority of the time that you’re staying in your new home…which will be…forever? If you don’t like this environment, well…tough luck.”

I looked around the room and it was full of stereotypical purple and green décor. All the furniture, walls and carpets were coated in the colours too. I was surprised to see that everything in the room was in good shape and to a good standard. Everything looked rather plush and I being my judgemental self would have expected less from him. Even though I was pleased with it now, I knew I’d get fed up with it sooner or later. No-one likes being trapped in one room for the rest of their life.

“And thus we reach the end of the pleasant tour,” The Joker stated sounding like a professional host of some kind. I had noticed that he hadn’t taken me all over the house as there was still a long corridor continuing from my room.

“So what’s down there?” I asked as I nodded my head in the direction of the corridor.

I noticed The Joker’s eyes shift almost nervously before replying with, “That is irrelevant for you, my dear Harley.”

Curiosity had gotten the best of me and I glared down the hallway with determination to search the corridor when I had a chance. As if The Joker had read my mind, he violently grabbed either side of my face and forced me to look at him instead of down the hallway.

“You are never. Ever. To go down there, understand? If I ever find you down there, I promise you, the consequences will not be pleasant. Hmm?” I nodded my head profusely, yet still felt as if I wanted to find out what was down there. His determination for me not to go down there, merely improved the want. “Now, I’d like you to kindly wait in your bedroom, while I sort out some business downstairs, okay? I’ll be back soon,” he assured me and then followed by a gentle kiss on the forehead. I awkwardly sat down on the bed as he watched me closely and once I was comfortable, he closed and locked the door.

I sighed heavily, not knowing what to do. I was a smart girl and I knew that any attempts of escape would be a stupid idea. However, that didn’t mean I didn’t want to get out of this place. Then again, where would I go if I was to escape? Everything I had was in my house and that was now gone. The only person I could really ask for help from is Jim Gordon and even still I wasn’t too close to him. Only because of work would I talk to him. It would be damn right rude if I asked for shelter from him.

My thoughts were rudely interrupted when I heard bickering coming from downstairs below me. I could identify that one of them was The Joker’s and the other I wasn’t quite sure of. Wanting to be involved in the little dispute, I subtly lay against the floor boards, placing my ear to the ground to hear what was going on.

It only improved my hearing slightly. Voices were slightly muffled, but I think I could tell what was being said.

“Do you think I’m stupid?” I heard The Joker ask in a serious tone. There was silence for a moment, until he broke it. “Do correct me if I’m wrong, but I do believe I just asked you a question. Just in case, I’m going to ask you again and don’t make me repeat it three times. Do you think I’m stupid?!” He said is voice rising slightly.

I heard a quiet mumble in response.

“No, what?”

“No, boss.”

“That’s right,” The Joker grunted. “So, if you don’t think I’m stupid, why did you think I wouldn’t see your dirty paws all over my girl, huh?!” With every word he was saying, it sounded as if he was increasing in anger, along with the volume. My girl? He made it sound as if I was just a lifeless object. A porcelain doll that he could just throw around. Although the way he said it sounded protecting and caring. I never thought he would have done anything about it, but obviously I was wrong. I now knew he was teaching one of his pervert henchmen a lesson. I was grateful, but I didn’t like what I was hearing. I’d never heard The Joker so angry and it was quite terrifying. I’d hate to be the one that he was angry at.

“Did I stutter!? I’m asking you a question.” I heard a loud slam and then a groan of pain afterwards. “I don’t think you realise how serious this situation is, do you Simon? Well maybe we should slice off your hands, hmm? Make sure you never touch her in that way again, huh? Would you like that?”

Once again there was no answer. Even though I hated that man for what he was doing to me in the van, I still felt sick for him. I could practically hear The Joker getting angrier through the floorboards.

I jumped up from off the floorboards and onto the bed when I heard The Joker erupt with fury. “I ASKED YOU A QUESTION! Since you didn’t answer, I’m going to automatically assume that the answer’s yes!” I didn’t have to be on the floor to hear exactly what was happening anymore. His voice was so loud that I was surprised that whole of Gotham couldn’t hear. I tried blocking out the noise with one of the pillows, but unfortunately it didn’t work. I could hear every movement coming from downstairs. I heard that man’s whimpering and screaming, begging for mercy. I knew how stubborn and relentless The Joker was and I knew he wasn’t going to give up, now that he had put his mind to it. As I heard Simon’s screams becoming louder and more frequent, knowing that The Joker was advancing towards him. The regularity of his screams altered, when he let out the loudest yelp in total and utter agony and it was by this point when I noticed that tears were streaming down my face and even I was letting out little whimpers. The yelping suddenly came to a stop and assumed it was because the man had then blacked out from the pain.

When I thought it was over, I jumped when I heard the sound of a gun shooting. I pulled the pillow tighter around my head, but it still didn’t block out the noises. Eventually all noises came to a halt and everything had calmed down. I heard a quick mumble from The Joker, but it was incoherent.

The sound of footsteps approaching my door could be heard and I already knew who it was. I was scared that he could still be in a bad mood after what had just happened and didn’t turn around in fear of him doing something to me. The door opened letting in light from the hallway and the silhouette of The Joker could be seen on the wall opposite me.

He made his way around the bed to reach his dresser. There he took a quick, serious, glance at me as if I had done something wrong and then turned back to his dressed. I looked down at his trousers and the bottoms were completely soaked with blood along with his shoes. He took off his purple trench coat, which had little splatters of blood on it and proceeded to take of his purple leather gloves which also had blood smeared across them.

It looked as if he was going to punish me in some way, when he began rolling up his sleeves, but what he did took me by surprise. He lay down on the bed beside me, so that his back was on the headboard and he gently pulled the pillow away from my head. He snaked an arm around my waist and firmly dragged my body to his, so that I was sitting on his lap. Without any words said, he brought my head down to his chest so that he could caress my hair. I didn’t know how to react as I was confused by his sudden contrast in mood. My whimpering died down as he continued to stroke my hair, shushing me gently.

“You don’t have to worry about that man now, Harley,” The Joker assured, taking the tape off of my wrists.

“You didn’t have to kill him,” I said through tears.

“Oh, but I did. There’s no place in this world for scum like him. I would have thought you’d be grateful seeing as -”

“No, no. I am grateful,” I assured him as I rubbed his chest as to not make him angry again. “But I thought it was a little drastic.” I felt like a little girl by the way I was sitting on his lap and it made me feel weak. I began to squirm slightly and I think The Joker sensed my discomfort. He placed me back down on the bed again and he stood up as he did. He then followed by starting to unbutton his vest. I stared at him confused at what he was doing.

“So, my little harlequin. I appreciate how much of a good girl you’ve been today. Here I am, thinking that you were going to be struggling to escape and moaning for me to let you go. But in reality, you haven’t complained once. Thank you for that, toots,” he said continuing to take the vest off then place it in the dresser.

I was still confused, but I smiled nonetheless. I was just happy that I had pleased him and that I was on his good side now. “Well, I don’t really have a choice do I Mr J?”

“No, I guess not. But I still figured you’d go running to the cops, or tell your little friend, Gordon.”

I didn’t say anything back, because I didn’t want to let him know that I had been considering it. He’d probably be mad with me and I didn’t want to see what my punishment would be. “Seeing as you’ve been a good girl, I’m going to let you sleep in this bed.”

I glanced up at him as he took his tie off, puzzled. “What? I thought I was sleeping here anyway?”

“Oh no. I was going to let you sleep on the sofa. But I’ve changed my mind. You’re now going to be sleeping in this bed with me.”

My eyes almost popped out of my head and I saw him smirk at my reaction. “Wh-What?” I stuttered.

“This is my bedroom as much as it is yours. Maybe I forgot to mention that,” he snickered slightly.

I stood up from the bed and turned away from him when he began to unbutton the shirt buttons. I didn’t want to see him undressing and I instantly felt really uncomfortable. I could still see him in the vanity mirror, however. I couldn’t help but stare at his body. The scars of course, not his well toned, well built, strong looking, body. Anyway, getting slightly off track. His torso had multiple scars and cuts placed all over him. As I continued to stare at him, he made his way around to my side of the bed and glared down at me, making me feel tiny. He towered above me at least 9 inches taller. He was now only wearing the bottom half of his outfit.

“Strip,” he said casually. I looked at him stunned. As if he already knew what my next question was he repeated himself, “You heard me. Strip.”

I didn’t want to disobey him, but he was making me feel really uncomfortable. “No,” I squeaked quietly as I backed away from him.

“Don’t ruin it for yourself, puddin’. You’ve been a good girl all night and I don’t want to have to punish you. Now strip, before I get angry and do it for you,” he ordered once again. When I hesitated once more, he began talking again. “I’ve already seen you topless, toots, remember? You look nervous. You weren’t like this last time; in fact you were practically ripping the shirt off.”

I started unbuttoning the shirt knowing that he was right. My hands shook, partially because I could feel his eyes on me and partially because it was cold in the room. Once it was finally off, goose bumps began to form from the coldness. I hadn’t noticed how cold it actually was in the room until now.

He began unzipping his purple trousers and as he did I pulled down my skirt and then kicked off my shoes. He did the same, so now we were standing in our underwear only.

“Get into bed,” he ordered in a husky voice.

“Can’t you give me something to wear? Please. It’s cold,” I complained. He rolled his eyes and growled, but still obliged to give me something to wear. He picked up his purplish blue shirt and helped me put it on.

“There. Are you happy now? Now get into bed,” he growled at me. I obeyed him this time and climbed into bed. The shirt reached just below my bottom and even though the sleeves were a little long, it was still warmer, since it still had his body heat radiating from it. Once I was in bed, I made sure I was facing away from The Joker and also that I was as far away as possible from him who was now lying on the opposite side of the bed.

Even though I was now comfortable in the bed, it was still really cold. I tried to stop my body from shaking, uncontrollably, but I couldn’t. The bed was shaking slightly and I mentally kicked myself, knowing that it was probably annoying The Joker. I heard him shuffle slightly in bed, so that he was propped up on his arm.

“What is it?” He asked, irritated by the bed shaking. “Are you crying?”

“No,” I replied. “I’m cold that’s all.”

I yelped loudly when The Joker snaked his arm around my waist and tried to tug me towards him. I gripped onto the edge of the bed and clawed at the sheets to pull myself away from his grip and jump out of the bed.

“Hey, hey,” he whispered in my ear as he grabbed my hand with his other. “You said you were cold. I’m not going to do anything to you.” I whimpered quietly and slowly let go of the mattress, submitting into his vice like grip. This was going to be a very long night. I could feel his hot breath down my neck as his stomach slowly raised up and down in rhythm to his heart beat. Although I was warming up quickly, I couldn’t help but feel awkward and restrained in his grip. I just wanted to be free again.

The Joker’s light snore every so often, was a sign that he was now asleep. Not wanting to, I slowly slipped into a heavy sleep, when my eyelids began to feel heavy. I tried to fight to stay awake, but I failed and fell asleep in his restricting grip.
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Took me all week to write this one. Been busy because of Christmas!
School's out now though! More time to myself!
Can't wait for my new laptop. I'm gonna rape it when I get it...not really. That'd just be creepy. I think I'm going to throw my old one at a wall though. I hate it.
Love you loads like oreos!