Status: Re-posting.

Enchantment Cast by a Spell


As the brooms zoomed overhead, Callie smiled. She was once again herself, and the marauders couldn’t be happier.

Her green eyes were once again bright, her schoolwork done early, and her pranks flawless.

Callie had met the marauders back in their first year of Hogwarts, on the train she had pranked Sirius, and he had taken a liking to her. Quickly catching the attention of the four boys, they scooped her up and she became a close friend. Being the little genius that she is, Lily Evans soon became her best friend. With these five people around her, she had gotten by just fine.

As the years passed, and the pranks increased, Sirius had found himself falling for the brunette. But as we both know they both wouldn’t admit their true feelings. As Sirius ‘dated’ every girl, Callie grew to date other boys.

Each one being threatened by the boys, Callie never hung onto one boy for too long. Sirius never earning enough satisfaction from each girl letting them go. In the end the two would laugh off their relationships and hang together.

As the cold wind nipped at Callie’s nose, she pulled her Gryffindor scarf tighter around her neck. Pushing her gloved hands into her pockets, she headed down the stands and towards the field. Her average size legs took her a little longer to walk across the field, but she would never complain about her height. Her wavy hair blew as the cold air made it quite clear of the season. Her green eyes began to water slightly due to the wind, but she blinked her tears away. Her pale skin shivered as the cold rushed in under her coat.

James was dismissing the team when Sirius smiled and headed towards the girl. She smiled at him and let him throw an arm around her. His taller build stood over hers, but the height was not towering. His brown hair was disheveled due to the wind and flying, but Sirius was never one to care much about his hair. His robes flew behind him with each step they took, and his broom dangled from one hand.

“You came, even though it’s freezing. You know you didn’t have to, you must be missing out on studying time.”

“Of course, I missed the last one. You know I love watching you play. Besides studying can wait for my best mate.” He grinned and tightened his hold on her. Ignoring the ping in his heart at her choice of words, he continued on.

“Merlin you’re cold,” he rubbed her arm with his hand and she smiled at the gesture.

“Yes, but you’re warm. It all evens out.” He laughed and shook his head. After depositing his broom in the locker room they headed out of the cold dungeons and up to the warmer floors.

Dinner was beginning and Callie wanted nothing more than a warm cup of pumpkin juice. She could already taste the sweet flavors of the meats and potatos that waited for their arrival.

As the moved up the floors of the castle, Callie unfastened her scarf, and slid her gloves to the pockets of her coat. Sirius watched with amusement of the girl before him, shedding her clothes as the temperature rose to her cheeks. She looked back at him and smiled, shaking his head he held the door open for her as she skipped through.

“Evening Lily,” Callie said as she sat down piling food onto her plate.

The bright green eyes smiled as the lips of her face. She was happy to see her best mate in her normal self. Callie was the type of girl to light up any room, to make any situation to a happy one, and to cheer up the sadest of sad.

“Evening Callie, how was practice?”

“Marvelous, the boys are flawless on those broomsticks.” Callie gushed as she remembered the boys flying above. She smiled and shook the thoughts away as she took a spoonful of mashed potatoes. She smiled in delight and listened to the buzz of the great hall.

“When we go to Hogsmeade this weekend we must pick up supplies.” James began before taking a sip of his pumpkin juice.

“I agree, I don’t think we got that git Leo. I believe he thinks he is off the hook.” Callie snapped her head to the direction and shook her head.

“Boys, you are finished with him. I am still disappointed you boys did not listen to me that night.”

“Oh Callie dear, we were making it clear to him that he must not treat girls they way he did you.” Sirius said shooting the girl a smile. She rolled her eyes at his attempt to swoon her.

“Whatever Sirius, but no more. I mean it.” They nodded to her but she knew that they were already plotting in their devious minds.


“Class today I would like for you to partner up and practice the potronus spell we had learned in our last lesson.” Callie looked around the room and smiled at Sirius.

Both students excelled and she wanted to make sure she was placed with someone who knew what to do. Walking over to him, she stopped as a blonde ravenclaw stood before him.
Spinning quickly she almost lost balance had it not been for Remus. She smiled up at the boy and he smiled back.

“Partners?” He nodded and they headed towards the back of the classroom. As they begun their lesson Sirius desperately to rid himself of this babbling girl before him. As she spoke he could not help his wandering eyes.

They landed on Callie as her perfect smile etched itself upon her face. Her hand flicked as the spell fell from her lips, as the seconds past a silver outline of a horse. It galloped along the classroom until vanishing back into her wand. Sirius smiled as he was brought back to attention when the girls smacked his head.

“Ow, blimey woman.” Across the room James chuckled shaking his head at his best mate and how obvious he was showing his feelings.


“Thanks for that Call,” Sirius mumbled catching up to the girl leaving the room. She looked up at him and raised an eyebrow.

“What are you talking about Sirius?” She switched her bag to the left shoulder just before Sirius took it adding it to his own.

“Making me partner with Darla.” He shook his head but couldn’t help with a small smile tugged at his lips to the sound of her laughter.

“Oh Sirius, if I had known she was just another fan girl I would have rescued you.”

“I’m keeping you to that promise.” Callie smiled as they entered the history of magic classroom and took their seats in the back. The class was quite boring, but Callie was quite good with the lessons.

She often had to take notes for herself and Sirius, but she was determined not to continue this antic.

Sitting down beside him she looked at him. He slid her bag to her feet and smiled before propping his chair up on the back two legs.

“I am not taking your notes.” Callie told him with a stern voice.

“Sure Callie dear.”


“I cannot believe you made me do all the work, again.” Callie grabbed her bag and left the room in a hurry. Sirius grinned and ran after the girl.

“Always chasing,” James mumbled. Lily looked at him and began to put the pieces together in her mind.
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I kind of like the way I made Sirius.
What do you think?

I like to say thanks to CaptainJackSparrow
She's awesome :)