The Times They Are A-Changin'

The First Time We Met

I pulled my sidekick out of my brown messenger bag, one missed call from Avril came up across the screen, We were crossing the road so I quickly dropped my phone back into the bag and skipped off the pavement and power walked to the other side. Matt had all the new information on the hunt in his hands, I took it off him and placed it in my bag, he grinned widely as strolled down the street, his hands in his pocket, Matt was really handsome, his hair was always messy but it looked good, or for special occasions Matt would slick his hair back. He wore a red shirt with white long sleeved top underneath, blue jeans and hiking boots, his cheeky attitude dazzled me, it was charmingly cheeky, no one could ever stay mad at him, he always wore a smile across his face and always was in a good mood when we were out, and it rubbed off on me, I smiled widely to myself walking down the street to our favorite diner, as we entered we took our usual seat in the corner, Matt grabbed a menu as my sidekick vibrated, it was a text from Ellen asking me to call her, I sighed and put the phone back in my bag,

"So Dean was admiring your bike" I stated as I decided on what to order, Matt smirked and snickered slightly,

"Who doesn't ?" he replied, I laughed quietly and decided on pancakes, Matt decided on waffles with eggs, as we waited for our food Matt and I talked about the first time we met....


I flung open the classroom door and smiled at the fat bald man at the top of the classroom, he glared at me,

"Don't worry people. Stop the search parties, I'm here" I declared as I scanned the room for an empty seat, a rather distracted young man sat in the very far corner at the back, reading a novel of some kind, I smiled because I had the exact same novel in my bag, The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night,

"Miss Brookes I assume ?" the teacher asked, I curtsied and grinned widely,

"Take a seat" the teacher groaned, I automatically sat down beside the guy, he glanced up from behind his book and looked at me,

"Late on the first day ? Tut tut" he said from behind his book, I bit my lip and giggled, he smiled,

"Whoa, dude catch up" I teased, revealing my bookmarked page of the book, his eyes widened when he saw how far along I was, I laughed. At lunch time I sat with him outside,

"I'm Matt by the way" he chuckled I grinned and nodded,

"Addii" I said and grabbed a Fri from his tray.


Our breakfasts had arrived and we dug in straight away, I poured three tonnes of syrup over my pancakes and began digging my knife into the stack, Matt laughed shuck his head, my phone began vibrating again, I sighed loudly and pulled it out of my bag,

"Hello" I groaned, licking my syrupy fingers, Matt grabbed a fork full of pancakes off my plate, I gasped and slapped his arm,

"Why aren't you answering your phone ?" Ellen asked, I shoved a whole pancake in my mouth before answering,

"I'm having breakfast" I mumbled through the pancake, Matt chuckled loudly,

"You're disgusting" Ellen stated and laughed,

"Anyway, there's a surprise welcome home party for John tonight at Bobbies house, You and Matt get your buts over here at 8 o'clock" Ellen declared, I gasped,

"JOHN'S BACK ?! I shouted, Matt looked up at me, his eyes widened,

"Did Dean and Sammy not tell you ?" Ellen asked shocked, I frowned,

"No, they didn't" I admitted, she told us to go get ready so we headed home. I neatend my white strapless dress, it was a tight dress which complimented my figure, but i still wore a large black belt around my waist, I couldn't decide on my hair up or down, I began to dial Avril's number,

"Hey" I chirped as I ran my fingers through my hair,

"Why didn't you answer your phone ?" she asked,

"I was really busy" I groaned and applied some lip gloss,

"My car broke down, I'm OK now though" she exclaimed, I gasped,

"I'm so sorry, get back here though there's a surprise party for John" I said and sat down on my bed,

"Oh, OK, I'll be home soon" she said and hung up. I decided on my hair down, I straightened it quickly and grabbed my purse, I ran down to the bar and all the regulars complimented me, I gushed when I heard the door open, I turned on my heel to face the door, there stood Matt, he was wearing black skinnies, a white t-shirt and a black blazer, he had his hair slicked to side, he smiled and ran his hands over his mouth,

"Whoa, Addii, you look amazing" he mumbled, I giggled slightly and took my keys out of my purse. We arrived at the junk yard and walked towards the house, we walked up to the door and Matt took a deep breath, I reached over and rang the doorbell, we waited patiently as a tall figure came towards the door.
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