The Times They Are A-Changin'

Remember Me?

The next morning I woke up to the sound of a shower running. I immediately jumped up noticing I was half naked I quickly hopped out of the rather comfortable double bed and began to dress myself again. 'Where am I?' I thought to myself. I threw on my sparkly black dress from last nights party and fell onto the floor as I struggled to put my heels back on. Just then a man came out from the bathroom with a white towel wrapped around his waste. "You leaving?" he asked. drying his light brown hair with another towel. I grabbed my phone and looked at it. 20 missed calls and 10 messages. 'Shit' I thought to myself. "Eh yeah sorry, I eh, I have to go now but emmm....thanks for last night...bye!" I stuttered making my way to the door. The man turned to me and shook his head. Just before I opened the door I heard the man laugh "you really don't remember a thing about last night do you?" I kept my head down in shame and shook my head. "Oh man!" he replied. I was about to leave before he mocked me again when he asked "Do you want to stay for breakfast? I'm making pancakes?" Knowing how much I loved pancakes I smiled and nodded.

I sat at the breakfast bar quietly as the man prepared his ingredients. "So, you really don't remember me?" he asked. I rolled my eyes. "Look I have been in this situation before!" I barked back. He smirked showing his cute dimples. He was quite handsome with bright blue eyes and little stubble on his face. "No no, not like that. I was in your school, RYAN WILLIAMS!" he chuckled. My eyes almost popped out of my head in shock. "Oh God, I'm really sorry Ryan I didn't reconize you," I choked out. He laughed placing the pancakes on my plate. I grabbed the mapple syrup and began pouring it all over my pancakes. I licked my lips! "We were talking about it last night! You were that drunk huh?" he chuckled. "The last thing I can remember was Dean and Addii leaving together. Why were you at John's party anyway?" I replied. Ryan just shrugged his shoulders "ah never mind, just some business...anyway eat up?" he muttered.

Just then my phone rang. It read 'Sam calling'. 'One of the Winchesters?' I thought. "Hello?"I answered.

"Hi it's Sam Winchester, is this Avril Taggart?" he asked shyly.

"Yeah it is indeed" I replied.

"I'm just calling to say that when you went off with that man last night you kinda left your brother Alex at the party" he chuckled.

I placed my hand on my forehead and shook my head. "Oh my God. I'm so sorry! Is he okay?" I asked with great embarassment.

"Yeah he's fine he's here with us in our house if you want to pick him up..." he replied.

"Thanks so much, I'll be there as soon as I can!" I replied saying goodbye and hanging up my phone.

I turned back to Ryan. His expression on his face was a mixture of frustration and sorrow. "I'm really sorry Ryan but I got to go now!" I smiled. Ryan walked me to the door. "Need a lift?" he chuckled. I sighed a little and nodded.

Ryan drooped me right outside the Winchesters house. "Thanks for everything!" I smiled. Ryan smiled back "anytime!" I leaned forward and kissed his cheek before jumping out of the car and running to the door of the house. I waved to Ryan and he drove off. I tried to make myself look reasonable, it didn't work. I knocked on the door and before I knew it a figure came to greet me at the door.
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