The Times They Are A-Changin'

Quick Witted

Matt's Point Of View;

“Wait up” I heard a voice call from behind me, I sighed and turned on my heel, John was running down the corridor behind me,

“I’d love some coffee” he chirped, I rolled my eyes and continued on with him to the cafeteria, we both got coffee and sat down at a small table, I sipped my coffee and frowned at John as he sat staring at me, a weird smile on his face,

“Why is it you two aren’t together yet ?” he asked, I looked at him and raised my eyebrow as I placed my coffee on the table,

“You and Addison ?” he exclaimed, I bit my lip and shook my head,

“It’s not like that, we’re best friends” I said and searched my backpack for my book, I placed my wallet and phone on the table, John grabbed my wallet,

“Hey, give it back” I demanded, he turned it to me and pointed to the picture of Addison and me that I kept in it, I laughed,

“You’re looking at this all wrong, I’ve been best friends with Addii since I was 15, that’s like 10 years, that’s a long time John” I chuckled and drank some more coffee, he grinned,

“I know, you’re forgetting, I’ve known the both of you for 5 years and you’ve always had a thing for her” he stated and gulped his coffee, I pursed my lips and shook my head,

“You’re reading too much into this. Anyway even if, hypothetically, I did like her, it’d never happen, cause shes got a crush on Dean” I murmured and drank my coffee, John frowned at me,

“My son Dean ?” he asked in disbelief as I put my coffee down again, I paused and smiled smugly,

“No, Dean Martin, of course your son Dean” I choked, he laughed and shook his head,

“You’re quick witted Matt, I like that” he chuckled and I pursed my lips in a smile and put my wallet in my back pocket,

“You hitting on me John ?” I teased, we both laughed but I stopped when I saw Dean and Sam walking towards us, I sighed and crossed my arms,

“That reaction says it all” John whispered as Sam and Dean sat with us, John looked at Dean and smiled,

“The nurse kicked us out, she’s getting her check up, getting dressed and heading down” Dean explained, I opened my book and tried to ignore the conversation, I was happy Addii was coming home, I needed to get away from this place,

“How’re you two getting home ?” John asked and I looked up from my book,

“Well Ellen and me came in her car” I said, suddenly realising I hadn’t seen Ellen for awhile,

“Ellen left when she heard Addii was coming home so she could go clean up a bit” John stated, I dropped my book on my lap and widened my eyes in shock, how could Ellen do this to me ?

“We’ll give you a lift back” Dean said and patted my shoulder, I gritted my teeth and smiled,

“Thanks guys” I chirped trying not to let my sarcastic nature shine through, I stood up and picked up my coffee and placed my book under my arm,

“I’ll go get Addii” I announced and walked off on these guys for the second time today.
♠ ♠ ♠
I Was On A Roll ;''D
2 Chapterss ;)