Status: I update when I can ? :)

Let's Get One Thing Straight,

Happens all the time, love,

The sun shone brightly through the curtains, and through my eyelids. I rubbed my sleep crusted eyes feeling unfamiliar sheets against my partially naked body. I opened my eyes and looked around -- I was in John's room?

I was in only my bra and underwear, he lay face down. I couldn't even remember the previous night, I got so trashed. I gasped slightly as the realization hit me.

I was half naked laying in John's bed.

I got up, John stirred slightly. I froze as he sat up, his eyes a little puzzled.

"We-I-You-, did we have sex?"
"Whoa, no, no,"
"Why was I half naked in your bed?"
"You got a little drunk, stomped up here, freaked out and took your clothes off,"
"Oh," I was embarrassed.
"I think-" There was heavy footsteps coming up the stairs.

I panicked looking at John with pleading eyes, the doorknob jiggled, it was stuck. He gestured to the side of his bed, I lay flat and the door was finally shoved open. A chuckle was let out, and I tensed up.

"Hey man," I could hear Kennedy's sweet voice speak softly.
"What's up?" John was nervous.
"Nothing really," There was an awkward pause in conversation.
"Why is Macy's stuff all over your room?" He asked curiously.
"She got drunk last night,"
"Asshole," Kennedy spat.
"We didn't-"
"Not only did you take advantage of her, you know how I feel about her," The footsteps retreated back down the staircase after the door was slammed.

I stood up looking at John, I itched the back of my neck.

"I'm sorry," I looked out the window.
"It's not a big deal," He shrugged.
"Well, I'm gonna, go?" I pulled on my shorts and found the rest of my outfit.
"Bye Mace," He walked me out the door.

I got in my car, which conveniently was parked houses away. I sat in the driver's seat, my head against the steering wheel. My stomach was churning, I was upset with myself mostly. Maybe even John a little bit for not telling Kennedy the truth, maybe because he didn't make me go home with a different boy.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail and started my car.

I was in for a long ride home. GUILT.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so, I totally love Mrs_Jessica_Midnight, she always leaves me comments, on EVERY update, and this was for her. Cus she's just the best.

But I've made a little goal for myself, if there is not 5 comments on this update, it will take me MUCH MUCH longer to update. So ... 5 comments ? :)

Loveeeee you all.