‹ Prequel: It's Not Over

Far Too Long


St. Louis was a huge adjustment from Grand Forks. Neither TJ nor Danielle knew quite what to expect. For TJ the toughest aspect to get used to was the physical toll it took on his body; the daily practices and pretty much every other day games. On top of that he was playing against some damn big guys. The hits were rougher, the shots were harder, and the pace was faster. It took him some effort to be able to hang with the big boys. For the first month he was sore, he was aching and he was miserable but he didn't give up. He pushed through. Danielle’s biggest issue was getting used to the fans. It seemed like the minute he arrived in St. Louis TJ was famous. There was so much hype about him that the city fell in love him before he ever played a game. Danielle understood it. She had watched him on the ice a million and a half times and it just came so effortlessly. He knew where to be, when to be there, he wasn’t afraid to get physical and loved getting that puck on net. TJ was just incredible on the ice. Whenever he got out there you couldn't take your eyes off of him and if you did he made you regret it by doing something phenomenal. The amount of love the people in this city had for her fiancé was astonishing. People were even naming their dogs after him. He was just that famous here and it kind of freaked Danielle out. It washed away any hopes of them having a normal life together. They couldn't do those little things together that other couples did. Trips to the grocery store turned into mini autograph sessions and there was always someone popping up asking Danielle to take their picture with TJ. It was cute the first few hundred times but now it just annoyed her.

Danielle glanced into the kitchen from where she sat in the living room and sighed. The piles of dishes on the counter were still there. Danielle had tried to implement a rotating cleaning schedule where one week she would clean the kitchen, TJ would do the bathrooms and then Patrik Berglund would do the rest of the apartment. This week it was TJ’s turn to do the kitchen. It was Wednesday and there were three days worth of dishes sitting in the kitchen. Danielle had refused to do them. She always ended up doing TJ’s share of the cleaning because he was always beat out or stressed. It didn't help that he was so good at giving her those puppy dog eyes that made her weak. Danielle always caved but this time would be different, she told herself. She had left those damn dishes and he was going to do them the minute he walked through that front door from practice if she had to force him. She knew that a fight was going to break out but she didn't care. She was fed up with his shit. One thing that TJ hated was house work. Danielle had never had a problem with Patrik. He liked to keep things clean and tidy. He was just as meticulous as Danielle was and that alone resulted in them getting along beautifully from day one. They had even joked time after time that one of these days they were going to kick TJ’s sloppy ass out and stay there together. TJ didn't like that idea too much and it just made ganging up on him all the more fun.

The front door opened and TJ and Patrik bounded through the doorway in their typical loud, noisy fashion. Danielle didn't think that they even knew what the word quiet meant and they sure as hell never developed those indoor voices that kids were taught to use in kindergarten. “Babe!” TJ shouted as he kicked off his sneakers. “We’re fucking starving. Bergie wants to go to..”

“You can talk to me when you clean the kitchen.” Danielle cut TJ off.

“The kitchen will be there after we get back.” He informed her with a smartass grin on his face.

“Maybe so. But if you leave without cleaning it then you better not even think about coming back.” She warned him. Not actually meaning it, but putting forth her best effort at sounding stern.

“Why don't we call a maid service?” He turned to face Patrick as he continued talking. “What was the name of that place that Backes said he..”

“TJ!” Danielle exclaimed as she jumped to her feet. Even when she was standing as tall as possible TJ had to look down at her. It made it hard for him to take her seriously when she got mad because she was so tiny and adorable that her anger just made him smile. “Go clean the fucking kitchen or I swear to god I am going to go in there and throw every fucking dish out.” She yelled as she pointed in the direction of the kitchen. TJ grinned down at her and she screamed out of frustration.

“I’ll do it, Dani.” Patrik spoke up from the archway where he was watching their argument play out. He was always the easy going one. He would rather just do the damn dishes so that he didn't have to listen to an argument; even if it was one that didn't involve him. He turned to walk towards the kitchen when Danielle spoke up.

“Bergie don't you dare do his job!” She told him firmly.

“I’ll be done in fifteen minutes!” He told her as he entered the kitchen and turned on the sink.

“PATRIK!” Danielle shouted as she stomped her foot.

“I’ve already started!” He stated causing Danielle to turn towards TJ with her arms folded across her chest.

“Problem solved.” TJ concluded as he placed a kiss on Danielle’s forehead. “Did you really just stomp your foot?!” He asked with an amused chuckle.

“I swear I'm going to leave you for him.” She stated.

“You’re going to leave me for Bergie?” TJ asked with a laugh.

“At least HE knows how to clean a god damn plate. At least HE understands that you can’t leave dishes in a sink for a friggin week. At least HE isn’t useless. At lease HE..”

“Jeeze Bergie! Way to steal my woman.” TJ called towards the kitchen. Within seconds Patrik’s head popped out and he was smirking.

“It wasn’t that hard Timmy. You’re not exactly a catch.” He stated before going back into the kitchen. TJ turned back to face Danielle.

“He’s right you know.” Danielle stated. TJ reached out and grabbed a hold of his fiancé’s waist, pulling her towards him.

“I'm not a catch?” He asked her to which she shook her head. His lips pressed against hers lightly. “Really?” He asked. This time she hesitated before she shook her head. His lips came in contact with hers once more, harder this time. “No?” Danielle grinned wildly up at TJ. “That's what I thought.” He stated. “I love you baby.”

“I would love you more if you did something other than eat, sleep and play hockey.” Danielle stated.

“What else is there to do?!” Danielle shook her head at him and began towards the bedroom knowing that he actually believed that life was only eating, sleeping and hockey. “Get ready! We’re going out to eat at Blueberry Hill.” TJ yelled down the hallway after Danielle. He made his way into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge.

“Way to make me look bad, Berg.” TJ said to Patrik.

“You do a good job of that on your own, Osh.” He replied. “And besides...she cooks. I'm not putting myself on her bad side.”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this wasn't exactly an action packed chapter but I promise it will pick up =]
hope you liked it!
