‹ Prequel: It's Not Over

Far Too Long


“What are we going to do without you Danielle?” Patrik asked as he leaned back in his chair and rubbed a hand over his stomach after finishing his meal. “When do you go?”

“Tonight.” Danielle replied, not looking up from her Teriyaki Chicken that she had barely taken a bite of. She was just pushing it around her plate thinking about the upcoming ten days. This was an annual trip for her family. Every early December Danielle, Dylan and their parents rented a house in Aspen, Colorado for ten days where they went skiing, snowboarding and just got away from reality for a little family bonding. Danielle loved going, but this was the first year since they had been together that TJ was not going to be there with her. TJ, picking up on Danielle’s anxiety, raised his hand from the back of her chair and squeezed her shoulder as he kissed the side of her face.

“You're going to have a great time. It’ll be good for you to reconnect with your family.” He told her.

“I just wish you were coming with me.” She replied.

“I know babe, but there's no way I can. Colorado just happens to fall on our home stretch.”

“I’ll come with you.” Patrik told Danielle with a smirk. “I bet Ma and Pa Avery would like me more than Osh.” He continued.

“Screw you Bergie! In case you forgot we do play on the same team. If I have to be here you do too.”

“I would blow off hockey for you.” He told Danielle with a wink.

“And that is why you are my favourite.” She told him.

“Dude!” TJ exclaimed. “When the hell did you start trying to move in on my wife?”

“Fiancé.” Danielle informed him.

“Yah. Fiancé.” Patrik said. “Don’t get ahead of yourself Timmy.” TJ huffed and leaned back in his chair.

“You two are unbelievable.” He muttered.

“This is as far as I can go, babe.” TJ told Danielle as they neared the metal detectors that lead to the terminal. Danielle turned to face him and her bottom lip began to tremble. She had told herself that she wasn’t going to cry...so much for that. “Baby!” TJ cooed as he wrapped his arms around Danielle and pulled her against his chest as tears began falling over her cheeks.

“I'm going to miss you.” She squeaked in a high pitched voice.

“I'm going to miss you too Dani.” TJ reassured her. “Look at me.” She shook her head against his chest in protest. “Danielle. Look at me.” He stated sternly as he took her chin and raised it so that her eyes met his. “I love you.” He told her as he kissed the tip of her nose. “Go have an amazing time in Colorado. You deserve a getaway.”

“Be good.” She ordered.

“Always.” TJ replied but she shot him a sideways glance. TJ had developed a pair of wandering eyes since being it St. Louis. There were more fish in the sea out here. The St. Louis fish tank was a lot larger than the NoDak fish tank and the women had no shame. They would go to any lengths to get TJ’s attention. Danielle knew that TJ had never cheated on her, but he was a guy after all and she knew that he enjoyed the attention. TJ was a ladies man at heart and she had caught him looking numerous times.

TJ leaned in and pressed his lips against Danielle’s. “Call me when you land so I know that you got there safely.” Danielle nodded as she wiped tears away. “I love you.” He told her as he kissed her once again.

“I love you too.” TJ gave her two quick kisses. “Bye Teej.” Danielle said sadly and turned, walking away from her fiancé.

Once Danielle had gotten through security her cell phone vibrated. She pulled it out of her pocket and slid it open to find a text message from TJ. Miss you already babe. Can’t wait til you get home. Danielle smiled to herself and put her phone back in her pocket shaking the insecurities from her head. Sometimes she just over thought everything. She didn't need to be worried about leaving TJ for ten days at all.

As Danielle was sitting in the waiting area outside of the gate her cell phone vibrated once more. A smile formed on her face. She assumed that it was another message from TJ, but when she looked at the screen she saw that it was her mother. “Hi mom! I'm just sitting at the gate waiting..”

“Danielle! Oh good. I'm glad I caught you.” Her mom blurted and then took a breath that she had been holding for a while.

“What's wrong?”

“Your father has to go to away last minute for business to Europe.” She told Danielle.

“Oh no! It’s not going to be the same without..”

“We cancelled the trip.”


“Your father and I are going to Italy.” Her mother exclaimed not at all trying to hide her excitement. Danielle’s mother had always dreamed of going to Italy and had never gotten the chance.


“Oh honey...I know how much you and your brother look forward to our trip to Aspen but we are going to do it next month. We’re still going to do it sweetheart!”

“No! That's fine mom! You and Dad have a great time! I’ll talk to you when you get back.”

“Okay Danielle. I’ll talk to you soon. Tell TJ your father and I say hello!”

“I will. Love you mom.” Danielle said as she hung up. She sighed a breath of relief and got up and began walking towards the exit. Sure she was a little disappointed...but maybe next month TJ would be able to come along.

After an hour of trying to track down her suitcase Danielle finally had her stuff. She had gone home, changed and put on some makeup before calling a cab. She hadn’t told TJ that the trip was off; she was planning on surprising him. Him and some of the boys on the team were planning on going out to a local bar that they always went to and Danielle couldn't wait to see his face when she showed up.

Danielle made her way through the crowds of people scanning them for a familiar face. After walking through the bar numerous times she spotted her fiancé’s signature backwards hat and began walking towards him. Her smile widened as she neared but suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. TJ wrapped his arms around the waist of a brunette with huge obviously fake boobs. He pulled her close to him and as she smiled suggestively at him he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the side of her face. Danielle abruptly turned around and ran from the bar as her eyes welled with tears. She had never felt so betrayed in her entire life. Sure it was one thing when TJ had cheated on her in college but they were engaged now! She was supposed to be marrying him and here he was all over bar sluts the minute she was gone. Danielle got into a cab and managed to tell the cabbie her address.

It was a huge slap in the face to find TJ like this. Danielle thought that they were past all of this crap. Yes she knew that he noticed women but never in a million years did she think that he did this. She wondered how long this had been going on for. She highly doubted that this was the first time. It was no coincidence that the one time Danielle showed up unexpected she caught TJ with another woman. The hurt slowly began to be replaced by anger as she thought about everything she had given up for TJ. Danielle had left her entire life back in Grand Forks. She left her friends, she left school, she left all of her familiarities behind to follow him. She gave up everything for TJ and she was wishing that she hadn’t.

Danielle’s head snapped up and she looked at the cabbie. “Take me to the airport.” She told him. He glanced at her for a second but did as he was told. Danielle didn't want to look at TJ. She didn't even want to look at Patrik. Him and TJ were attached at the hip. She didn't think for a second that he hadn’t known about this and she was crushed. She had to get out of St. Louis.
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sorry this took so long! this was a really hard chapter to get out but this would not be teej and danielle if there was no drama.

keep me motivated =]