‹ Prequel: It's Not Over

Far Too Long


“So what’s the deal with you and Oshie?” Patrick finally asked Danielle. They had been out and about in Chicago for almost three hours now and he was just getting around to asking. He had been curious ever since he left Jonathan’s apartment last night. He didn't understand why TJ would get with some other chick when his girlfriend was perfect. Patrick had never been a relationship type of guy, but if he did ever decide to get into one he would want his girlfriend to be just like Danielle. Sure he had only spent a few hours with her but she was pretty easy going, a breeze to talk to, fun to be around and not to mention gorgeous.

“Uhm...” Danielle mumbled as she looked out the passenger’s side window of Patrick’s black Cadillac Escalade. “It’s complicated.” Danielle opted for this explanation rather than the in depth account of the state of her relationship that would most definitely result in Patrick needed a shrink.

“I kind of figured.” He told her. Danielle glanced at him and he continued. “I mean...your boyfriend cheats on you and you hop on the first plane out of there?”

“Fiancé.” Danielle told him to which Patrick rolled his eyes.


“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Danielle questioned.

“You're not ready to marry the guy.”

“Who the hell are you to tell me what I am or am not ready to do? You don't know me!”

“Don't I?”


“I think I know you pretty well, Danielle.” Patrick told her. “You find Oshie with some chick and this is where you run? Clearly you're trying to make your fiancé jealous.” She shook her head and looked out the window again. “I’m right, aren't I?”

“No.” She told him. “You couldn't be more wrong.”

“Well then why did you run to Tazer if you’re not trying to..”

“I didn't come out here to get at TJ! I came out here for me! Jonny was the one that helped me through all this shit the last time.” Patrick’s eyes widened at Danielle.

“He cheated on you before?” Danielle sighed; she really didn't want to talk about this.

“Yah. Back in college.”

“And you stayed with him?”

“It wasn’t just him. I fucked up as well.” For some reason Danielle felt the need to defend TJ’s actions.

“How did you..” Patrick trailed off as he realized what exactly Danielle meant. “Ohhh! You and Tazer?” He asked with a grin on his face.

“I don't know why I'm even telling you any of this!” Danielle exclaimed out of frustration. “Just stop talking to me.”

“Oh come on! I'm not judging. Apparently Jonny as you call him is a good looking guy. That's what the girls around here say, anyways.” Danielle laughed lightly which in turn put a smile on Patrick’s face. “So how exactly did he help you through this the last time?” Danielle shot him a look and he didn't need her to say anything. He could tell by the look on her face just how Jonathan had helped her. “Woah.” He exclaimed. “So you guys had some messed up love triangle going on?”

“I really don't want to talk about this, Patrick.” Danielle insisted.

“Okay. That's cool. I get it. I just hope that you're not out here looking for some lovin’. Actually...let me rephrase that. I hope you didn't come all this way for some Tazer lovin’.” If that was what it took to get Danielle’s mind off of TJ then he would gladly step up and fill Jonathan’s shoes. Patrick was more than certain that he could show her a thing or two that Jonathan couldn't.

“No! I didn't come out here for that!”

“Okay. I just wanted to check. The Jonathan Toews you knew back at North Dakota is not the Jonathan Toews that exists now.” Danielle glanced at Patrick with curiosity. She had been thinking that Jonathan seemed different, but she figured that her showing up like she did had caught him off guard.

“What do you mean?”

“Well...I don't know how to explain it, really. He’s gone all captain serious now. All work and no play. He’s kind of...dull.” All work and no play?! That certainly didn't sound like Jonny. Danielle had seen firsthand just how much he loved to have fun. If it wasn’t for him having to keep his gpa up to stay on the hockey team he would never have gone to class. Danielle knew the kind of fun that Jonathan liked to have...she had been the one that had bailed him and TJ out of jail when they had too much fun.

“Yah. He seems different.” She muttered.

“Did he say something?”

“No. I just wanted to go out tonight and he told me that it wasn’t a good idea. I know it probably doesn't seem like a big deal, but that's just not him.”

“Well...I can’t go out and get shitfaced tonight. I have a few things to do first thing in the morning but how about tomorrow night you and I go drink your pretty little head free of all these problems?” Danielle studied Patrick for a moment trying to figure out if it was a good idea to take him up on his offer. She did want to go out. She could go by herself, but that would probably be more stupid than going with Patrick. She couldn't help but smile at the waiting expression on his face. “Come on!” He prodded. “I'm lots of fun. I promise.”

“I bet you are.” Danielle replied. She had no doubt in her mind that Patrick knew how to have good time. She couldn't see anything wrong with hanging out with Patrick. She was already hanging out with him after all. Patrick stuck his bottom lip out at Danielle and she burst out laughing. “Okay! Alright. Tomorrow night.” Patrick pumped his fist in the air victoriously and Danielle shook her head and glanced out the window with a smile on her face.

It was the first time since she had seen TJ with his bitch that she genuinely felt happy. Even if it was only for a few moments. She glanced back at Patrick who was focussing on the road in front of him. He was adorable. Adorably sexy, that is. Patrick was the same as countless other professional hockey players in that he felt like he was the best thing that had ever happened to the world. The different thing about Patrick was that he knew just when to bust out the I'm-so-sweet-and-innocent look when he realized that the cockiness wasn’t working. Most guys would give up and move on to the next girl rather than actually having to work, but he wasn’t one to quit. This was exactly how TJ was before he and Danielle had gotten together. Patrick Kane actually reminded Danielle of the TJ she had met in her freshman year at NoDak and she wasn’t sure if that was good thing or a bad thing.

TJ had been lost without Danielle around the house. He had been even more lonely considering he and Patrik hadn’t spoken since Patrik had told him off earlier. TJ didn't blame him. He knew he had fucked up and he couldn't wait for Danielle to get home so that he could sit her down and talk to her about it in person. That was the first time since Jaime that he had even thought of another woman that way. Sure he had looked, it was kind of hard not to when he had women practically begging him to sleep with them. That chick at the bar was an eye opener. He had been having second thoughts about how serious his relationship with Danielle was, but now he knew more than ever that he needed her. It was as simple as that. He needed her with him.

TJ opened his laptop and pulled up his credit card records online. It was the first Saturday of the month and he needed to pay some bills like Danielle always did. She wasn’t here so it was up to him to get it done. As the screen loaded something caught his attention. Chicago. TJ scrolled through today’s transactions and there were three charges to their American Express made in Chicago. Someone had stolen their credit card information! TJ reached for his phone and quickly called Danielle. He had no idea what to do. She was the one that took care of the bills. He didn't even know who to call!

“Hi! You’ve reached Danielle! Sorry I missed your call but you know what to do.” TJ smiled when he heard Danielle’s voice.

“Hey babe. Uhm, I need you to call me when you get this. It’s really important. Someone stole our amex info and...well...you know what? I'm just going to try Dylan. You probably left your phone at the cottage.” He said to her voicemail and then hung up. He immediately dialled Dylan’s phone number and waited as a bunch of rings when in.

“Osh!” Dylan exclaimed. “What's going on, man?”

“Not too much. Listen, I just need to talk to Danielle. Can you put her on the..”

“Danielle?! I’m not with Danielle.”

“Oh. Is she with your mom? I’ll try her..”

“TJ are you drunk, buddy? Aspen got cancelled.” TJ’s head snapped up when he heard those words. “Mom and dad are in Italy.”

Jonathan unlocked the door to his apartment and stepped inside. “Danielle?!” He called out as he flicked on the lights in the entranceway. It was deadly quiet and all of the lights were off in the apartment. He figured that she must be asleep so he kicked off his shoes and made his way down the hallway towards the guest bedroom that she was staying in. He slowly opened the door and peeked in. “Dani?” When he saw that the bed was empty and still made he pulled out his phone and dialled Danielle’s number as his heart began to race. Where could she have gone? What if she was out somewhere and had gotten lost? What if she was hurt?

“Hey Jonny.” Jonathan felt relieved when he heard Danielle’s voice.

“Hey! Where..”

“Patriiiick!” Danielle exclaimed as she began laughing. Jonathan’s eyes widened and he stopped midsentence, straining to hear as much as he could. “No! I'm not watching that. You can’t just put it on and act all innocent. I told you that clowns freak me out. I'm not watching a movie about a killer clown. Yah well I don't care if it’s your favourite. Pick something that won’t scare me for life.” Again she laughed at something that Patrick had said and Jonathan rolled his eyes. He could only imagine what his teammate had said to Danielle. “Sorry Jonny. What's up?” What's up?! He thought. He came home expecting to find Danielle in a heap on the couch but she wasn’t here. She's watching movies with Patrick.

“Nothing. I just got home and thought that you might want to go out for dinner.”

“Oh! Patrick and I actually already ate.” Of course they had. “I wasn’t sure when you were going to be home so I..”

“It’s okay. I’ll just get something here. When are you coming back?”

“Uhm...we’re just going to watch a movie and then I’ll be over. Oh!” She exclaimed. “Jonny I've got to go. I’ll see you soon.” She said quickly.

“Alright. Let me know when..” Jonathan stopped when he heard a click. “Hello? Danielle?” He sighed as he looked at his phone and realized that she had hung up. He threw his phone angrily on the couch. He was going to lose it tomorrow when he saw Patrick.
♠ ♠ ♠
it's about to hit the fan.
chapter 6 is sure to be drama filled =]

thanks to all of you who commented on the last chapter!
they made me super happy so do it again??!