‹ Prequel: It's Not Over

Far Too Long


“Danielle!” TJ called after Danielle as she pulled Patrick from Jonathan’s apartment. He began towards the door but was brought up solid as Jonathan jumped in front of him. “Get the fuck out of my way!”

“Give her a little bit of time.” Jonathan said.

“Are you fucking crazy?!” TJ exclaimed flailing his arms around like a madman. “I am not going to give her time! She can be as mad as she wants to be at me, but she's going to sleep it off here. She's not going off with Patrick Kane while she’s drunk and angry with me. No fucking way is that happening.”

“TJ she needs to cool off.”

“Yah well she can cool off here. I’ll go to a hotel. She is not spending the night with him.” He decided as he stepped past Jonathan. Jonathan, hearing TJ’s idea, couldn't help but laugh. “I'm glad you find this funny.” TJ stated bitterly.

“I just never thought I would ever hear those words come out of your mouth.” Jonathan laughed again at the irony of the situation. Danielle was furious with TJ and he was going off to get her and let her spend the night at Jon's place while he went to a hotel. TJ never trusted Jonathan with Danielle but clearly he trusted Patrick even less.

“Yah well at least I know you’ve got her best interests in mind. You're not going to try to fuck her while she's trashed, pissed and vulnerable.”

“Here.” Patrik muttered as he handed Danielle’s engagement ring to TJ after picking it up from behind the armchair in the corner of the living room. TJ stared down at the ring momentarily before taking it in his fingers. It was gorgeous. It still sparkled like it did the day he had proposed to her in their apartment in Grand Forks.

“Will you marry me?” I asked Danielle again with fear in my eyes. I had no idea what she going to say. We had gone through so much. We had too many ups and downs for me to be sure. All I was sure of was that I love this girl and it would crush me if she said no.

“TJ...you know I love you but do you know what you're asking me?!”

“Of course. Danielle I want to be with you forever. So I figure...why not start forever now?” She tore her stunning eyes away from mine and glanced to the ring that was still in my fingers.

“You’re not doing this to try to prove to me that this time will be different, are you?”

“No! No. Not at all.” I looked down with a grin on my face. “I had this nice night planned for us.” I told her before connecting my eyes to hers again. “I don't know if you remember this, but we were on our way back to the hotel.” she nodded, as I told her this. “I had taken the ring to the manager earlier that day and he was going to put it on one of those silver trays with the covers over top. I was going to call down and order something and then when it came up it would actually be this.” I shrugged and looked back at the ring. “I guess that's actually kind of cheesy, huh?” I muttered. I had never been good at being romantic, but I tried. I wanted to do something special for her. She deserved it after all the shit I had put her through.

“No!” She protested. “That would have been perfect. I would have loved that, Teej.”

“It’s not the ring I wanted to get you, but do you know how expensive these damn things are?!” I told her honestly and she laughed.

“I do, but it’s beautiful! I love it, Teej!”

“So...will you marry me?” I asked her again, this time with more confidence. A grin crept across her face as she nodded. “Yeah?!” I asked.

“Yes. Yes!!!” She exclaimed. I breathed a sigh of relief as I jumped up, pulling her to her feet spinning her around. I placed her back on the ground and pushed my lips against hers.

“Danielle Oshie.” I said, unable to hide the excitement in my voice. “I like it.”

As TJ came out of the trance he was in he felt empty. His life wouldn't be what he wanted it to be if Danielle wasn’t in it. Glancing down at the ring in his oversized fingers he felt his heart break slightly. It was gorgeous...but it wasn’t nearly as gorgeous as it was when it was on Danielle’s finger.

Patrick opened the door to his apartment and allowed Danielle to walk in. He smirked to himself at the series of events that had just taken place. This was easier than he had thought it was going to be. All he had to do was stand there while TJ pushed Danielle closer to him. He would gladly be her shoulder to cry on. She needed someone to be there for her, and Patrick planned on being that guy. He would dry her tears and then fuck away any thoughts of her fiancé. Actually...scratch that. Her ex fiancé.

Patrick grinned to himself. He wouldn't have thought twice about getting Danielle into bed while she was with Oshie, but the fact that she no longer had that ring on her finger just turned him on even more. He wanted to show her what else was out there; what she had been missing all this time being engaged. He had no intentions of trying to be her boyfriend. He didn't want any part of that. What he did want was the ability to say he had been with her.

Danielle went straight to Patrick’s couch and collapsed onto it crying her eyes out. She hated fighting with TJ, but he always brought out extreme emotions in her. Who did he think he was to fly all the way out here and then continue to lie to her?! A part of her was happy to see him; to know that he still cared about her enough to try and fight for her. Unfortunately it was too late for that. Danielle had put up with enough from TJ over the years. Back in college they had fucked around on each other, but she thought that was over with. Since all the drama of her accident she and TJ had been on the same page. They were starting their life together and leaving all that crap in their past...at least that's what she thought they were doing.

“Hey!” Patrick soothed as he sat next to Danielle’s smaller frame and wrapped her in his arms. “It’s okay.” He told her as he kissed the top of her head and lightly stoked his thumb over the skin of her arm.

“It’s not okay!” She exclaimed.

“Yes it is.” Danielle raised her head so that her red, teary eyes met Patrick’s baby blues.

“Am I not attractive, Patrick?” She questioned through her sobs. “I mean...do you think I don't turn him on anymore?”

“Listen to me.” Patrick ordered as his hands went to either side of her face. As he spoke his eyes were staring deep into Danielle’s. “You are gorgeous.” He told her simply, allowing a moment for his words to sink in. “TJ is a moron. If you were mine I would never ever let you get away. You’re amazing, Danielle. Don't you ever think differently.”

“But he..”

“He’s taken one too many slap shots to head. He doesn't deserve you, and he definitely doesn't deserve to have you crying over him. He’s a loser! You deserve someone who knows how special you are. Someone who sees you for you and knows how lucky he is to call you his.” Danielle’s heart jumped in her chest as she heard Patrick’s words. She didn't know if it was the buzz that she still had from the booze or if it was the way Patrick was staring into her eyes but she couldn't stop herself. Before she knew it she had her lips pressed against his.
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so....im sorry that i made you guys wait a million and a half years for this, but it's here!!!!
the next chapter is partially done so it should take too long.
that being said....comments will make me bust it out faster <3
its a well known fact that im a comment whore....so leave me some love!
let me know what youre thinking.