‹ Prequel: It's Not Over

Far Too Long


“KANE!” TJ’s voice bellowed as his fist pounded furiously on Patrick Kane’s apartment door. He didn't care that it was four in the morning and there was a whole building full of sleeping occupants; he had one thing on his mind. TJ Oshie had always had a one track mind. He never stopped until he got that one thing and this time was sure as hell not going to be any different.

“Keep it cool Timmy.” Patrik reasoned. “Just remember what you’re here for. Get Danielle and get out. You don't need to..”

“KANE!!!!” TJ screamed as his fist beat angrily on the wood. He was purposely ignoring his teammate. He didn't need him being the voice of reason. There was no need for any reasoning in this situation. He didn't need to be calmed down, and to be completely honest there's nothing Patrik could have done to calm TJ down. TJ would only be able to relax when he knew that Danielle was safe.

“Open the door Kaner or you won’t have much of a door left to open.” Jonathan persuaded knowing that TJ was just mere moments away from using brute force to getting Danielle back. Jonathan stepped back as they heard the door being unlocked but TJ took a step forward both anxious and furious.

When the door opened, the three men stood there staring back at Patrick’s practically naked body. Aside from his Calvin Klein boxers Patrick was naked. Just when TJ didn't think his heart could sink any lower, it did. Standing there looking at a sweaty, clothes-less Patrick Kane TJ knew that it was too late. He had fucked up yet again and pushed Danielle into the bed of another man yet again but this time was slightly harder to swallow.

Back in college he was stupid. TJ didn't quite realize what Danielle meant to his life. He was cursed with the superiority complex. He thought he could get away with anything. That's kind of what happens when you're a hockey god at the University of North Dakota. Everyone knows you. Everyone wants you. TJ had fallen into that. He had let himself be swallowed whole by that lifestyle. St. Louis had been a very similar situation and TJ had a bit of a relapse...but he quickly realized what a moron he was being. Too bad the love of his life had been there to witness his fuck up. This time was also worse because of who Danielle had turned to. She and Jon had a connection and TJ knew it. He had come to terms with that; he didn't like it...but it was out of his control. He was more furious about her hooking up with Patrick because he knew that Patrick was only using her vulnerability to get a piece of ass.

Patrick’s smirk formed on the corners of his lips as he leaned against his front door and wiped at his sweaty forehead with the back of his hand. He knew exactly what the three of them were thinking. He wasn’t about to let them know that he was, in fact, working out. If they wanted to think that he had given it to the hottie that was currently passed out in his bed then he was not about to do anything to dispel that notion. “Is there something I can do for you guys?” He asked forcing a yawn. “I'm pretty beat.” Not saying a word in response, TJ pushed past Patrick and stormed through the apartment in search of Danielle.

“That's low, Kane.” Patrik informed the smug looking blonde as he followed after his friend. “Even for you.”

“You didn't.” Jonathan stated unsurely; his heart racing wildly in his chest. He sure as hell hoped Patrick hadn’t. “Did you?” He questioned, not quite sure he wanted to hear the answer. He didn't want to think that his Danielle would fall victim to his womanizing teammate.

“Come on Tazer!” Patrick stated amusedly. “You know I don't kiss and tell.”

TJ quickly found Patrick’s bedroom. The apartment was the same layout as Jonathan’s so it took no thinking at all to figure out where she was. He stood outside the door momentarily catching his breath and then cracked the door open. He stepped closer to the bed where Danielle was sleeping and took her in. How she had been interested in him completely baffled him. When he had first met Danielle she was so out of reach to TJ. No girl had ever been unattainable to him so it just made him want her that much more. Danielle had made TJ break the one rule he swore he would never break. He had gone out of his way to woo her away from his teammate.

TJ brushed Danielle’s golden blonde hair off of her face and smiled as she cuddled towards his touch. Just as fast as the smile appeared on his face, it disappeared. His blood was boiling and his skin was crawling. He physically needed to get her out of Patrick’s bed. “Danielle?” TJ muttered quietly, but anxiously. “Dani! Come on baby. Wake up.” When Danielle didn't stir TJ pulled the blankets back and gasped. Danielle’s incredible body; the body that TJ firmly believed belonged to him, was clad in nothing but a London Knights t-shirt with Patrick Kane’s number on it from his stint in the OHL. TJ quickly scooped Dainelle’s passed out body up from the bed and headed towards the door.

“Jesus.” Patrik breathed as he saw Danielle in TJ’s arms. “Is she okay?”

“She’s out cold.” TJ told him. “I don't know what the fuck he did to her Bergie but I swear to god I'm going to make him regret it. If it’s the last thing I do I will make him wish he had never fucked with my life.” TJ promised as he made his way towards the front door.

“You shouldn’t be doing that!” Patrick stated. “She’s not going to be happy when she wakes up and she's not here.”

“Yah well it’s either she wakes up a little pissed off or she wakes up and has a dead hotshot hockey player to deal with. The choice is yours.” He replied. Patrick knew that TJ wasn’t bluffing. If he and TJ were there alone he didn't doubt for a second that TJ would kill him. He’d probably enjoy it too. It wasn’t a secret how TJ felt about Danielle. It was tearing him apart to think that she had done the nasty with Patrick.

“That’s what I thought.” TJ spat when Patrick didn't reply.

“Tell her that..”

“No!” TJ shouted, cutting Patrick off mid sentence. “Stay the fuck away from her. She's going home to St. Louis with me tomorrow. Don't even fucking think about coming near her.”

“You don't exactly have the authority to say that Osh. She dumped your ass. Remember?”

“I don't care if she dumped my ass or not. Even if she were free for the taking I would bend over backward to make sure that you didn't get your filthy hands on her.” Patrick, never one to be one upped, allowed the smug look to return to his face.

“You kind of failed on that one already.” TJ, red with rage, turned to face Patrick but before he was able to open his mouth Danielle stirred in his arms.

“Teej?” She muttered in a slurred speech.

“Yah baby. I’m here.”

“I don't feel good.” She informed him as she snuggled closer to his shoulder, not once opening her tired eyes.

“I know. Come on. Let’s get you to bed.” He told her as he placed a comforting kiss on the top of her head. “Kane.” TJ called out sternly. “I suggest you get your nose out of my business.” He told him. “You think I'm angry now?” He questioned with a laugh. “You haven’t seen anything yet. I’ll take you out if you fuck with me again.” At that Patrick couldn't help but laugh a little.

“You think I'm bluffing?!” TJ exclaimed. “Fine. Go ahead and call my bluff. I promise you you’ll be sorry.”
♠ ♠ ♠
yes, i know...this chapter is long over due.

thanks so much to all of you who are reading and all of you that are commenting.
i really appreciate it.
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