Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

I Almost Told You That I Loved You

Amara's P.O.V
I giggled as Matt held me close. "No, I can't... I have to go to work," I pushed at his chest. He pouted at me adorably. I leaned forward and kissed him softly. "I'm glad that I get to come home to you waiting for me," I told him happily. He smirked at me and I smiled happily. We hadn't said 'I Love You' but I thought we were close to it. I got up off of my bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. After scrubbing down and washing everything. I stepped out of the shower and dried off before pulling on my black pants, dress shoes, and the nice button up shirt with the club's logo Fire and Ice on the front.

I heard Matt's Escalade pull out of my driveway and let out a sigh. It was about five thirty, and my shift started at six. Six to two, possibly later. My boss liked me, she actually had me do more than just tend the bar. I walked down the stairs and grabbed my keys and wallet. I grabbed a bottle of water and made my way to my 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee. It may not be as flashy as other cars, but it gets me to where I need to be. Plus, I loved Jeeps ever since driving a 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee as a teenager. Actually... I still have my 96 Jeep, but it has a few problems, so I don't drive it anymore, plus it has a V8 engine.

I pushed a CD into the CD player as I started my car. I smiled as the beginning of 'Just Dance' by Lady GaGa came on. I put the car in reverse, and started to make my way to Fire and Ice. I pulled into the lot and drove to the row of spaces reserved for employees. I parked the jeep and turned everything off. I glanced in my rear view mirror and took a deep breath before walking into the employee's entrance. I pinned my name tag on and walked up to my coworker, my best friend, Amanda. "Hey, I didn't know you were working tonight," I smiled as she looked up.

"Yeah, well Mel called me in. She said it would be better if we had two bartenders since we're having a couple of bands play on stage tonight. She's probably right," I nodded in agreement as I glanced over at the posters advertising two bands for tonight. I laughed as I pictured Matt on stage. I loved watching him on stage, I was also excited that one of my favorite singers was going to be playing after Avenged tonight, Kate Voegele.

"Well we better start getting ready to open," I told Amanda with a smile. She nodded in agreement, and we started cleaning tables and getting things ready. Mandy then went and let Avenged in to set up. I pinned my hair up out of my face and headed to the bar as the bouncer started letting people in. Avenged started playing, and Mandy headed back to the bar to help me out. I looked up as Matt and the guys started playing their set, starting off with Afterlife, one of my favorites. I went back to doing my job and was nudged an hour or so later.

"Go introduce Kate Voegele," Mandy told me. I smiled and nodded before walking through the small crowd around the bar. I walked up to the empty stage and to the microphone.

"Alright, and next up, Kate Voegele. Give it up," I smiled as Kate headed up the stairs. We smiled and exchanged a hug, and I headed back to the bar. Zacky, Brian, and Jimmy were ordering something to drink. Johnny was flirting with a girl, and Matt was no where to be seen. I shrugged it off as Kate started her set off with 'Only Fooling Myself.' I continued to help handing out drinks and taking money. I walked off for my first break about twenty minutes later. Kate was now singing 'Kindly Unspoken.'

I walked through the crowd of people and headed for the bathroom to wash up and fix myself up. I walked in and rinsed my face before reapplying my eyeliner. I unpinned my hair and decided to go look around for Matt. Just thinking about him brought a huge smile to my face. We'd been dating for about a year now, and it made me proud to be proving my mom wrong. I walked out of the bathroom with my eyes searching for those familiar hazel eyes. I heard 'No Good' playing and noticed a couple near the corner making out. I was about to walk away when something caught my eyes. The guy, whose back was to me, was wearing a shirt that I recognized. It was just a coincidence. Right?

I walked closer and felt tears start to prick at my eyes as I realized it wasn't just a coincidence, it was Matt kissing some other girl. I shook my head to try and clear it out. I headed back towards the bar as I felt my heart tearing in two. I slipped in and continued working as if nothing had happened.

After my shift ended, I headed for my car. I frowned to myself when I realized that Matt was standing there with a smile on his face. I'd seen that smile before, it was when he thought he was getting laid. "Can I help you?" I asked softly as I hit the auto start on my keys.

"Well yeah, I figured we could continue what we were doing before work," He stated with a cocky smile.

"Sorry. Where were you tonight, I know you played... But I didn't see you after your set," I stated changing the subject.

"I was on the dance floor and at one of the booths," I held back a glare and nodded.

"And why don't I believe that?" I asked with a harsh tone in my voice.

"Babe, what's wrong?" He asked tilting his head to the side confused.

"I saw you kissing that girl. I never want to see you again, you stupid son of a bitch. I should have known a rock star like you wouldn't want anything to do with someone like me," I stated.

"I wasn't kissing someone else. What are you talking about," He stated trying to downplay my words. He also had a hint of anger in his voice like I had offended him. I clenched my fists and glared up at him.

"Don't. Play. With. Me," I growled. "I saw you. How long?" I asked trying to calm myself down.

"You're insane," He said resting his hand on my shoulder in what was meant to be a soothing gesture. I shrugged his hand off and glared.

"Fuck you and you're lying. I never want to see you again. If you haven't guessed, that means we're over," I told him as I unlocked my doors and let myself in. I put the key in and laughed at the irony of two things. One, my mom had been right, and I hated that. And two, the song playing on the radio.

"That was Kate Voegele's hit single, You Can't Break a Broken Heart," With that said, I drove away leaving Matt looking dumbfounded.
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This is probably the longest chapter I've written in awhile. Hope you like the start of our new story. Thanks for reading and please leave a comment telling us what you think!!!! =) Lol Adela's chapter is next. This was just an introduction to Amara. The next chapter will most likely just be an intro to Bree Parker.

Title Runners Up
But Maybe When You Smile, Means You'll Stay Awhile
Tell Me That You're Sorry
Break Your Little Heart
I Don't Care If I Never See You Again