Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Her Words Destroyed My World

Bree's pov

I stood in the lobby with Chase waiting for the guys of Three Days Grace to come out. They called me and demanded that I showed up to listen to their new song. Sighing I glanced at the clock not wanting to be here at all.

Chase glanced around the room staring at the different bands on the wall, he had only been to my personal studio but Three Days Grace had requested that we work here.Truthfully I didn't get why.

Chase pulled on my shirt causing me to sit down on the floor so I could tell him who was in the pictures on the wall. I was too busy pointing out the members of My Chemical Romance to notice someone else had walked in until they knocked on one of the two doors. I glanced up to see Zacky pulling Amara into a hug.

"Auntie Bwree is that Zacky V?" Chase asked me.

I nodded knowing Zacky V was one of Chase's favorite guitarist and musicans. If you asked him what he wanted to be he'd always answer a "Guitarist like Zacky". Yea, I know a three year old shouldn't be listening to Avenged Sevenfold but I wasn't letting my nephew grow up listening to anything but good music.

"Can I meet him?" He asked once they had walked into the studio suite. I shrugged not really knowing Zacky well enough give an answer. I looked up too see Adam and Neil walking out of the other studio suite.

I nodded and stood but not before picking up Chase and carrying him on my hip. He whined a little, clearly not happy about leaving the spot by his hero but settled down once he figured out we weren't leaving the building.

I stopped in front of Adam looking at him expectantly, I don't blow up easily but when I do I was never the first to apologize.

"See you got a new lip piercing," Neil commented staring at my second ring on my left side.

I nodded not wanting to talk about that since I could be doing other things with my nephew actually showing him a good time. I sighed and glanced up at Neil to see him shaking his head before looking up at me.

"Look Bree we just want to say we're sorry, that we were acting childish and we shouldn't have brought it to the studio. We won't do it again if you come back on the project as our producer."

I glanced at Chase thinking about the pro and cons of taking them back on, "I'll come back under a few conditions. One, we work on my schedule I'm gonna be taking care of Chase, my nephew, for a while and I want to do things with him. Two, you pull something like that again and I walk off the project and never come back. Lastly three, you forgive for blowing up at the two of you; it was uncalled for."

Adam grinned and pulled me and Chase into a hug causing Chase to start laughing and wrap his arms around Adam. I smiled and pulled away before grabbing Neil and hugging him.

"Good to have you back Parker," Neil whispered.

"Good to have my nickname back even if I hate it."

"You know you love it like you love me."

"Who says I love you?" I counted.

Neil gasped, "Everyone loves me!"

"Not me!" Chase suddenly spoke up.

Neil's face paled and dropped while Adam and I burst out laughing.

"You got dissed by a three year old," I wheezed out still laughing.

"High five little man!" Adam said holding up his hand.

Chase grinned and high fived Adam before bursting into giggles like Adam and I were.

Neil shook his head and pouted at Chase. Chase giggled once more before hugging Neil around the neck silently asking for forgiveness, "I was just jokin."

Neil rolled his eyes before blowing a raspberry on Chase's cheek causing the giggles to start again. I smiled glad they were getting along so well with him.

"Hey Bree do you think you could do a short tour with us?"

"When is it?"

"It starts in a month, the CD will be sent to the mixer and you can play the part of our live tech at concerts."

"Only if Chase comes along and I get a partner."

"Deal, but you have to stay on the whole tour."

"Fine but Chase might have to go home if his dad asks for him back you know."

Adam nodded understanding, "Understood."

I nodded and was about to sat my good byes when I heard the other door open. I glanced to see Chase's mouth hanging open and knew that meant one thing, Zacky had walked out.

I followed his eyes to see him and Amara hugging. I looked back to see Adam pretending not to be staring at Amara while Neil was staring at Chase.

"Hey Bree," I heard Amara say once she walked out the door way.

I smiled and turned to see both her and Zacky staring at Chase as if he was an alien life form.
♠ ♠ ♠
So Zacky wasn't mad
and Bree made up with 3DG yay!

Please and Thank you