Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Taking It Back to a Hardcore Level

Bree's pov

I walked off the bus groaning, knowing today was going to suck. The first day of tour always did.

I glanced over to see Mary, one of the sound people, walking by. I called her over and she ran over with a huge smile on her face, fucking happy person.

"Mary, you're on coffee duty from now on. I want a mocha frappuccino now go," I told her seeing Amara walking over from the corner of my eye.

"What? Why? Isn't she your assistant?" She sneered in Amara's direction.

"I pay her too damn much for her to get coffee plus she'll deal with me a lot more than you will so go get the damn coffee before I hurt you," I growled before smirking when she gulped visibly and walked off.

I glanced over seeing Amara staring at me with wide eyes, "Sorry shes just too damn happy. Did you want coffee because I forgot to ask.

"Anyways so I admit I'm a bit of a bitch so in exchange you make roughly ten bucks an hour, we work roughly 9 hours a day on the days they preform. Days they don't preform I could less what you do as long as you don't get arrested. Land your ass in jail and consider yourself fired."

Amara nodded, "So what does your assistant do exactly?"

"Help me basically, but for right now we have a choice: we can go watch them tune guitars or set up wires. I vote guitars because the girl I hired is a huge Avenged Sevenfold fan and she's going to snap three strings trying to tune the Syn custom."

"More like at least four."

I pulled out my wallet and held up two twenty dollars bills, "I got forty on three."

Amara smirked and shook my hand before following me backstage.

- - -

I held my laughter back as Amy, the tech tuning guitars, snapped yet another string on Zacky's custom. The girl was so nervous, then again it probably didn't help that we were watching her like a hawk.

I glanced up hearing the door open to see Mikey, another tech, poking his head and signalling me that it was time. I nodded before telling Amara that it was time to go check the wires. I followed her out the door but paused as I passed by Mikey, I told him to count how many strings she broke as she turned the Syn custom.

He nodded and pointed to the direction of my soundboard. I followed to find it exactly where I wanted it. I grinned sitting behind it knowing it was time for Three Days Grace's sound check. I grabbed my walkie talkie and turned to Amara.

"Favorite Three Days Grace song?"

"Get Out Alive."

I nodded, "Okay they're going to play a song while I fix a bunch of stuff then you'll go listen to the song in the audience and make sure it sounds good. It'll probably only take one since I just worked with them but with everyone else it might take three or four songs."

Amara nodded while Get Out Alive started.

"No time for goodbye he said
As he faded away
Don't put your life in someone's hands
They're bound to steal it away
Don't hide your mistakes
'Cause they'll find you, burn you
Then he said"

I finally got the levels correct as the song came to an end. Amara walked back out on stage as I heard them start Break. Once the song ended she came back and told me the song sounded fine. I nodded and heard Papa Roach file out onto stage.

"Top two favorite Papa Roach songs?" I asked.

She thought for a moment before replying To Be Loved and Lifeline.

"Bitch we're ready, play Almost Told You That I loved you," Coby's voice met my ears.

"Why the hell should I play that for you?"

"You know that I love you."

"You know I love it when your down on your knees
And I'm a junkie for the way that you please
You shut me up when you swallow me down"

Amara and I quietly sang along as I fixed certain levels to get the sound right. Right as I thought I had it the song came to an end.

"Kay, can you please go to the audience place thing and listen to their next song and once its done and radio in how it sounds? I always seem to get either the drums or bass too loud."

Amara nodded and walked out carrying her walkie talkie.

"When she gets to the audience place, play Lifeline hoe. Please and thank yous."

I leaned back and sang along as lifeline started, it happened to be one of my favorite songs as well.

"I've been looking for a lifeline
For what seems like a lifetime
I'm drowning in the pain
Breaking down again
Looking for a lifeline"

Once the song came in I heard Amara timidly tell me that the drums were way too loud. I nodded and told her to listen to this next song before coming back for Avenged Sevenfold's sound check.

"Last song so give it your all kay?" I told Jacoby.

"You want us to play Give It All by Rise against? That's a real challenge Bree, but we're take it."

"Shut up Jacoby we all know you couldn't pull off his vocals if you tried. Bitch you just can't scream."

"I bet I could get you to scream."

I laughed and shook my head, I heard something behind my but didn't think much about it.

"Aww Jacoby we both know you're not man enough for that challenge."

"God you're a bitch, why the hell are we friends?"

"Cuz I made you scream that time, now To be Loved since you clearly aren't loved."

I turned around to see Zacky V and Synyster Gates staring at me with their jaws on the floor with wide eyes.

Smirking I turned around, "What? you poke Jacoby and he screams like a girl."

I heard one of them clear their throats but the song started before they could say anything.

"Listen up, turn it up and rock it out
Party on, I wanna hear you scream and shout
This is real, as real as it gets
I came to get down to get some fucking respect
Taking it back to hardcore level"

I shook my head as the song ended knowing either Zacky or Synyster would be speechless or smirking at me. I almost turned around when Amara and Mikey walked in. Amara went and gave Zacky a hug while Mikey held up a hand.

I felt my mouth drop as my hand reached for my wallet, "How the hell did she break five strings on one guitar?"

Mikey shrugged, "Maybe he's her hero?"

"I don't know but if she keeps that up I'll have to fire her and buy more fucking strings. Stupid Bert."

"You trusted Bert McCracken about a tech? You know she's probably the worst but he just said shes the best."

"Quinn and Jeph agreed. Jeph would never lie to me."

Mikey shrugged and walked out the room probably go do something productive while I pulled out the two crisp twenty dollars.

"Here, apparently three wasn't enough for her," I told Amara as I handed her the money. "I'll be right back I gotta check the strings on the custom now."

I followed Mikey out not glancing back or I might have noticed that Synyster was following me or the glare Zacky was giving him.