Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Hate What You've Become

Amara’s P.O.V
I just made an easy forty bucks. I laughed as Zacky’s face fell in horror because he realized his guitar strings were snapped as well. “You have to fix it!” He told me before dragging me by the arm in the same direction as Bree and Syn. I laughed harder as he continued his effort. When we got to the area they had all of the guitars, he realized that the problem had already been fixed. “Okay maybe you don’t need to fix it,” He stated picking up his custom and making sure it was tuned the way he wanted it. I rolled my eyes at him and walked over to Brian and sat next to him.

“Your best friend is a dork,” He told me with a smile on his face. One of his real smiles, not the smirks he usually has on his face. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder.

“He’s your best friend too,” I stated as Bree walked over and told him his guitar was all fixed up. “Haha your guitar is so screwed if that sound tech continues to tune your guitar,” I told him with a smile on my face. His face fell and paled noticeably. I giggled and patted his arm and gasped when he grabbed my arm with both of his hands.

“I’ve shown you how to tune my guitar before. Please say you’ll do it… I don’t want my baby to go through this torture every time we have a show,” He stated, no playfulness in his tone. We both glanced away from each other and stayed silent after he realized what he said. Bree began to laugh hard and I shook it off and smiled at him.

“Sure, I like messing around with your guitar. It’s fun. Makes me feel in control,” I stated jokingly with a wink. He gave me a shaky smile too before pulling me into a hug and apologizing quietly. I shook my head and smiled again. Bree spoke up with a frown on her face.

“What makes you think you’ll have time for that. Stop trying to steal my assistant Gates,” Bree stated in a joking tone. Brian looked at her and then back at me, and then to his guitar. He got a serious look on his face before turning to Bree again.

“Alright, well I don’t want your sound techs touching my guitars,” He said it softly, to try and make it sound less offending. “The only person other than my band mates allowed to touch my guitar is Amara,” He stated with a stern look on his face. Bree looked at him incredulously.

“Sorry but see Amara here works me and I don’t work for you I work for Warner. I don’t deal with whiny lazy guitarists, have a problem with my techs take it up with someone who cares cause while the girl might be new, Mikey is the best fucking guitar tech out there. The guy that taught him everything he knows worked for Dimebag and Mikey even did a tour with Slash. So have a problem find someone that cares cause I sure don’t," Brian said nothing but I could tell he did not like the random snapping. He looked ready to say something, and I wanted to avoid it all.

I placed my hand on his arm and he glanced over at me. “I’ll find time to do it, okay?” Bree glared at me but I shook it off. I sighed, I missed Mel and Mandy already. Zacky coughed as the tension intensified. Coby walked back here and had the little boy from before. I bit my lip and walked away.

“Langston get back here,” Bree stated. “I have work for you to do,” I paused and waited for her to say what she wanted me to do. I refused to turn around. “Go tell Mikey no one is to touch his majesty’s guitars,” She stated in a rude, snippy tone. I nodded glad my back was turned, otherwise she would have seen my harsh glare. I was not happy with her attitude. She seemed like a completely different person than the person I had come to be friends with. I walked away and found Mikey hanging out with Mary and Amy.

“Miss Parker wanted me to inform you that no one is to touch Synyster Gate’s guitars from now on. He’s going to be tuning his own guitars,” I stated. Amy looked heartbroken, Mary just sneered at me and Mikey nodded with a slight frown on his face. I turned towards where Zacky and Brian had been. I was relieved to see them talking to each other and Bree was playing with the little boy Coby had brought over. I walked back over looking away from the three and smiling at Brian and Zacky. “So it’s all set none of the sound techs will be touching your guitars, Bri,” I smiled as he smiled his thanks.

Bree called my name and when I walked over she was holding the little boy. “This is my nephew Chase, as my assistant you’ll be helping me keep an eye on him,” She had a warm smile on her face and my chest tightened.

“That’s nice,” I turned away and went to walk towards Brian and Zacky.

“Why does that lady hate me?” I heard Chase ask in a loud whisper. I bit my lip and was about to protest when Bree made a comment that put me over the edge.

“I don’t know why sweetie, she’s just really busy,” I had had enough of this.

“And whose fault is that?” I asked as I turned around with a harsh glare. Bree glared as well and smirked as she spoke.

“Brian’s,” I rolled my eyes at her comment.

“Of course you’re blaming Brian. Don’t bring him into this. You don’t even know him that well,” I stated getting angrier by the second.

Bree shook her head. “I will bring him into this. It’s his fault. He’s trying to take my assistant away to do trivial things because he doesn’t trust people he doesn’t know. Mikey is one of the best fucking guitar techs around,” I rolled my eyes before I spoke.

“I’m sure you’ve had more than one person ask for things like that. And he’s just being over protective of his guitar. Even though he suggested I do it, he doesn’t have a problem doing it himself. But you jumped to conclusions and got pissy. God you’re such a bitch. I don’t know how anyone can stand being around you,” I stated as my fists clenched at my sides.

“And you’re so damn defensive you can’t see it from any different point of view than you do. Don’t know how people pretend to be nice to you,” Bree seethed.

“Oh really now? And what am I so damn defensive about?” I asked placing my hands on my hips.

“Brian,” I glared hatefully at her before speaking up.

“And why are you assuming I’m defensive of Brian? How do you know I haven’t been defensive about anything else? That’s right you don’t because you are so caught up in your rich lifestyle to notice anything real,” I stated with attitude.

Bree smirked knowing she was getting to me. "You're also so damn defensive about your lifestyle you think everyone's out to get you. I may be a fucking millionaire but that's because I worked to be here, nothing was handled to me. I grew up a bad situation, I could care less about money so I do notice things," I growled. I hadn’t spoken to her about that at all, which means she’s been listening to me talking to Zacky.

“What do you want from me? I quit,” I stated angrily, although part of the reason was there was no way in hell I was going to watch her nephew. I glanced at him and then looked away immediately. My chest was tightening and I wanted to get away.

“And what is your fucking problem with Chase?” Bree asked with an angry glare which was understandable. I shook my head swallowing the lump in my throat. I didn’t want to get into it, so unfortunately my really defensive side came out.

“That’s none of your fucking business, bitch,” I glared at her hatefully. She just smirked.

“Oh really? Because Chase is my business and if you’re going to be acting this way around him then I do have a reason,” I felt my glare intensify. “What do you have against my three year old nephew,” I shook my head and turned to walk away. She went to turn me around and glared at me as Coby grabbed Chase and let Bree come closer.

“Stop trying to intimidate me. It doesn’t work. Stop bitching at people who didn’t hire you and have their own fucking sound techs and stop trying to understand anything I’ve gone through. Sorry that not all of us are lucky enough to be able to make it with hard work. I’ve seen plenty of people who work just as hard as you do and still get stuck trying to get there,” My voice cracked and I looked away feeling tears come to my eyes. I turned around as she opened her mouth to say something. Luckily her phone ringing kept her from retaliating.

I looked up just in time to see her drop her phone and her face drop. I would have cared if I hadn’t just had a huge argument with her. I walked away and heard someone following me, I expected it to be Zacky but when I turned I saw Brian. He pulled me into a hug and let me cry into his chest quietly. I felt him pick me up and take me back to the bus to avoid people.
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