Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Still So Lonely

Amara’s P.O.V
I was curled up to Brian as tears fell freely. He knew that all I needed was to be able to just let it all out for a little bit. He spoke softly, “I thought you were seeing a therapist about it. You said it was getting easier,” I looked up to see his concerned face and sighed.

“I am, and it was. But you have to keep in mind, I’m not required to watch any of these children or stay in closed quarters with them,” I stated softly. “It’s not bad seeing them, it’s bad having to stay around them for longer periods of time,” He sighed and pulled me into a hug. I felt him kiss the top of my head as he rubbed my back.

“I’m sorry,” He whispered even though he had nothing to be sorry about. I shook my head and kept my face buried in his chest. I laid next to him and stared at the roof of the bus.

“So why is Zacky stuck with the bottom?” I asked trying to get my thoughts away from the current discussion. Brian chuckled and spoke up.

“Because if I fall off the top bunk I won’t make the bus rock,” I giggled at his joke and smacked his chest. “I’m gonna nap before the show tonight,” I nodded before excusing myself to go get food. I went to walk off the bus but caught a glance of my face in a mirror and gasped.

“Waterproof my ass. Stupid mascara,” I muttered walking towards the fridge. I grabbed a water bottle and walked into the bathroom. I rinsed my face and made sure all make up was gone and headed for the Subway I had seen earlier. I walked in and ordered my sub. After spending fifteen minutes eating lunch I decided to go get ready for the concert. I walked back to the bus to see Matt and Val kissing on their bunk, Jimmy playing around with his sticks, Johnny making faces and Brian applying eyeliner. I shook my head laughing softly until I realized Zacky wasn’t with them. I decided he was probably just retuning his guitar.

I pulled on Brian’s hoodie and walked out of the bus and towards the stage where Three Days Grace was getting ready to start off the show. I saw Zacky and was about to say something until I saw who was clinging to him. I frowned feeling angry, I spoke quietly but knew there was attitude in my voice. “You better explain later,” I immediately regretted picking a fight with Zacky but felt hurt at what he said in response to my bitter statement.

“I don’t have to explain myself to you,” His voice was just as bitter. I shrugged and walked over to some of the equipment boxes and sat on it. I pulled my phone out and decided to text Mandy. I wasn’t going to start crying again. I kept telling myself that to try and will the tears back. I looked to my right when I felt someone sit next to me and gave a weak smile to Brian before going back to texting. I was totally oblivious to the world around me as I continued texting. I did, however, notice when Brian got up because it was their turn on stage. I noticed Bree had stopped clinging to Zacky and was walking over to Coby. I rolled my eyes and went back to texting. I knew it was a stupid idea to come on this tour.

“I’m sure she didn’t mean to snap at you,” Came a voice. I looked up and met the blue eyes of Adam Gontier. I shrugged, I don’t care what he says. If she didn’t mean to snap then she should say that not her little friends.

“She can go fuck herself. I knew it was a stupid idea to come with,” I stated as I brushed my hair out of my face. “And as I said in our fight, I’m not just mad about the way she’s been treating Brian, I don’t appreciate the way she spoke to me during my job interview either,” He nodded with a sigh. He seemed to understand my anger. I sighed realizing I’d probably just pissed him off about talking about his friend like that. “Sorry. I’m not looking to cause trouble,” I stated softly. Adam nodded and gave me a soft smile.

“You’re not. Bree can be a bitch,” He stated quietly since Avenged had not started playing yet. I nodded as I pulled Brian’s hoodie closer feeling cold. Adam looked at me unsurely as I played around with my phone.

“Um, you look really pretty,” He stated softly. I glanced up at him with a shocked expression on my face. I looked down at my dirty jeans and the over-sized hoodie he was looking at me in and laughed.

“Good joke,” I told him as I crossed my arms over my chest. He frowned before speaking again.

“I’m serious. You make the casual look work,” He smiled as I blushed. I shook my head.

“Yeah. I’m sure,” I smiled softly and went back to playing with my phone.

“So aren’t you going to watch your boyfriend perform?” I glanced up at him confused.

“Boyfriend?” Adam nodded as his eyebrows furrowed. “The one you have basically hung out with all day,” I frowned trying to figure out who he was talking about. “Snake bites, green eyes, black hair.”

I laughed when I realized he was describing Zacky. I shook my head before speaking up. “Zacky is my best friend. Not my boyfriend. I’m single,” I stated with a smile. He frowned in disbelief.

“Really, a pretty girl like you doesn’t have a boyfriend? So then you won’t hold it against me if I ask you out?” He asked smiling. I shrugged and looked away blushing. This shouldn’t be happening… Guys are just bad news… So why was I smiling? “Will you go out with me tomorrow night since there isn’t a show?”

Wait a minute, why am I nodding? “I’d like that,” Did that seriously just come out of my mouth? Adam smiled warmly before pulling out his phone.

“Put your number in? I’ll give you mine,” I nodded and handed him my phone while taking his. I put my number in and handed it back. He grinned as he handed mine back. “Can I text you?” I nodded again and he smiled. “Good. Well I should go shower before the others get the idea. Text ya later Amara,” He stated before kissing my cheek and walking away. I blushed and touched my cheek where his lips had just been. I felt my face get warm and decided to hide from the world. I pulled the hood up catching Bree’s glare before I walked away. I made my way back to Avenged’s bus and curled up on my bunk. I felt myself hyperventilate a little bit. What had I just gotten myself into?
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Alright, another chapter done. Thanks for reading and please comment, let me know how this chapter was. And if you're not going to comment with more than one word....Please don't comment at all. It's disappointing to know you've worked on something so hard and then see that the only response you get is a one-word comment. Especially if it doesn't let you know whether they liked it or hated it....Whether it was good or horrible. Thanks again for reading and hope you liked it =)