Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

I'm Trying To Keep Up Above

Bree's p.o.v

I whistled looking around the beach for Leila, my dog. Seeing her run towards me carrying a stick, I smiled and played fetch a few times before continuing on our run.

Back at the house I took a quick shower before getting in the car to go to the studio. I grinned seeing the time, I was right on time.Unlike most of the bands I worked with, the guys of Three Days Grace were almost always on time and always had coffee and some kind of breakfast for me.

I laughed seeing Adam waiting outside the studio for me holding a Starbucks cup in one hand and a white paper bag in the other. I gave him a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before grabbing the cup and walking into the studio.

Some people thought Adam and I were more than friends, but the truth is we were just really good friends. I could never date Adam or even see him as more; dating rock stars only lead to one thing: heartbreak.

Yeah, I admit I dated a few rock stars and they all cheated on me. Except for one, instead he left me at the alter literally. Right when he was supposed to say I do he turned and ran out of the church. I never saw him again after that, I don't think I could handle it either.


I laughed before hugging Barry. Barry was my teddy bear, he gave the best hugs and made me feel better.


I rolled my eyes and playfully punched Neil, he was called me by my last name since he thought Parker was a first name.

I looked around for Brad, and saw him asleep on the couch, the guy was always asleep in the morning. I never truly understood how he got to the studio every morning still tired.

I turned to Adam, "What song we finishing today?"

Adam handed me the paper bag, which I graciously took, and shook his head. "We're finishing Break next week, Barry wants to work on the solo or something like that first, so we're staring Last to know today."

I nodded grabbing the donut from the bag and sat at my control panel. Neil went in first since he insisted that drums be laid on the track first.

- - -

I hugged the guys good bye before getting back into the car to go home.

"Call or text me when you make it safely!" Adam yelled as I pulled on my seat belt.

I rolled down the window before yelling, "Got it mom."

"And have fun hunny!" The rest of the guys yelled mocking Adam.

"Always mothers!"

I smiled pulling out of the parking lot and continued on my way home. I pulled into another parking lot needing the new Billboard magazine for work. I quickly paid for the it before making one last stop at the pier.

I hadn't been to the pier in a while but the sunset was too beautiful to turn down. There was a couple next to me but we paid no attention each other.

"So have you ever been married before?" The girl asked.

"No," an all to familiar voice answered.

I glanced over to see my ex, standing next to me with his arms around an girl. I bit my lip not knowing whether the sunset was worth seeing him or not.

"Have you been in love?"

I held my breath, wanting to the answer but not wanting to hear at the same time.

"I thought I was, but turns out I wasn't. Good thing I got out before we were in too deep, and one of us got hurt."

I turn and ran back to my car holding in the sob that threatened to come out. As the car turned on, I laughed at the irony of the song that was on.

"That was Kate Voegele's hit single, You Can't Break a Broken Heart," the radio announcer person said as I pulled into my driveway.
♠ ♠ ♠
Katie's next!


Please and Thank you!!