Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Listen Hot Stuff I'm In Love With This Song

Bree's pov

"Last night was fun wasn't it?" Jacoby asked looking towards me while they finished his tattoo.

I rolled my eyes wishing I could smack him, "No. It was awful, why must you always drag me onstage?"

"Because your voice is awesomely awesome, almost as awesome as mine."

I wanted to laugh but knew if I did it would mess up the tattoo and hurt, "So my voice is awesomely awesome but yours is just awesome."

Jacoby scoffed, "No mine is beyond awesomely awesome. So suck it."

"Did you just tell me to suck it?"

"Yes and you are j-e-a-l-o-u-s, je-al-ous," Jacoby replied doing the head movement and with a snap of his fingers.

"I don't think I've questioned Kelly's choice in you more than right now," I replied turning my head so I was facing the wall rather than Jacoby.

"What was that? I love you Jacoby? Aww I love you too, Bree."

"Okay you're done," the tattooist told me wiping off the last bit of ink and blood before bandaging it up.

I stood up and put my shirt on before sticking my tongue out at Jacoby, "Hate you too Jacoby."

After I paid for the tattoos, Chase and I waited for Jacoby since he promised Chase ice cream and Chase never forgets a promise for ice cream. Twenty minutes later Jacoby and I were still arguing on the way back to the bus.

"You didn't have to pay for my ice cream," I told him sternly.

Jacoby rolled his eyes, "You paid for my tattoo so yes I did."

"You drove there, it was gas money."

"We walked there smart one."

I grinned, "I am the smart one aren't I?"

"What? No! That wasn't - grr- fuck I hate you."

"I lovers you my Jacoby-Beary!"

Jacoby sighed and pulled me into a hug, "I lovers you too Bree-Bear."

"Don't forget me!" Chase cried suddenly.

I laughed before grabbing Chases hand and licking Jacoby's cheek, "Eww you taste like aftershave."

"Thanks now I'm sticky and smell like Mint Chocolate Chip," Jacoby replied wiping saliva off his cheek.

"You love it and at least it isn't plain vanilla."

"Hey! Plain vanilla is the best!"

Hearing a noise I glanced up to see Zacky walking off his bus. Jacoby followed my gaze and upon seeing Zacky started nudging me in the side.

"What?" I asked tearing my eyes away from him to see Jacoby staring at me expectantly.

"You like him."

"Do not!"

Do too! It's obvious that you like him and that he likes you," Jacoby stated.

"He doesn't like me."

"So you like him."

I bit my lip and looked away, "It doesn't matter. He's a rock star."

"So? Whats a rock star have to do with it?"

"I've had my share of rock star, they all ended the same. Me with a broken heart crying. I promised myself and Derek no more rock stars, remember?"

"You both and I know Derek would approve of Zacky, he seems like a generally good guy."

"That's what you said about Alex." I replied feeling the tears build, I glanced up looking for a distraction. "Hey Zack! Vanilla or Mint Chip ice cream?"

"Mint Chip all the way!" He replied walking up to us before crouching in front of Chase and pouting. "What? No ice cream for me?"

"Auntie Bwree will shawre."

I gasped dramatically, "I will? Says who?"

"I'm not shawring and Zacky like mintyish so you shawre."

"It's okay you don't have to share," Zacky pointed out with the most pitiful look on his face.

"Naw it's fine, the jackass over there got me a quadruple scoop and I don't think I could finish it by myself," I told him handing my spoon over to Zacky who gladly took it.

"Well I gotta go. See ya later peoples," Jacoby said before walking away. I glanced up to see him mouthing something me. I looked more carefully to see him motion from me to a heart to Zacky. I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but think do I like Zacky?

I shook my head clearing my mind to see Zacky still eating my ice cream while him and Chase had a staring contest. I frowned not knowing how I felt about Zacky, I was always the girl that knew if she like a guy or not but Zacky turned that all around. He seemed perfect but at the same time the no dating rock stars was a rule for a reason. I couldn't handle another heartbreak.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I felt something wet run down my cheek. I glanced up to see both Zacky and Chase laughing at me while Zacky held a dripping spoon in his hand. I glared causing Zacky to pick up Chase and take off running with me hot on their heels.

- - -

"Let me see your new tattoo!" Zacky cried as he walked on to the bus later.

I turned to him pouting, "I just put on my shirt. See! It's different."

"Let me see please!"

"I hate your puppy dog eyes, they work so damn well."

"That's why I use them!"

I shook my head before turning around and pulling off my shirt. I ignored the tenderness of the skin while Zacky traced my tattoo. 'Believe' was written at the top of my shoulder, underneath was 'Never lose faith' and then my dates of my brother. I flinched as Zacky traced believe but not because it hurt, I felt Zacky kiss the tattoo probably trying to say 'sorry'.

I pulled on my shirt hoping to save myself some more awkwardness before turning around and offering him my hand. We walked backstage swinging hands while I held Chase's hand in my other hand. I felt bad but I couldn't carry him.

Glancing towards Zacky I saw him nod before he walked over to where Amara was. I grinned hoping she would accept his apology and he was as apologetic as he should be.

"Did you know Adam was going on a date tonight with Amara?" Neil asked sliding up to me.

"Really? He finally got the balls to ask her?"

"Ya, aren't you mad at him?"

"Why would I be mad at him? For being happy?"

Neil nodded, "Aren't you and her on bad terms?"

"So? I'm not going to be mad about them because her and I aren't friends, they deserve to be happy," I replied before turning back to Zacky as he came back.

"See? All better," Zacky stated smiling cheekily before picking up Chase.

"You should give him a chance," Jacoby whispered into my ear before walking away with Tobin.

I glared at their retreating backs before noticing Zacky staring at me with a weird expression on his face. I shook my head before sighing, "God Jacoby is the weirdest person I know."

"Really? Cause I know some pretty weird people," Zacky replied adjusting Chase on his shoulder since he was falling asleep.

"You can put him down you know," I replied softly feeling bad.

"It's fine, you and I both know if I put him down he won't sleep."

"That may be true but let's sit so you don't get tired. I would take him but I can't with the tattoo and all."

Zacky shook his head before taking my hand and pulling me out of the arena and back to my bus. I stared at him as he put a sleeping Chase down in his bunk and pulling me into the lounge where he pulled me down next to him. I glanced to the tv to see one of my favorite movies, Benny and June, was starting. I grinned snuggling into Zacky more too notice that he had huge bowl of popcorn and Reese pieces mixed in. I smiled widely glad I was spending the afternoon with him. Maybe I should give him a chance?

- - -

Zacky, who was carrying Chase, and I ran past Amara on our way to my bus. She was probably on her way to meet Adam but we were running late since I was supposed to be wearing my red shirt but I wasn't since after the movie Zacky and I fell asleep.

Tonight Papa Roach was shooting a video of them preforming all Derek's favorite songs. In the end it was going to be that footage cut up with live videos and images of Derek. It was going to be buried with Derek as well as we would get a copy to remember him.

It was also so Chase would always have a part of his dad since Derek shot most of the older videos. I wiped a tear before grabbing the shirt I was supposed to be wearing. I prayed that I would make it through the video without crying. I bit my lip thinking how Zacky would be in the video and for some reason I hoped that this tour wasn't the only pictures and videos I had of Zack and I.

I sighed realizing what this meant, I was starting to like Zacky as more than a friend. I could only hope Jacoby was right and he liked me back.

I walked back to the front of the bus to find Zacky playing with Chase, Zacky gave me a huge smile that made his eyes sparkle before turning back to Chase.

That meant he had to like me back right? Or did he only like me as a friend?
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm in love with that song.