Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

All You Wanted Was Somebody Who Cares

Amara’s P.O.V
It’s been a few days since Bree left for her funeral. I was currently sitting on the bus floor in the living area as Zacky went on, yet again, about how he was going to take her out to a restaurant and how he was so excited she was giving him a chance. This has got to be at least the hundredth time in the last two days that he’s started talking about this date, and becoming close with Bree. And now I’m asking myself why I didn’t take Adam up on his offer to ride to the next area on his bus. I was coming really close to smacking Zack.

I stood up abruptly. “I’m taking a nap,” I stated cutting Zacky off mid-sentence. “Bye,” I grumbled as I walked past all of them, Zack being the last person, and into the bunk room. I curled up on my bunk and heard Zacky continue his story. I groaned and buried my face in my pillow while reaching into my bag for my iPod. I stopped mid-reach when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I changed direction and reached for my phone instead. I pulled it out and smiled as I opened the text from Adam.

I’m bored. You can only watch them play ps2 for so long. Entertain me! I laughed at his text softly before hitting reply.

Maybe you deserve to be bored. If I have to hear Zack tell the same story one more time I’m gonna snap and kick his ass. I admitted as I laid my phone on the bunk next to me so I could resume reaching for my iPod. I let out a cheer of triumph as I brought my iPod up next to me just in time to feel my phone vibrate once again.

Aww don’t kill your best friend. Tune him out? I rolled my eyes at the term ‘best friend.’ Weren’t best friends the ones who were always on your side? The ones who make sure you’re alright when everything is clearly not alright. Aren’t best friends supposed to be reasonable? I sighed and shook my head trying to clear it. This was not going to solve anything. I tucked my headphones into my ears and turned on Breaking Benjamin.

I’m trying. I’m regretting not taking you up on your previous offer Mr. Gontier. I admitted with a soft sigh. It wasn’t even like I would have had to deal with Bree. I also wouldn’t have had to deal with her nephew. And I would have been Zacky free. I guess it’s a good thing that everyone thinks we made up. I yawned as ‘I Will Not Bow’ started playing. I ended up falling asleep as the battery ran out on my iPod.

When I woke up I was curled up against someone’s chest. I glanced up and saw Brian and poked him until he woke up. When I sent him a questioning glance he spoke quickly. “I was just as sick of his rambling as you were. So I came to see you,” I smiled before laughing softly at him. I remembered my phone and pulled it out to see what Adam had to say about my regrets.

Awww well I would love to just tell the bus driver to pull over so I could come save you. But he doesn’t like making unnecessary stops. Sorry Mara. My smile brightened and I sent him a reply saying it was cool and I’d see him when we got to the next venue. I pouted as I realized my iPod died, I took Brian’s off his iHome and plugged mine in.

“Thanks Bri,” I told him before sticking my tongue out at him. He laughed and nodded as we felt the bus stop moving. I immediately jumped up and ran out of the bunk room yelling. “Are we there yet?” I got a couple of nods along with a slight glare from Zacky. I flipped them all the bird and grabbed my phone before running off the bus. I walked around and ended up bumping right into someone. “Sorry,” I mumbled as I rubbed my nose and went to take a step back.

“It’s okay,” I heard Adam say and I giggled before wrapping my arms around him. I laid my head on his right shoulder and let my thoughts wonder. What if he hurts me? What if he ends up just like the rest? What if this all goes away after this tour?

All these what if’s were clouding my brain and making it hard to think. I really liked Adam, but I didn’t want him to turn out to be just like the others. I may only be twenty-four, but I don’t want to end up in a lot of relationships. I just want to find a guy to love, and a guy to love me in return. I just want to finally find happiness.
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