Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Let's Keep This Moving, To Hell With The Let Down

Bree's pov


That's what I woke up too and I'm not going to lie, it was weird. It seemed I always woke up to people screaming or talking but I never wake up to silence on a bus. I bit my lip wondering if someone was going to pull a prank on me.

I grabbed my pillow hearing someone walking up to my bunk. It was probably stupid grabbing the pillow but that's all I had in my bunk other than a book. The person grabbed the curtain and pulled it open before sticking their head in and that is when I started hitting the person with all my force.

"Hey!" Someone cried but it kinda came out muffled. "Why are you hitting me?"

"Because you were about to do something!" I yelled while swinging the pillow.

"I was only going to wake you! We have get going soon."

"Then why the hell was it so quiet in here?"

"I asked them not to wake you up so you could be rested for today!" The mystery man cried before grabbing the pillow revealing Zacky.

I dropped my arms and smiled widely, "Oh hey Zacky."

Zacky shook his head and threw my pillow at me, "Get dressed and then we can go."

"Where are we going? Are you taking me somewhere?"

"Yup remember today is our date? We're going somewhere special, Jacoby's watching Chase so we have the day to ourselves so get ready Ms. Bree."

I glared at Zacky before grabbing my clothes and stalking off to the bathroom where I got ready. I was finishing my hair when Zacky was banging on the door telling me to hurry up. I pouted before sighing and walking out of the bathroom.

"I don't take a long time do I?"

Zacky's face softened and he shook his head, "No, but let's go."

I stuck my tongue out before grabbing Zacky's hand and running off the bus to see the bus was parked in front of a carnival. I love carnivals, it was always part of my perfect date. I smiled and turned to Zacky who was smiling at me as well.

I hugged him before pulling him to the entrance, "So why'd you bring me here?"

Zacky shrugged and paid for our tickets, "I happen to love carnivals and somebody told me you did too. I figured since our relationship is pretty cliche we can do all those cliche things too."

I laughed before shaking my head, "Okay but no Ferris wheels. I hate those things."

"How can you hate the most cliche part of a carnival Bree? That was the whole point of coming here!"

"Jacoby didn't tell you? I didn't tell you? I thought everyone knew about my hatred of Ferris wheels."

"Apparently not since I was going to pay off the person to stop at the top at sunset and it'd be all romantic-" Zacky replied pouting.

I chuckled and kissed Zacky's cheek causing him to turn and grin at me, "That's sweet and all but be original and buy me funnel cake!"

"Why funnel cake?"

"Because funnel cake is the bestest food items at carnivals minus kettle corn!"

Zacky chuckled before pulling me over to the funnel cake line. I ordered the cake covered in whip cream, the best and messiest way to eat it. I grinned as Zacky grabbed a piece and got whip cream all over him. He glared in response as he tried in vain to clean up.

- - -

I clapped as Zacky got another sticker for me. I grinned before hugging him and adding it to my ever growing pile in my pocket.

Zacky paused before putting in another pair of quarters, "Wait why is it you want a pile of stickers? Some girls want stuffed animals or flowers but you want stickers?"

"They come in handy at times, and I just really like stickers and temporary tattoos. Those things are awesome!"

"You just collect them?"

I shook my head, "No and you don't want to know how I use them."

Zacky nodded before taking my hand and pulling me after from the stickers and into the ride area.

"So no Ferris wheel but every other ride acceptable."

I glanced around the park before squealing, "Let's go on that one!" I started pulling Zacky over to one of those rides that are two seats and you spin while upside down.

"Sure you can handle this?" Zacky asked as we strapped in.

"Better question Mr. Vengeance is if you can handle it. I happen to love rides like these," I yelled as the ride started.

I grinned feeling the wind in my hair but I smiled wider as I felt Zacky grab my hand and intertwine our fingers together. I laughed seeing him hold the seat tighter as we spun upside down.

I shook my head before using our intertwined hands to poke him. "Still think you can handle it?"

Zacky slowly nodded his head, "I didn't expect it to go upside down the minute it started."

"You sure about that? Because it's about to get worse!"


I laughed harder as each pair of seats started spinning so each pair was spinning while the whole thing spun. I glanced over to see Zacky smiling and rolling his eyes at me. I smiled and bit my tongue showing how much fun I was having.

- - -

After the carnival Zacky and I grabbed some food from McDonald's not only for us but for Jacoby and Chase as well.

"Gosh such a big spender," I teased Zacky as we walked back to the bus with the food.

"I offered anything and you chose McDonald's."

"Because McDonald's french fries is the perfect ending to the perfect first date!"

Zacky suddenly stopped causing me to pause as well and turn to him, "It was perfect?"

"It was my perfect first date, wasn't that what you were aiming for?"

"Of course."

I raised my eyebrows, "Wait you didn't ask Jacoby all about it?"

"No, honestly I was just hoping that you would have a good time. Maybe this is just further proof we're perfect for each other."

"Shut up," I replied blushing.

"Anyways, do you think we could do this again?" Zacky asked as we got closer to Papa Roach's bus.

"I think so, if you promise that we have as much fun as I did today."

"Of course you'll have fun, you'll be with the Zacky Vengeance."

"You keep thinking that Mr. Vengeance."

I grinned as we walked into the bus, for the first time in a while I was glad I accepted a date. I hadn't had this much fun in a while. I think Zacky might have been right earlier, I was falling for him. And I wasn't going to worry about the consequences.