Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Where Is Your Boy Tonight?

Bree's pov

"Thanks for meeting me," I told Alex as he took his spot next to me on the pier.

"You know it's no problem Bree, I'm just curious why you called me."

"I have to go to court in a few weeks."

"What? Why?"

"Clarissa is suing for custody of Chase."

"What?! She can't do that! She hasn't ever been there for Chase! God the minute she left the hospital she never looked back, Derek has been a sole parent from the minute he was born!" Alex exploded. "And Chase is your only family left! She can't take that from you!"

"I talked to a few lawyers and the all seem to agree, I'm going to l-l-lose cus-custody of Chase. Almost all judges side with the m-m-mother." I added holding back the tears that threatened to fall.

"No! There has to be some lawyer out there that can win you this case. I'll pay for it, I don't care if its a million bucks and I have to get a job. We'll find the lawyer."

"No time the hearing is set for three weeks, and I already have a lawyer."

"Well the lawyer isn't good enough for our Chase, he needs the best."

I let out strangled laugh that sounded more like a cough, "Our Chase?"

"He'll always be like a nephew to me even if we aren't together." Alex explained.

"He still loves you as an uncle. Derek had to specifically tell him not to ask about his 'uncle Alex' around me. I wasn't the most stable after the church thing to say the least."

"I'm sorry about that but I just couldn't go through with it and I've regretted it ever since."

"You haven't regretted it once Alex, don't pull an act on me." I spat at him.

Alex shook his head, "I regret it everyday Bree. I was a stupid kid back then and I didn't realize the love of my life was standing in front of me the whole time. The minute he asked me if I do I had the over whelming feeling to run so I did, and the minute I got to the beach I realized my mistake but I knew you would never forgive me."

"Right and I still haven't forgiven you. I thought maybe you could go back to being my best friend, the one that showed through a little but now that this Alex is back I think I'll go back to my boyfriend."

Alex grabbed my wrist as I turned, "What the fuck does he have that I don't?"

"Everything Alex! I was in love with you before but now I don't know what I ever saw in you." I replied starting to raise my voice.

"Do you love him?" Alex asked somberly.

"I'm not sure yet but I think I might be. Actually I'm pretty sure I'm falling for him so if I'm not in love with him now I will be soon enough. And guess what! I think he loves me back!"

"Don't kid yourself Bree, you're just a tour girlfriend. He doesn't love you he just loves to fu-"

"Tour girlfriend?"

"Yeah guys in bands have them all the time. They're girls that guys date for the tour to keep them occupied and satisfy their needs."

I started to shake my head and back up not believing what I was hearing, "Zacky wouldn't do that to me. He has feelings for me."

"Yea the feeling of lust." Alex replied completely seriously. "He hasn't asked to stay on tour has he? Because that way he doesn't have to break up with you at the end but rather break up with you gradually and remotely."

"Zacky isn't that kind of guy."

"Oh really? Then why hasn't he asked you to stay on tour? Hasn't he told you his feelings? He doesn't love you like I love you."

"No!" I yelled before turning and running along the beach towards my house.

- - -

I sat on the sand staring out into the ocean a couple hours later. I had left my car at the pier and I had been running since I left Alex. I glanced around knowing I was still at least three miles from my house.

I closed and laid back thinking about what Alex had said.

I thought about how I had two weeks of tour left after this break. I didn't know why but there was a week break and then two weeks later Three Days Grace left tour and since I was invited on tour by Three Days Grace I was leaving with them.

I thought back to all the conversations I had with Zacky. We talked about how I was leaving tour but he never once invited me to stay with him.

Was Alex right? That was Zacky's way of breaking up with me?

I wiped away something wet on my cheek to feel more water. I glanced up to see that it was starting to rain. I sighed before standing up again and starting my run again knowing it was gonna rain the whole time.

- - -

My whole run I thought about what Alex said and came to one conclusion: that Alex was a psycho ex and that I shouldn't believe him. But that didn't stop me from wanting to talk to Zacky about it. I wanted to know what Zacky thought about it.

I saw my house come into my vision and I gulped thinking about how this talk was either going to confirm my worst thoughts or banish them forever, and I really hoped it was the latter.

Zacky and I hadn't been dating for very long but what I told Alex was the truth I was falling for Zacky and hard. I don't think I could handle Zacky leaving me. I sent a quick prayer to the heavens before walking in.

"Zacky!" I called knowing Chase was off with Jacoby today.

I frowned when there was no reply, Zacky had been here when I left. "Zacky!"

When I was meet with silence again I fell to the floor from being so tired. I pulled my legs to my chest despite the cries from my muscles, I felt like my worst fears had been confirmed. I felt like Zacky not being here was fate's way of telling my Alex was right. I was a tour girlfriend.

I wiped a few tears before walking upstairs to shower where I could cry in peace. I never felt comfortable crying anywhere but my bed or bunk or a shower. I wiped a few more tears as I turned on the water and got in. I shook my head but that stupid Fall out Boy song was playing in head on repeat and I couldn't stop it.

Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman.
And maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing about this part of town.

When I wake up
I'm willing to take my chances on
Hope I forget
That you hate him more than you notice
I wrote this for you.(for you, ohh..)

You need him
But I could be him.
I could be an accident, but I'm still trying.
That's more than I can say for him.(yeah!)

Could Alex be that guy for me? Was that was my head was trying to tell me?

Someday I'll appreciate it in value
Get off my ass and call you
The meantime I'll sport
My brand new fashion of waking up with pants off
At four in the afternoon.

You need him
But I could be him
I could be an accident, but I'm still trying.
That's more than I can say for him. (yeah!) (1,2,3,4!)

Where is your boy tonight?
I hope he is a gentleman.
Maybe he won't find out what I know
You were the last good thing about this part of town

But that didn't make sense. Why would my head be pushing me towards Alex when he caused me so much pain? And more important what was my heart telling me?

I bit my lip hearing the front door slam shut. I closed my eyes and shook my head praying Alex was wrong.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait.