Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Give Me Any Reason to Believe 'Cause I Swear I'm Done Here

Bree's pov

It was the night before I left tour and all I could think about was the fact that Zacky hadn't asked me to stay yet. It just didn't make sense to me, if he really liked me, like he said he did, wouldn't he want me to stay? Wouldn't he want to spend as much time with me as he could?

Or did he just not care?

I glanced at Zacky to see him off in his own world thinking about something or another.

"So I'm leaving tomorrow," I brought up breaking the silence.

"I know," Zacky replied distantly.

I got up and walked off the bus to my bus hoping to finish packing both mine and Chase's stuff. I glanced behind me hoping Zacky would be there but he wasn't, he probably didn't even notice I had left.

Walking on to the bus I noticed Adam was sitting on the couch staring out the window. He had been doing that since Amara left. I rolled my eyes the guy was a idiot.

I grabbed my pillow and smack him in the face, "Get over it. It's your fault she left while she's pregnant with your baby."

Adam turned away from the window and glared at me, "She cheated how can you be sure its mine?"

"Because she's not a cheater clearly she was trying to say something else."

"How can you be sure?"

"Amara doesn't seem like the person to cheat, she's loyal from what I can tell."

"Oh like you know anything about loyalty."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

Adam rolled his eyes, "Please everyone knows Zacky is cheating on you. That is if you're even together, because last I heard he never asked you officially to be his girlfriend."

I looked away realizing that was true, "Fuck you Adam fuck you."

I got up and walked straight into the bunk room grabbing all of my stuff along with Chase's and stuffed it into our suitcases. I had only packed enough for two weeks so it wasn't very hard.

I quickly called the airlines to change our tickets before I called a cab. I dragged the suitcases to the front before texting Jacoby to tell him to bring Chase. I looked around real quick to see if I forgot anything before noticing Adam asleep on the couch. Smirking I grabbed a sharpie and wrote my goodbye on his face.

Bye asshole.

I carried the suitcases over to the taxi and stuffed them in before gulping I noticed Zacky was walking over.

"Are you leaving?" Zacky asked me glancing from me to the taxi.

I nodded before shrugging, "There's no reason for me to stay. I'm simply a tour girlfriend and one of my friends is turning on me."

"Tour girlfriend?"

"It's either that or you're cheating on me, and I don't know which is worst at this point. Having my heart ripped out by another cheater or that this relationship actually meant a lot to me and it doesn't to you."

"Why would you think I'm cheating on you?"

"Adam told me."

Zacky stared at me with an 'are you kidding look', "Why would Adam lie to you?"

"Maybe because it's the truth and he doesn't want me to get hurt again."

"It's not true. Why are you trying to make it seem like I'm lying to you."

"Clearly some one's lying, and you haven't been acting like yourself lately."

"It's a crime to be hesitant now because my bitch of a girlfriend isn't the easiest to approach."

I felt my jaw drop, "That's what you think of me? You just think I'm this bitch you keeps people at a distance?"

Zacky's face softened and he stepped close to me causing me to step back, "That's not what I meant."

"It's exactly what you meant. It had to have passed through your head a few times for you just to blurt it out."

"No! I just said it in the moment I don't mean it at all."

"You meant every word of it, now excuse me I have a plane to catch."

At that point Jacoby had finally walked over with a sleeping Chase. I put Chase into the taxi before glancing at Zacky hoping he would do anything to try to make me stay but instead he stared at the ground shuffling him feet. I rolled my eyes before getting into the car.

- - -

It had been a week since I left tour and Zacky hadn't called me once. I expected him to need to cool off but I thought a week would have been enough. But no he hadn't called or texted me once and I couldn't bring myself to dial his number.

I glanced at my phone one last time before walking into the courthouse, today was the last day of the custody battle. I prayed that Chase would stay with me, he was the last family I had.

My lawyer smiled sadly at me, "The court ruled in favor of Clarissa. You lost all rights to custody."

"She can't do that!"

"The paternity test came back negative, you and Chase aren't related. You have no claim to be able to see him."

"But I love him as if he was my own. That can't be right."

"I'm sorry Ms. Parker, but you can't win them all."

I wiped away a tear before I walked out of the courthouse with my head hanging. I was to busy trying to will the tears away that I didn't even notice where I was going until I ran in to someone.

"Bree," The person stated wrapping his arms around me.

I took in the familiar scent before letting the tears go, "They took him away Alex. He isn't my nephew so I wasn't allowed to keep him. They took away my last family member."

"I know Bree, I know."

Alex and I stood there in front of the courthouse for who knows how long. I cried my heart out while Alex stood there rubbing my back, trying to calm me down.

The saddest part? I wish Zacky was the one comforting me.