Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

I Am Not Afraid to Keep On Living

Amara’s P.O.V
I woke up at three to Aiden crying, which wasn’t new. I was just more exhausted because it took forever to fall asleep the night before. Luckily, today all I had to do was finish a paper for my class and go to the Echoplex. Actually for the next week, I had to be at the Echoplex. Why did this stupid tour have to be in this town for so long? I sighed as I finished making myself breakfast. I pulled the bowl of cereal towards me as Mandy walked in with a smile on her face. “Texting your boyfriend?” I asked with a laugh as I noticed her phone in her hand.

“Maybe,” She whispered with a blush. I laughed wondering what he had said to her. I yawned before finishing my cereal and putting the bowl and spoon in the sink. I walked over to Aiden and pulled him into my arms. “I’m sorry I have to leave you,” I mumbled tiredly. “But you’ll have fun with Aunt Mandy,” I turned to Mandy. “Thanks again for watching him today. I trust you so much more than a daycare.”

“Of course, although I may need to work later… If that happens, you want me to drop him off at daycare or bring him to you?” I thought about it for a moment as I walked towards the stairs.

“Bring him to me. If worst comes to worst I can have Frankie, or Brian watch him for a bit,” I stated hoping that I wouldn’t regret my choice later on. Mandy nodded as I walked towards the upstairs bathroom. I closed the door and stripped down, turning on the radio and stepping into the shower. I washed my hair and body as New Divide by Linkin Park played. I stepped out and brushed through my hair, and pulled on a pair of black jeans and a lime green tank top. I put my wallet in my back pocket and hooked the chain to one of my front loops so it wouldn’t disappear. I hooked my keys to another loop and tucked my cell phone in my front pocket.

I walked out and slipped on a pair of gym shoes and tied them. I made sure Aiden’s bag had everything Mandy would need for him and grabbed my hoodie that said ‘Sound Crew’ on the back. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and put on my sunglasses. “I’ll see you later, if I survive today,” I told Mandy with a sigh. She laughed before patting me on my shoulder and wishing me luck. I started the car and drove towards the Echoplex, with the radio on loud.

I got to the venue to see the five buses parked in their designated areas and almost groaned. I placed my headphones in my ears and tucked my iPod into my pocket before heading in. I hummed along with Shadow of the Day as I walked in. The first thing that happened, was I found myself lying on my back staring up into Frankie’s hazel eyes. Or at least I thought they were hazel, they may be brown but I gave up on figuring that out. “Hello Frankie,” I stated pulling one headphone out of my ear as he grinned down at me.

“Hello Amara,” He stated before jumping up and pulling me up. He grabbed my hand and ran off dragging me behind him. He came to a screeching halt and I ended up running right into his back. Stupid momentum. “Sorry Mara,” He stated as his eyes widened. I looked around him to see Bree rolling her eyes at Frank, which pissed me off. This was going to be the whole Brian situation all over again.

“It’s okay. Hey listen, I need to go set up for the first band… Which is Escape the Fate I believe, so I will be back in after I help my people,” I said with a laugh at how weird that sounded. “Damn I can’t wait to get my degree so I don’t have to work three jobs!” Frank laughed at my enthusiasm as I skipped past Three Days Grace and Avenged Sevenfold. I made my way on stage and went to help out my crew. I came back after all the guitars and such were tested and made my way back towards My Chemical Romance who were unfortunately talking to Three Days Grace.

“Amara,” Mikey grinned pulling me into a hug before Frank got the chance to do anything. Gerard smiled in my direction as Adam glared. I sighed in thought as Brian called my name.

“I’ll be back. I promised Brian I’d help him with something,” I stated and noticed Adam roll his eyes. I also heard him say something about ‘yeah help him with his ‘problem.’’ I frowned realizing what he thought and walked away before I got angry. I walked over and smiled as Brian hugged me. I sighed as I let my thoughts get to me. Brian rubbed my back and I looked over as Escape the Fate took the stage.

I ended up smiling as they played: Situations, Ten Miles Wide, and I Won’t Back Down. I decided to make my way back to My Chem since they played next. I stood next to Frank in silence as Escape the Fate finished up. My sound crew went and set up for My Chemical Romance. Frank smiled at me, and because it’s Frank, I couldn’t help but smile back. I laughed as he ran around getting hyped for being on stage. I felt myself frown as Bree glared and rolled her eyes yet again.

“Bitch,” I muttered under my breath as Frank came back to my side. He placed a sloppy kiss on my cheek and ran off towards his guitar. I watched the five walk out on stage and hugged myself feeling eyes on me. They started off by playing ‘Teenagers.’ I watched as they started the next song, ‘I’m Not Okay.’ I grinned as they finished that song and went on to play my favorite, ‘Famous Last Words.’

“Now I know that I can’t make you stay. But where’s your heart. But where’s your heart. But where’s your… And I know there’s nothing I can say to change that part, to change that part. To change,” I sang along with Gee’s words. I blushed realizing that Bree, Adam, Brian, Zacky and Matt’s eyes were on me. I ended up moving to the side of the stage, leaving my back to them.

“So many bright lights that cast a shadow. But can I speak, is it hard understanding I’m incomplete. A life that’s so demanding, I get so weak. A love that’s so demanding, I can’t speak,” I smiled until I realized I had tears in my eyes. I wiped at them before singing along with the chorus, until I realized that it was my phone too.

“Hello?” I answered, walking away from the stage and closer to the bands. “Hey Mandy, yeah come on over,” I stated as Brian’s smile got a whole lot brighter, and Matt frowned. “See you in a bit,” I said as I made my way towards the stage to help set up for Three Days Grace. I walked backstage and brushed shoulders with Adam, I bit my lip to avoid gasping at the tingle it sent down my arm. I quickly walked towards a security guard who was waving me over as Three Days Grace took the stage. I noticed Mandy holding Aiden behind the guard with an irritated look on her face. “She’s with me,” I stated with a smile as Rob nodded. “Mandy!”

“Mara,” She smiled and gave me a one armed hug. I leaned in and kissed Aiden’s forehead, when I pulled back I had a smile on my face. We walked side by side past Bree and ETF, and stopped near My Chemical, which resulted in a sweaty Frankie hugging me.

“Ewwwwww,” I squirmed in his hold. He laughed before kissing my cheek and releasing me. “Gross Frankie, and you wanted to meet Aiden, well here he is,” I said softly gesturing to the black haired, blue eyed boy in my best friend’s arms. I heard Three Days Grace announce that the next song would be their last and stared at my shoes as Adam began singing to ‘Gone Forever.’ They came backstage and my eyes found their way to the floor as I got the sound crew to go get the stage ready for Avenged Sevenfold. I smiled as I tuned Brian’s guitar happily. I knew what would be coming soon, and I was excited.

As the guys walked onstage I took Aiden from Mandy and held him in my arms. “Hey! Thief,” She pouted as I shrugged. I didn’t want to risk her dropping him when it happened. I smiled as they played a couple of songs and then Brian came forward. “Alright, so I’ve got something kind of important to say,” He stated and I smiled. “I’ve been dating the same person for about a year now, actually a little longer. And I love her very much,” I watched as he glanced at her at the side of the stage. “Come join me on stage,” He stated warmly, I felt myself smile as Mandy slowly walked out. “Amanda Rachael Lenox,” He stated getting down on one knee. “Will you marry me?”

I watched the tears trailing down her cheeks. She put a hand to her mouth as she nodded before running up to him. She pressed her lips against his and wrapped her arms around his neck. He placed his hands on her hips and pulled her as close as possible. Matt cleared his throat into the microphone and they pulled apart. Brian rolled his eyes before leaning in for one last, quick kiss. Mandy smiled happily at him as he slipped the ring on her finger, she then came back to me and smacked my arm. “You bitch,” She said through her tears. “You knew!” I nodded with a laugh as Mikey took Aiden from me so I could hug Mandy.

“Congrats babe,” I told her with a warm smile. She smiled at me before getting a serious look on her face. “You have to be my maid of honor. I won’t take no for an answer,” I nodded with a laugh as Mikey came back and handed me Aiden who was getting fussy. “Oh stop whining,” I told him with a laugh and sure enough he stopped.

“Are you gonna be a momma’s boy?” Mandy cooed at him with a laugh as he just looked at her innocently. I laughed and waved it off. “Psh, I can’t believe how I feel right now,” She stated softly glancing at the ring like if she didn’t keep checking, it would disappear.

“It’s real. And he loves you,” I stated with a warm smile. Mandy nodded happily as Avenged Sevenfold walked off stage. My crew got to work for the last band of the night, and soon Papa Roach was on the stage. I smiled as Brian came over and pulled Mandy into a kiss, and after holding her for a couple of minutes, he pulled away to hug me and then take Aiden from me. I smiled at the two before skipping over to Tyler, who was basically my second in command. “Hey Ty, so everything looks okay?” He nodded in agreement. “Alright good,” I smiled warmly at him. I walked past Adam and Escape the Fate and let out a sigh. “I checked in with the manager, can you handle the rest of the show? I need to get home,” I stated glancing back towards Aiden.

“Yeah of course,” Tyler said with a smile. He was quite fond of Aiden. “Have a good night, Amara,” I nodded and smiled at him. I walked over to Brian and took Aiden from him, and realized I had my folder over by Three Days Grace. I mentally groaned while asking myself why this tour had to have three bands that probably hated me. It could have had Breaking Benjamin but no. I walked past Adam to grab my folder and winced as Aiden yanked on my short hair. It was partially his fault I cut it, after getting my hair puked on so many times, I gave up.

I heard Adam grumble something but didn’t want to hear it. “Have a good evening,” I muttered as I turned back towards Mandy and Brian. I unclipped my keys and headed for the parking lot, walking right past Bree. After successfully unlocking my jeep, I untangled Aiden’s hand from my hair and placed him in his seat, buckling it. I kissed his forehead again and walked around to my side. I slid into the driver’s seat and looked up to see Bree staring at the Jeep and Adam standing near her as well, he looked like he was having a battle with himself. Trying to decide on something, it pained me to see the conflict behind his eyes. I shook it off and started the car, singing along to the radio. And before I could change my mind, I started on my way home.
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Let me know how I did... this is the longest chapter I've typed for something in a long time....hope you like it!