Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

That Everything You Do Is Super Duper Cute

Bree's pov

No one spoke on the way back to the bus that night. I bit my lip as I watched the night scenery pass me by, I wanted to say something but I felt that nothing would be able to slice through the silence.

As Zacky pulled up in front of the Escape The Fate bus I glanced at him hoping to figure out what he was thinking, any insight was welcome at this point. I sighed before getting out of the car knowing neither of us were going to say anything, but as I reached the bus door I felt a hand on my arm turning me around.

"I'm sorry if tonight was awkward for you," Zacky apologized looking straight at me.

I quickly glanced at the bus to see both Craig and Max watching, "Don't worry about it. It's as much my fault as anyone else."

"Still I feel bad."

I rolled my eyes and cracked a small smile, "I said don't worry about it, I'm over it so you should get over it too."

"It's not that easy to get over guilt."

"Well if you feel guilty about something else I can't help you but if it's guilt over tonight," I waved my hands in front of him, "Poof! It's gone."

Zacky smiled softly before shaking his head and looking at the floor with a guilty expression, "It was my fault I should have stopped you from leaving. It's my fault we broke up."

"Zacky you couldn't have stopped me. I broke up with you, it was my fault. Don't blame yourself."

"Still, I should have ran after you. I should have paid more attention to you. I should have . . I should have made the relationship work! I should have been different, I should have-"

I slapped my hand over his mouth stopping his rambling as well I making him look at me, "Zacky! The relationship ending was all my fault! I was falling for you and falling hard, and I hated myself for it. Every time I fell for a guy he ended up hurting me and with Alex planting those thoughts in my head, I wanted to end the cycle so I hurt you before you could hurt me."

Zacky suddenly smirked at me, "So you made sure nothing about our relationship is cliche but we have the most cliche break up ever?"

I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder, "Shut up. There was too much going on in my life to worry about being cliche at that point."

"That makes sense but you still should have talked to me."

"Now you're being the cliche way one!" I stated pointing a finger at him and mock glaring.

Zacky grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug and started swaying side to side.

I chuckled before asking what he was doing.

"I figured since we're being cliche we should dance with no music on."

I felt my face heat up so I buried my head where his shoulder met his neck. Feeling him laugh quietly made it worst as I slowly pulled myself closer, wrapping my arms around his neck still swaying with him.

"God you're adorable Bree."

"Glad to know you find this adorable."

"I find everything about you adorable."

Feeling my skin get even redder I moved my head hoping to cover my face while mumbling out a thanks. Zacky laughed and pulled me away from placing a kiss on forehead.

"Well good night Bree."

"Night Zacky."

I felt my face still burning as I walked on to the bus especially once I felt the stares.

"Aww did he make the lady bug blush?" I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Shut up Jacoby, I will kill you in your fucking sleep. Remember I know where you sleep and which window is your bunk."

"I've noticed you're only defensive when the answer is yes," Max commented speaking me for the first time since tour started.

"I hate you all."

"So Bree, you guys back together?" Craig asked as I walked to my bunk.

"No, now I'm going to bed night." I called before pulling out my phone to see I had a new text.

Since we're being cliche and all; will you accompany me somewhere when we're in Seattle?
- Zacky aka hot shot rock star

I chuckled remembering that convostation before hitting reply and pausing. Did I want to give that relationship over again? Did I want to risk getting hurt again or risk hurting him again?

I'll make it worth your while and it'll be just as fun as the fair date.
- Zacky aka hot shot rock star

'Well that settles it' I thought remembering how much fun I had on our date.

I guess I can, where are we going?
- Bree the unofficial rock star

It's a surpise, just be ready at 5 and wear something comfortable.
- Zacky aka hot shot rock star

I fell asleep with a smile on my face that night.
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