Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

'At Night I Feel Like A Vampire'

Bree's pov

'Break away from everybody
Break away from everything
If you can’t stand the way
This place is
Take yourself to higher places'

I played Break back for the guys with the new solo and watched their reactions. By the end all the guys were smiling and nodding.

"Its perfect!" Adam exclaimed once the song was over.

Barry pretended to wipe a tear, "The solo was just how I imagined it."

Neil glared and shoved him, "Excuse me? It's all about the drums!"

"No! It's all about the solo!"

"Drums make the song, bad drumming equals a bad song. Good drumming, good song."

"Drums merely create a beat, guitar is the rhythm."

Adam shook his head, "You're both wrong. Voice makes the song."

"Not true," Both Barry and Neil argued at the same time.


"Hoping to interrupt this soon-to-be argument, I say we celebrate!" Brad commented.

"Where?" Adam questioned.

Brad stared at Adam with a weird look on his face, "Do I live here? No. Ask the person who lives here."

"Parker!" Neil yelled even though I was standing next to him.

I turned and glared at him, "Fire and Ice just opened but I haven't been there yet."

Brad grabs his jacket and my keys, "Well lets go."

I rolled my eyes but followed anyways.

- - -

As we walked in I heard Bad Romance start playing, I smiled Lady Gaga always made me laugh.

Barry and Neil turned to each other and started singing along,

I laughed before joining in, the three of us linked arms and skipped to the bar singing
Want your bad romance."

We sat at the bar waiting patiently for the drink when a girl suddenly appeared in front of us fuming, "God I hate that song! But the beginning makes me laugh!"

"Hear Hear!" Barry yelled laughing and holding his hand out of a high five.

The girl high fived him before blushing as a familiar song started floating through the club.

'No time for goodbye he said
As he faded away
Don't put your life in some one's hands
They're bound to steal it away'

"Sorry, I can change it," She said before looking down at the bar instead of the guys.

"No need," Adam replied staring at the girl. "It's nice to find a club with a good taste in music."

"More like awesome taste!" Neil exclaimed from his spot next to Barry.

We were sitting in a row, with me in the middle. Barry sat on my right with Neil next to him; Adam was on my left with Brad next to him.

The girl smirked before taking our drink orders. Once she walked away to take some one elses order I turned to Adam to see him still watching her.

"She was nice," I commented out loud.

"Gorgeous is more like it," Adam kindly put in.

"Didn't know those two went together," I said glancing at him.

Adam bit his lip before striking a conversation with Brad, I laughed before turning Barry.

- - -

"No! How many times do I have to tell you? Drums make the song." Neil argued with Adam and Barry once again.

"It's all about the guitar, drums are replaceable." Barry put forth.

Adam rolled his eyes, "Everyone replaceable but the singer."

"Naw it's all about the guitar. Guitar solo. Have you not seen Syn Gates shred?" The bartender, Amara as we learned, said walking back over to us.

"Excuse me? The Rev totally makes those songs, Avenged Sevenfold would be nothing without him!" Neil argued.

"True. But if Syn was gone, they would also be nothing."

"See! This girl knows what she's talking about," Barry exclaimed before turning to her. "Will you be my new bestest friend, I'm demoting Neil from that position."

Neil gasped and put a hand 'over his heart', "How could you?!"

Barry sighed and shrugged, "You're just always wrong!"

Brad suddenly sighed dramatically, "You're both wrong Zacky Vengeance makes the band."

Both Barry and Neil suddenly turned to Brad before standing up, turning on their heel, and walked away.

"He's the other guitarist ya know..?" Amara questioned with a raised eyebrow.

Brad nodded, "Yeah. I said it to see their reactions."

I nodded before taking another sip of my drink, only to glance up as Amara changed the song yet again.

"You change the song every time a break up or heart break song comes up why?" I asked once she came back since Adam had gone to the bathroom and Brad had disappeared.

Amara sighed and looked anywhere but me, "Too complicated to say."

"Bad break up?"

"Something like that."

I turned hearing my name and saw Adam flagging me over. I turned back to Amara before handing her a business card, "call if you ever want to talk about it." I told her before walking away.

I glanced back to see Amara staring at the card, I could only hope she called. She seemed like a person that could use a good friend, and I could always use a normal friend after hanging with rock stars all day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took me so long, I have the flu.

Please and Thank you