Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Sooner Or Later, I'll Need A Savior

Bree's pov

I take back what I said before I don't want friends like Amara's, maybe having no close friends works out better in the end.

I rolled my eyes before snapping my fingers, "Okay people you got your answers, I think it's time we leave."

Everyone turned to me stunned but Ellie quickly snapped out of it and glared, "I think we need to talk to her. Friends should come first in your life."

"Excuse me? What are you trying to say?"

Ellie suddenly smirked, "That clearly friends aren't the most important thing in your life, maybe that's why you have none."

As soon as her words left her mouth I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, her words slammed into me, leaving me breathless. With one statement she made me want to crawl into a ball and cry myself to sleep. I took a deep breath trying to keep calm enough to not to throw a punch. I glanced around before smirking, if she wanted to be a bitch, I guess I'll have to be a bigger one.

"At least I'm not a blond bimbo who doesn't know when she crosses the line nor when shes not wanted."

"Excuse me? What are you trying to say?" Ellie mocked me before smirking once again.

"That no one here other than Adam, who's probably using you for sex, likes you. We all think Adam is a fucking idiot, only his band mates has to put up with you and not tell you the truth so I will. You'r-"

Adam suddenly stood up and glared viciously at me, "Don't fucking finish that sentence."

I grinned satisfied by the wonderment on Ellie's face and the anger on Adam's face. "No need, you'll have to eventually. Anyways Max and Craig are leaving with me and I suggest the rest of you do the same, unless you live here."

"Why?" Zacky snapped at me turning his questioning stare to me.

"You all, her supposedly best friends, just basically accused her of being a suicidal idiot. Why don't you give her some space before she becomes a homicidal bitch? You didn't give her a chance before jumping down her throat, so don't be surprised when she hates you."

"She won't hate us," Mandy replied defensively.

"Right, and when she does, don't come crying to me," I said as I walked out the door.

- - -

"Hey Bree!" I heard from behind me.

"How can I help you Zacky?" I asked turning around to face him, regretting it as I did.

"I just wanted to make sure we were still on for Seattle."

"I don't know anymore Zacky."

"What happened from yesterday?"

I bit my lip wishing we didn't have to have this conversation here, "I don't know Zacky, it might have something to do when you turned your back on your best friend when she needed you? Who says you won't do that to me?"

"That's different."

"How is it different? Explain the difference to me Zacky."

Zacky glanced at the ground, shuffling his feet. "The difference is she shuts me out. I've tried being there for her and she just shuts me down each time."

"She needed you today and where were you Zacky?" I paused trying to keep my voice even. "Maybe we should work on other relationships before we try this one again."

"No! I'm not letting you go again Bree. I'll be there for you Bree."

"Prove it." I told him before turning to walk away and I knew that time he heard my voice crack.

- - -

"Hey Bree!" I heard from behind me for the second time that day.

I turned around praying it wasn't Zacky, but wished it was as I came face to face with Jacoby. "Jacoby."

Jacoby instantly frowned, probably from the hostility in my voice, "Hey whats wrong?"

"Might have something to do with my best friend lying to me my whole life."

"Who lied to you?" Jacoby demanded starting to tense up.

"My best friend who I considered family, I thought he was always going to be there for me and it turns out he was keeping things from me."

"Bree I-"

"No! You don't get to apologize Jacoby! You don't get to beg for forgiveness. I may have no family but I always felt like I was part of yours so it was fine but it turns out you have family you never told me about. I've known you for my whole life, you don't get to back track out of this."

"Bree, I never told you about her because she was dead to me."

"Well my family is dead to me and the world. Who says this isn't the only thing you've lied about?"

"I swear this is the only thing I didn't tell you about."

I shook my head feeling my anger for him leaving me, which only left pain in its wake, "You don't get to rationalize this, you don't get my forgiveness for lying to me my whole life. We can't go back to our old friendship, you broke all the trust I had for you and I don't know if I can ever give it back."

"Bree don't do this."

I looked up at Jacoby, feeling the tears cloud my vision as they started pouring down my cheeks, "I didn't do anything. This is all you."

Jacoby stepped closer trying to pull me closer but I kept moving backwards till I hit someone who instantly wrapped their arms around me. I twisted around not wanting to face Jacoby any longer.

"It's okay Bree, I'm here. You'll always have me," Zacky cooed in my eyes rubbing my back.

I pushed him away before wiping my nose on my sleeve like a child, "That's where your wrong. I have no one now."

I heard both Zacky and Jacoby take a sharp breath and I knew they both were going to tell me differently but that didn't stop me from running.

I frowned as a song popped into my head but if anything it made me run faster. I knew I couldn't run from my problems, but that wasn't going to stop me from trying.

'I just wanna run to you
and break off the chains
and throw them away
I just wanna be so much
and shake off the dust
that turn me to rust
Sooner than later, I'll need a saviour
I need a saviour'

I felt the tears run down my faster as I realized that I didn't have anyone to run to. I didn't have a savior.