Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Sparks Fly

Amara's P.O.V
I watched as Craig and Bree went back and forth on talking to Jacoby and Zacky. It was beginning to bore me. "Well we should get going. Aiden needs a nap and I have more unpacking to do," I explained with a small smile. "I'll text you later Bree," She nodded and went back to harassing poor Craig. I glanced up to see Max staring at me with a somewhat conflicted look on his face. "What's wrong?"

"I should stay here... But I really don't want to listen to them argue about what the right thing to do in this situation is," Max admitted. I nodded and bit my lip before coming to a decision.

"You want to come back to my apartment with me? I don't have much to do there... And I will be unpacking boxes, but I won't sit there and argue or anything," I smiled softly. He nodded eagerly and jumped up calling a quick goodbye to Bree and Craig. I turned to look at them and noticed they looked smug. I shrugged my shoulders and walked out the door with Max following me. I tucked Aiden in his stroller and the two of us headed for my apartment. We bumped into Zacky on the way.

"Aw, well don't you three just look like a cute little family," He sounded bitter and I didn't want to deal with my ex-best friend at the moment. I glared and flipped him off. I wasn't too surprised when Ellie and Adam came up behind him. Adam raised his eyebrow at me and I just walked away. I heard Max follow behind me and kept walking. We made it to my place and I unlocked the door. I gritted my teeth together when I heard Adam call up.

"So this is your new place?" I looked at Max and spoke up softly.

"Can you please take Aiden inside?" He nodded with a weak smile. I returned the smile and watched him walk inside. I walked down to meet Ellie and Adam. "What the fuck do you want? Now you suddenly care about what's going on in my life?" I hadn't realized how angry I was until I noticed my fists were clenched and shaking. Adam looked down at me in shock. He hadn't seen me get this angry in a long time. "Go fuck your whore and leave me the fuck alone," I walked away from the two and slammed the door shut.

When I walked in, Max looked confused. Which I had to admit was an adorable face. I walked closer to see that Aiden had fallen asleep with his head on Max's right shoulder. I walked over and took Aiden from him gently. He followed me into my bedroom and watched as I laid my son in the crib. I turned on the baby monitor and walked back into the living room and sat on the couch. "Thank you for taking care of Aiden for a little bit. I hate dealing with Adam... He's not the nicest of people," I said softly. I hated what had happened to my once sweet boyfriend.

Max smiled at me and tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear. "Hey it was no problem at all," He seemed sincere. I found myself getting lost in his bright green eyes. "Um, I know it's sudden and everything... But would you like to go out to dinner?" He gave me a shaky, nervous smile and then smacked his forehead. "I mean we can bring Aiden too," I laughed as he began to ramble about what we could do and apologizing about being so inconsiderate.

I put my finger to his lips, and kept myself from playing with his lip rings. "Hey, it's very sweet of you to ask. And it's even sweeter that you remembered Aiden. I would love to go to dinner with you. Now when do you want to go? And what kind of restaurant?" I smiled at him softly and laughed at the huge grin he now had on his face.

"Um how about that nice Italian place in town?" I nodded with a smile. It was one of my favorite places to eat. "I'll come back in like an hour?" I nodded again and walked him to the door. "See you soon," He smiled shyly and then leaned forward. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks after he hugged me. He then ran out and headed back to where the buses were located.

I took a deep breath and closed my door, taking the monitor with me into the bathroom to take a shower. I dried off and pulled on a purple and black dress. I pinned my hair back with black barrettes, and put on my favorite ankle boots. I slipped my wallet, phone, iPod, and all of Aiden's important items into my pink skull messenger bag. I walked out and changed his diaper and got Aiden dressed in a t-shirt and a pair of nice shorts. I just finished when the doorbell rang. I turned the baby monitor off and walked to the door holding Aiden. We opened the door to see Max standing there in black jeans and a navy blue button up. I smiled at him and grabbed my keys. I locked the door on the way out and he lead me out to his rental car. I was happy to see he had gotten a seat for Aiden and thanked him with a kiss on his cheek.

He turned on the radio softly and turned to me before he started driving. "You look very beautiful," I blushed and thanked him quietly. He began to drive and we were at the restaurant in no time. He opened my door politely and helped me get Aiden out. We walked in quietly. "The reservation is under Green," He smiled at the person who nodded and called a waitress over. We were seated and offered menus. The waitress came back in a couple of minutes with a high chair for Aiden too.

I smiled at Max and then glanced down at the menu to decide on what I wanted. Within a half hour we both had our dinners in front of us and were talking about tour and life. We brought up hobbies and I grinned when I realized we had a lot of similar interests. Everything was going well until we heard Jacoby's voice.

"It's just like you to ruin my life all over again," He growled at me. I glared toward him. Who was he to talk to me this way. It's not my fault he hadn't been completely honest to his best friend for years. "You just don't like it when I'm happy," I groaned and stood up to face Jacoby. I could smell alcohol on his breath and let out a sigh.

"You're drunk. Calm the fuck down and go home," I hissed softly. He glared and jabbed me with his finger.

"This is all your fault," I sighed and glared at him.

"I'm sorry that MY depression has caused you so much pain! It's not my fault I felt that way. I'm not like that anymore and you need to fucking get over it before I end up punching you," I sneered. He glared right back and I turned back to Max and placed a few dollars on the table as a tip. "Let's take this outside," I muttered as I pushed him towards the door. I walked back to the table to grab my bag as Max handed the waitress cash and the bill.

"I've been meaning to tell you two all night," The young teen mumbled. "But your son is sooo adorable," I felt my cheeks grow red as Max blushed as well.

"Thanks," I stated quickly so Max couldn't say a word. Max looked at me questioningly and I shrugged. "Max could you get Aiden so I can go deal with Coby?" He nodded and I walked out into the parking lot where Coby was sitting on the curb. I was about to speak when I heard him sniffle. I sighed deeply knowing there was no way I could scream at him when I knew he was upset. I walked over and sat next to him. He wiped at his eyes and sniffled again. I knew how he felt... He just missed his best friend. I rubbed his back lightly and stood up when Max walked out. "It'll be okay Coby... And I miss having you as a cousin," I told him softly and walked away before he could comment on it.

Max took me home and I let him come in while I put Aiden to bed. I closed my eyes, slightly afraid of how he would take my next question. "Would you like to stay the night?" He looked me in the eyes and I smiled shyly. He bit down on his lip rings and nodded. I grinned and hugged him as I locked the chain lock. I walked into my room and changed into pajamas. He came in after I changed and pulled off his shirt and jeans. I laid on my bed and turned off the lights, I felt Max lay down next to me and within a few minutes, I had fallen asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Amara's Outfit

Sorry for the wait. I've been pretty busy with college stuff and what not. I also have been writing this at a friend's house. Thanks for reading and what do you think of this chapter? Should Amara give Max another date? Or should she stay as far away from rock stars as possible?