Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

There's More Than Just You

Bree's pov

"Bree!" Someone screamed in my ear efficiently waking me up.

I groaned before throwing my pillow at the offending voice, I peeked an eye open to see Craig smiling at me.

"Why the fuck are you so smiley?"

"Max didn't come home last night!"

"We're on a bus on fucking tour of course he didn't come home."

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm."

"I don't appreciate being awoken to your face."


"I hate you."

"I've noticed you hate a lot of people," Craig commented with a thoughtful look on his face.

"But I only plot your death."

"Aww I love you too Bree."

I groaned once again before jumping out of my bunk, "accidentally" smacking Craig in the process. Craig made some kind of noise that may have been words but I ignored him making my way to the front of the bus.

"Monte! I love you more than I hate Craig!" I shouted finding coffee waiting for me.

- - - -

"You can't ignore them forever Breezy." A voice from behind me pointed out.

I jumped before turning around, "I can and will Barry."

"Jacoby is family, you can't ignore family."

"Do family lie to each other?"

Barry chuckled, "Bree every family lies. Its like the unwritten rule of family, you lie to each and fight but at the end of the day you still love them and make up."

"When did you get smart?"

"Why do people assume guitar players are dumb?"

"Have you met Max?"

"Yes but regardless if you love Jacoby like he was family like you claim, you love him enough to forgive him."

"Can I be mad of a little bit longer?"

"You can be mad as long as you want but remember the longer you wait the harder it is to talk to him."

I sighed and moved my gaze to the floor realizing he was right, "what do I tell him?"

"That's up to you and even if you aren't ready to forgive him tell him he still has a chance. He's walking around like his puppy just got run over."

"I guess I will soon."

"Soon as in today?"

"No tomorrow."

"Promise?" Barry asked holding out his pinkie.

I cringed, "pinkies are creepy but promise."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it took so long and that this chapter kinda sucks but I promise not to take so long