Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Wake Me Up I'm Living a Nightmare

Amara’s P.O.V
I thanked Max once more for offering to watch Aiden. It had been sweet of him, but I needed to get ready for work, and Aiden was going to the daycare that I had left him at a few times. They were amazing, and he always seems happy when I pick him up. I walked Max to the door and thanked him even more for staying the night with me. Once Max was officially on his way back to the Escape the Fate bus, I got ready for work and got Aiden ready for daycare.

I dropped Aiden off an hour later and made my way to the venue. I parked and groaned when I noticed the three familiar buses that seemed to be haunting my existence. I rolled my eyes and walked into the building and walked right past the boys in Avenged Sevenfold and Three Days Grace. I gave a polite smile to the boys in Escape the Fate and walked over to Tyler to discuss what needed to be done for the day. I bit my tongue when I heard Mandy call my name and did my best not to turn around and snap at her.

I heard Brian try and tell her to leave me alone for the day, but she ignored him and walked over and stood in front of me. “You haven’t returned any of my text messages,” She stated with a concerned look in her eyes. I closed my eyes to try and collect myself before I spoke.

“That’s because I’m beyond pissed off with you. We’ve been friends for how long? Yet all it takes is one miscommunication to have you jumping down my throat and accusing me of being fucking suicidal?” I growled at her in a low tone that only she could hear. Mandy took a step back, she looked shocked that I spoke that way to her. I raised my eyebrow at the shock on her face. Is she being serious?

“That was an important conversation that we had to have,” Mandy tried reasoning with me. I glared when I realized she was trying to speak to me like a child. She was using her, ‘I’m better than you and always will be’ voice. I growled at the condescending tone and spoke venomously.

“Yes it was semi-important, but there was no reason to have it in front of all of those people. And that was no way to speak to me on the phone,” My fists were clenched at my sides. I felt my anger rising and took a step back from Mandy. “Now if you don’t mind, I’m gonna get to work before I really get pissed and end up losing my job for punching you,” I walked away from her and headed down to the stage to get working. I wasn’t too surprised when she followed me.

“You wouldn’t hit me,” She stated with another one of her superior looks on her face. I glared evilly and then cracked a sadistic smile.

“Don’t be so sure of that,” I smirked in triumph when she took a step back and looked worried. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. Look, you want to talk… We can talk on my terms, which means not now. And probably not for awhile. So get lost,” I told her with one last angry glance in her direction. I went back to my work and right as she went to say something, I heard Tyler walk up and ask her to either leave me alone, or get escorted out of the building by security. I felt the smile on my face grow as Mandy swore under her breath and walked back towards Brian.

I glanced up from my work when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I gave a small smile when I met the green eyes of Max. “Hey,” I greeted as I turned back to what I was doing. I heard footsteps behind me and held back a groan when I heard the voice.

“Hi Max,” I turned around to see Ellie, with her hand in Adam’s facing Max with a smile. He nodded in greeting before turning to me once more.

“So I’ll text you later?” I nodded with a smile. After a year and a half of not dating, I was really excited to be getting close to someone again. I noticed Ellie’s smile drop from her face as she glanced at Adam’s expression.

“Oh wow, your ex is a slut,” She stated. I frowned and raised an eyebrow as I waited for Adam’s response. I almost dropped the screw driver in my hand when I saw him nod in agreement.

“Excuse me?” I asked with venom dripping from every word. “I’m the slut? You were just giving Max a flirty smile. And how am I a slut when I haven’t gone out with anyone for a year and a half?” I smirked triumphantly when Adam and Ellie looked at me in shock. “Ask your boyfriend what that means,” I told Ellie as I turned to face Tyler when he walked up.

I gave him instructions and glanced back over at Ellie. I looked over at Mandy who was watching the whole thing. I felt my chest tighten up when she stood there and stared at Ellie in what seemed to be understanding. I sure know how to pick them. I frowned and walked over to the guys in charge of security. “Please bring all of them and their friends to the dressing room areas. Having them back here isn’t doing any good for anything.”

I smiled as Danny nodded and went back to getting everything set up. I went back to getting everything taken care of and looked up again when I was interrupted. I saw Zacky and fought back the urge to tell him to piss off. “Yes?”

“I wanted to apologize for everything. I wasn’t acting like much of a friend and I’m sorry. I should have heard you out rather than jumping to conclusions,” I shook my head not wanting to deal with him right now and waved him off. He mumbled something about ‘if this means I accept’ and walked off with a smile on his face calling for Bree.

I finished what I needed to finish for the day and walked into the dressing room area to let the jerks know. I spoke loudly and gave a fake smile. I then walked out the door and wondered how much longer I would be able to stay in California. Nothing good ever seems to happen here for me.
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Sorry for the wait. Hope this was alright and not too fillerish. Thanks for reading and let me know what ya think.