Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

It's Hard To Say I Miss You

Bree's pov

"Bree!" Craig screamed from somewhere behind me.

I rolled my eyes before spinning around to face him, "how can I help Maxxies lover?"

"Never call me that again, but I have good news!"

"You and Max finally gave into the sexual tension."

"You're mean," Max replied pouting. "Anyways I heard Zacky talking to Amara."

"Were you spying on Zacky again?"

"Whose spying on me?" Zacky asked suddenly popping up next to me.

"Maxxies lover," I replied watching Craig pale once Zacky popped up.

"Amara's spy's on me?"

"What the fuck no Maxxies lover as in Craig, the guy staring at you with a fearful look in his eyes."

"I thought Maxxies lover was Amara though."

"Until Maxxie gets the balls to ask Amara out, no shes not. And don't call Max Maxxie, only I get too."

"Me too!" Craig screamed while jumping up and down getting his color back.

"Because your his lover."

"I'm not taking this abuse, I'm leaving."

I watched as he skipped away but Zacky soon stepped in my line of vision. I glanced at him to see him smiling at me before pulling me into a tight hug. This hug was no different then the others, I quickly melted feeling at home and safe. Usually people waited for me to hug them since I was bit of a bitch but not with Zacky, no matter what was happening he hugged meexcept for right before our break up.

"Why Zacky?" The question flew from my lips before I could even stop it.

"Why what? Why do I want to try us again? Because I really like you, and during that year I met new people, tried new things yet I couldn't stop comparing every girl to you. Everytime I see you all those feelings and memories come rushing back to me and it always brings a smile to my face."

"What about the mad memories?"

"There isn't any?"

"What about when I accused you of cheating or when I called you jackass or when I got in the cab and drove off without looking back? How can you just forgot those!"

"I haven't forgotten but I choose not to let those be all I remember, you seem to dwell on those. I don't. I remember how much fun we had on our dates, how you made me feel, how happy I was."

I closed my eyes suddenly remembering our first date and how despite my brother being gone Zacky made me forget about the pain for the night. I remembered how he was my rock after I found out and other than when he was preforming he never left my side. I remembered the fireworks that went off every time he touched me.

But most of all I remembered how after our first date he used the word prefect and I never augured or denied that fact.

Before I met Zacky I never thought I could love again but now I wasn't so sure about that. I didn't know if I loved Zacky just yet but I knew one thing, I had fallen for him and somehow I knew he would be there to catch me.

I smiled widely before opening my eyes only to find Zacky gone.

- - -

"Amara!" I yelled as I walked backstage only to find her staring at a box of cables. "Whatcha looking for?"

"I need a female RCL cable and these are all males, why what do you need?"

"Do you think Zacky wants to get back together just to get me back and this time break my heart?"

"That's ridiculous no wait its absurd. Zacky would never purposely break a girls heart. He's too big of a softy for that, plus he really likes you he may even love you."

"That's absurd, its been a year. Anyways did you find the male cable?"

"No, but whatever I'll use a different speaker and stop distracting me, you are going to tell Zacky yes right?"

"You going to go out with Maxxie?"

"This isn't about Max and me this is about you and Zacky giving it another go."

"So you really think he likes me?" I asked in a small voice not even looking at Amara but rather the wall.

"I think you know the answer to that question, actually I think everyone on tour does."

"I think you're exaggerating, not everyone."

Amara glanced around, "hey Tyler?"

"Ya?" The nice sound guy whose name I didn't know before answered.

"Does Zacky have a crush on the lovely Bree here?"

Tyler suddenly laughed, "I thought that was obvious but yes."

I opened my mouth to say something but Amara called out to Max and Craig.

"Does Zacky have a crush on Bree?"

Maxxie nodded while Craig smirked at me while handing me a milkshake.

"Sugar!" I screamed taking the milk shake.

"Anyways I would say so since he asked her out for Seattle." Craig answered.

"Wheres he taking you?" Amara asked shyly taking the drink for Maxxie.

I shrugged jumping off the amp I was sitting on, "no idea but me and Craig are leaving. But Amara I don't think Zacky is the only one with an obvious crush."

Just as Craig and I were leaving Mandy rushed into the room with a determined look but I didn't stick around, I had to find Zacky.

- - -

I gave up looking for Zacky, I came up empty handed but it probably had to do with the silence. I've been on enough concerts to know that the backstage and bus area was never quiet yet now it was dead silent. To be honest I was a bit creeped out, I glanced around letting my paranoia get the best of me.

"Hey," someone whispered from next to causing me to scream and whirl around only to come face to face with Zacky.

I narrowed my eyes, "that wasn't very nice."

"Not getting me a milkshake when you got one isn't very nice either."

"Maxxie's lover got it for me."

"Are you ever going to stop calling him that?"

I shrugged, "when he stops being a jackass. Today he woke me up by screaming in my ear!"

Zacky laughed, "you've never lived on the bus with Jimmy who feels the need to bang on pots to wake you up."

"Craig screams like a little girl," I yelled knowing Craig was around probably close enough to hear.

"Thanks for yelling that but I wanted to ask you about Jacoby. The poor dude has been w-"

"Walking around like someone over his puppy I know but I'm going to talk to him tomorrow."


"Ya, he's family and family is supposed to piss me off right?"

"Most people would disagree but I guess so." Zacky took a deep breath before rocking back on his feet. "Bree have you given it anymore thought, what I said earlier was the truth. Ask any of the guys, I compared every girl to you. I stared at the phone for hours after you left just trying to get the courage to call you. I rea-"


Zacky sighed before pulling me into a hug and kissing my forehead, "watch the show tonight kay?"

I nodded knowing I just lost my chance and nerve to tell him that I wanted to give us another chance. And I didn't know if I could gather the courage again.

- - -

"Amara," I whined walking backstage yet again. "Wait whats wrong?"

"Nothing," Amara snapped before sighing, "sorry just some bitch trying to ruin all my friendships so you better have some good news or I may hurt."

"I'm going to slowly walk away since Matt interrupted us before I could tell him."

"BREE! I swear I'm go-"

"But! He told me to watch tonight's show and I was hoping you would watch it with me since I don't usually watch Avenged's set and it starts like in a minute."

Amara narrowed her gaze before grabbing my elbow and pulling me over to side stage, "we're watching from Zacky's side and if you see Mandy don't tell me."

"Wait what happened between you tw-"

"Don't ask," Amara snapped before lowering her voice as the music started. "I'm not going to ruin this with stupid drama."

"You bet-"

"I'll tell you later promise but for now shut up and watch your boyfriend before I hit you."

"He's not m b-" I started but quickly shut my mouth sensing there was something really bothering her and not wanting to make it worse.

Amara and I stood on side stage singing along and making fun of the people that we could make out. I noticed Zacky looking over here a few times but I was having too much of a fun time with Amara to give it a second thought.

"All you Zacky V fans are getting a treat tonight, he's decided to give me a break and sing a cover song for you guys." Matt announced suddenly.

Zacky handed Matt his guitar moving to center stage, "since I wasn't allowed to be cliche before I figured this time I'm going to go full out cliche. So if you know this song sing along."

The rest of the band launched into a slower song while Amara and I glanced at each other.

"Do you know this song?" I asked leaning in so she could hear.

"No, but this is for you isn't it."

"I think so but it doesn't-" I paused realizing what song he was playing. "Oh my god, he's playing the used, the first time he asked me out I told him not to break out into the used."

"That's really cute but why this song?"


'My worries weigh the world, how I used to be
And everything, I'm cold, seems a plague in me
And it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried

It's hard to say that I was wrong
It's hard to say I miss you
Since you've been gone, it's not the same
It's hard to say I held my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone, it's not the same

Worse than the fear it's the lie you told a thousand times before
Worse than a fear it's the knife
And it's hard to say how I feel today
For years gone by and I cried'

"That has to be the cutest thing he's ever done, the most cliche but the cutest."

I bit my lip watching the floor not knowing what to say or do, "uhh."

Amara laughed shaking her head before throwing Zacky a huge smile and a thumbs up. She nudged me causing to glance up, as my eyes met Zacky's I admit I went all cliche and smiled. A big ass smile that he returned.

Damn who knew a smile could cause fireworks?