Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart

Lost and Insecure

Amara’s P.O.V
I glanced down at the box of cables. I needed a female RCL cable and the only ones I was finding were male RCL cables. I continued staring, secretly hoping a female cable would magically appear. “Amara!” I was going to look up but figured Bree was a big girl and would find me pretty easily. “Whacha looking for?”
I finally looked up and met her gaze. “I need a female RCL cable and these are all males. Why, what do you need?” She let out a soft sigh and gave me a worried look.

“Do you think Zacky wants to get back together just to get me back, and break my heart this time?” I gave her an incredulous look. Haha, Zacky a heart breaker, yeah right. We’re talking about the boy who didn’t know how to break up with his girlfriend when he found out they were going on tour the first time. He didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but he also didn’t want to end up doing something that would look like cheating while he was gone.

“That’s ridiculous, no wait, it’s absurd. Zacky would never purposely break a girl’s heart. He’s too big of a softy for that, plus he really likes you,” I paused and thought about it for a moment. “He may even love you.”

“That’s absurd,” She replied, somewhat mocking the word I had just used. “It’s been a year. Anyways did you find the male cable?” She asked. I rolled my eyes, leave it to Bree to change the subject at hand.

“No, but whatever. I’ll use a different speaker and stop distracting me. You are going to tell Zacky yes, right?” Bree pouted momentarily before getting a gleam in her grey eyes.

“You going to go out with Maxxie?” I could hear the fake innocence in her voice and rolled my eyes.

“This isn’t about Max and me. This is about you and Zacky giving it another go,” Bree let out a soft sigh before speaking.

“So you really think he likes me?” Her voice was so small I had to strain to hear her. I went to look her in the eyes just to realize she was looking at the wall.
“I think you know the answer to that question. Actually, I think everyone on tour does,” I chuckled. Bree rolled her eyes.

“I think you’re exaggerating. Not everyone,” She scoffed. I shook my head at my delirious friend and glanced around.

“Hey Tyler,” I waved him closer so he could hear better.

“Yeah?” He looked at me confused.

“Does Zacky have a crush on the lovely Bree, here?” Tyler laughed at me and gave me a stupid look.

“I thought it was obvious but yes.” Bree was about to object but I cut her off when I saw Max and Craig.

“Does Zacky have a crush on Bree?” Max nodded as Craig smirked at her while handing her a milkshake.

I think she said the next thing to try to change the subject again. “Sugar!” I shook my head to get the ringing to stop after that scream.

“Anyways I would say so since he asked her out for Seattle,” Craig answered to get us back on track.

“Where’s he taking you?” I asked shyly as I took the drink Max offered me. She shrugged and jumped off the amp she was sitting on.

“No idea but me and Craig are leaving. But Amara, I don’t think Zacky is the only one with an obvious crush,” I felt my cheeks heat up as Bree walked away. I shook my head and went back to the task at hand, finding another speaker when Mandy rushed into the room with a determined look on her face. I let out a soft sigh and prepared for the worst. Who knew it would end up being a deciding factor in my decisions.

“We need to talk,” She stated plainly with a determined look in her eyes. I frowned, what part of ‘we can talk on my terms’ didn’t she understand?

“Alright, go ahead,” When she gave me a confused look I let out a frustrated sigh. “I already explained I would come to you when I was ready to talk. So obviously you have something you want to say,” She nodded and gave me a look that explained a little bit. This was about the other day, when Ellie had called me a slut.

“I saw the way you were looking at Max,” I rolled my eyes. “And I just want to say that I think you’re acting very slutty,” I felt my anger start to rise as she gave me her concerned look. “I’m your friend, and I thought it would be easier hearing it from me because you can’t get defensive and say I don’t know you that well.”

I laughed bitterly. “I’m acting slutty?” I questioned her. She nodded and I looked her over, she had always been the semi-preppy type. She was in shorts that ended mid-thigh, a skimpy tank top and slutty looking sandals. “I’m the one dressed in jeans, a t-shirt and gym shoes, and I’m the slutty one?” Mandy glared slightly before speaking.

“It was really hot this morning,” She defended herself. I rolled my eyes and then she spoke again, “And besides, I’m referring to you going through guys like water,” I gave her an intense glare. It was a similar glare I gave one of the jocks in high school when he looked at me like he was going to get in my pants. Needless to say he decided on a cheerleader instead. “I mean after Matt, you got with Adam pretty quickly, and then with Max… What’s next, you going to get drunk and have Max’s kid too?” I felt my jaw hit the floor.

“Excuse me?” I asked feeling highly offended. “Is that what you think of me? You think that lowly of me?” I wouldn’t let the hurt be heard in my voice. I sure know how to pick them. I felt my face go from slightly irritated to angry when I saw her nod ever so slightly.

“I mean, Matt’s a nice guy. I have a feeling you were lying when you said he cheated on you. You just wanted an out,” I bit my lip to keep from snapping at her. She started looking at me in that ‘I’m better than you’ way that pissed me off to no end.

“You really think that? You honestly think I would lie about that. With how cautious I was around Adam?” I asked fighting back the urge to beat the shit out of her. Mandy laughed at me to the point where she was doubled over. She wiped at her eyes as she stood up straight again.

“You were cautious with Adam? Is that why you have a child with him?” Mandy asked with a sneer on her face. That did it for me, that pushed me over the edge. I had my fists clenched at my sides. I looked up at her defiantly.

“If you’re trying to make me say that was a mistake, I won’t. Aiden may have come at an inconvenient time, but I’m not going to call him a mistake. And it’s not my fault Adam couldn’t handle my baggage. So go ahead, call me a slut. I passed my bar exams and my last day is tomorrow,” When Mandy looked over at me questioningly. I smirked, “My last day at Fire and Ice is tonight.”

Mandy nodded. “So you’re just going to quit and become jobless?” I rolled my eyes at her words.

“No, unlike you, I’m going on to have a real job. Now if you don’t mind, I have to get back to work,” I stated with a glare. I turned away from her and walked past a quiet Adam.

I made my way towards the room we kept speakers in to find a different one. After getting the speaker where it needed to be, I turned to walk out towards the stage just to almost walk into Bree. “Amara,” She whined at me. I glared at the ground before looking up at her. “Wait, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I snapped feeling highly frustrated. I sighed, snapping at Bree wasn’t going to make anything better. “Sorry, just some bitch trying to ruin all my friendships. So you better have some good news or I may hurt you.”

“I’m going to slowly walk away since Matt interrupted us before I could tell him,” I shook my head and then let my frustrations come to surface.

“Bree, I swear I’m go-“ She quickly cut me off.

“But! He told me to watch tonight’s show and I was hoping you would watch it with me since I don’t usually watch Avenged’s set and it starts like in a minute.”

My eyes narrowed as I grabbed her elbow. I pulled her over to the side stage, “We’re watching from Zacky’s side and if you see Mandy,” I refused to let my anger surface, “Don’t tell me.”

“Wait what happened between you tw-“ Bree started.

“Don’t ask,” I snapped and lowered my voice. “I’m not going to ruin this with stupid drama.”

Bree gave me a look. “You bet-“

“I’ll tell you later promise, but for now shut up and watch your boyfriend before I hit you.”

“He’s not my b-“ She quickly shut up when she noticed me glaring at the floor.

We stood on the side stage singing along and making fun of the people we could see. Bree watched Zacky as he looked over at her. “All you Zacky V fans are getting a treat tonight, he’s decided to give me a break and sing a cover song for you guys,” I rolled my eyes. Matt’s voice irritated me after the blow-out with Mandy.

“Since I wasn’t allowed to be cliché before, I figured this time I’m going to go full out cliché. So if you know this song sing along.” The band started playing a slower song. I glanced at Bree to see her looking at me as well.

“Do you know this song?” I shook my head no as I answered.

“No, but this is for you isn’t it,” I chuckled at the look she got in her eyes.

“I think so but it doesn’t…Oh my god, he’s playing The Used, the first time he asked me out I told him not to break out into The Used.”

“That’s really cute but why this song?” I asked. Bree just told me to listen. I smiled at the words. “That has to be the cutest thing he’s ever done, the most cliché but the cutest. “

I laughed shaking my head at Bree before throwing Zacky a smile and a thumbs up. I nudged Bree and watched as her eyes met Zacky’s. The two smiled and I walked away shaking my head. When I walked backstage, Max was standing there. I gave him a small smile before walking past him to get some last minute things done backstage. I heard someone walk up behind me and turned around to see Matt.

“She’s right you know,” I raised an eyebrow at him, confused out of my mind. “You are a slut,” My chest started aching. So Matt, Adam, Ellie and Mandy all thought I was a slut. I shook my head and went to walk away just to have him grab my arm. “You threw away two years for,” I held my free hand up.

“You threw away two years. I stayed faithful, you cheated. Now if you don’t mind. I have some last minute paperwork to do,” I pulled my arm free and walked away. I walked into my office and finished my papers for quitting as Bree came in requesting a favor. She wanted me to give Zacky a mix CD. I agreed and watched her walk away. I walked out the door and handed the CD to Zack who was talking to Brian. Brian had his arms around Mandy and I refused to deal with her right now.

“Where ya going?” Brian asked concerned.

I didn’t even turn to face him when I answered, “I’m going home. Goodbye,” I walked past Escape the Fate and out the door to my car. I let out a soft sigh as I headed for Aiden’s daycare. I picked him up and thanked the ladies before heading for my apartment. I fed him his dinner and laid him down in his crib. When he refused to fall asleep I turned on my iPod to try and figure out what song to sing for the night.

“Every night in my dreams, I see you, I feel you. That is how I know you go on. Far across the distance, and spaces between us. You have come to show you go on. Near, far wherever you are. I believe that the heart does go on. Once more, you open the door. And you hear in my heart and my heart will go on and on. Love can touch us one time and last for a life time. And never let go til we’re gone. Love was when I loved you. One true time I hold you. In my life, we’ll always go on. Near, far, wherever you are. I believe that the heart does go on. Once more you open the door. And you hear in my heart and my heart will go on and on.”

I took a deep breath. I didn’t even realize there were tears in my eyes. “You’re here, there’s nothing I fear. And I know that my heart will go on. We’ll stay forever this way, you are safe in my heart, and my heart will go on and on,” I let out a soft sigh and glanced over to see Aiden was sleeping. I made my way out to the living room and turned off my iPod. I laid on the couch and was about to turn on the TV when Mandy’s words came back to haunt me.

“I mean after Matt, you got with Adam pretty quickly, and then with Max… What’s next, you going to get drunk and have Max’s kid too?”

I let out a sigh and walked over to my liquor cabinet. I pulled down the Smirnoff raspberry flavored vodka and poured it into two glasses over ice. I put it away and drank both glasses, ignoring the burn, before going back to the couch to dose off.
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A/n: Sorry for the wait, I'm going through a rough time. Let us know what you think.