Status: Working on editing chapters

You Can't Break a Broken Heart


Bree's pov

"I'd say sorry. But you're reminding me of a prick I dated. So you can go fuck yourself, and I hope your album fails. Don't worry we won't play your music at the club anymore," I heard Amara tell Adam.

Grabbing my pack of smokes I walked outside but not before smacking Adam. I wanted to do much more but figured a smoke would calm me down. How wrong I was. If anything Neil's and Adam's bickering made it worst. After stomping it out I realized what the date was.

I turned to them suddenly, "You two shut the fuck up and deal with your problems till then you clearly aren't ready to work on this album. Call me when you're ready to be adults. Call me a day before then and you can find a new producer."

I grabbed my purse before running to my car and stepping on the gas pedal having one place in mind. I heard my phone ringing but I ignored it, I wanted nothing to do with their childish antics at the moment.

I only had one thing on mind and they weren't it.

- - -

Sighing, I shook my head. I hated this strip of land, if it wasn't such a rash decision I would have grabbed a plane. Hearing the Used playing I turned up the song singing along with Bert's voice as I drove into Las Vegas.

I couldn't tell you why but every March 29th I drove to Vegas and never did I wear white. Grinning I looked down to see my shirt and shoes where a bright red and my jeans were a black color. I scanned the street, spotting my target easily.

Pulling into a parking spot I grabbed my purse and my sun glasses. Walking into the shop I grinned at the clerk waiting for him to come out. Truthfully, he was nothing special but to me he was every thing. He was there after I was broken one too many times, he helped me put myself back together and for that I could never repay him.

I only waited for a few minutes before he walked out wearing that smug grin he always had. He shook his head before pulling me into a hug, "Bree," We stood there for a while, just hugging before he pulled me into a room and sat me down. I grinned before pulling my shirt off and handing him two slips of paper from my purse.

- - -

I woke up the next day sore and with a massive headache. I groaned before rolling over and checking my phone. I had missed calls, voice mails, and texts from all the guys of Three Days Grace but I couldn't bring myself to answer them.

Grabbing a different shirt I walked out of my room and into the bathroom to brush my teeth before walking into the kitchen to find him making breakfast.

"Fuck, I hate you Derek," I seethed as I sat down.

"You love that feeling," he answered flipping another pancake.

I glared knowing he was right, but it wasn't my fault nor his. Well it could be his fault since he was the one that did this too me. Hearing tiny feet I grinned knowing the other guy in my life would be running in soon.

As he attacked my leg I shook his moppy head of hair not knowing how my idiot of a brother could raise such an awesome kid. After Clarissa, his mom and my brother's ex, bailed none of us thought he would be able to raise Chase by himself but he did.

I chuckled as I felt Chase lifting my shirt knowing he wanted to see my newest tattoo. I helped him by turning, and pulling up my shirt to show him the lyrics Derek wrote on me. Chase traced each letter while reading it out loud.

"I'm invincible tonight
I'm feeling invincible tonight
I'm alive
Take a look into my eyes"

Chase turned to me and I grinned explaining to him that it meant that from them on I wasn't going to let anyone stop me instead I was going to live my life to the fullest since I was 'Invincible.' Luckily Chase was a smart three year old and slowly began to understand. Chase grabbed my face suddenly and started to point to my new set of lip rings on my left side.

I made a funny face before grabbing the stack of pancakes Derek offered me. And as we sat down to eat that morning I realized for the first time in a while I was happy. I missed being happy more than I remembered. I laughed watching Chase make a face at Derek acting like the happy three year old we all loved.

- - -

As I grabbed the last of my stuff to go back home Derek pulled me off to the side. I glanced up to see his face and instantly knew something was wrong. I bit my lip knowing rushing him would be the wrong thing to do in this situation.

Derek took a deep breath and suddenly looked away, "Can you take Chase for a bit? Clarissa wants to talk and I'd rather him not be here for that."

I nodded understanding where he was coming from, "Yeah, no problem. I would love to take Chase but I can't guarantee you'll get him back."

Derek rolled his eyes and I followed to music to find Chase playing in his room listening to some mix cd I gave him. I grinned as an idea popped into my head, I slowly walked over to his stereo and turned it off before getting down on my knees and clasping my hands.

I took a deep breath and launched into a song, "I want you but will you stay with me today
Or tomorrow or maybe forever, Please say yes Chase please."

Chase laughed before nodding and pointing to my stomach with one hand and his closet with the other. I smiled and nodded as well knowing he was referencing my Used lyrics before grabbing the bag he was pointing too.

For the next two hours Chase and I packed and repacked his bag before heading out to my car. We both said bye to Derek before running to the car and arguing over the radio. Once I started the car all arguments stopped and we started screaming the lyrics as loud as we could.

I grinned feeling invincible.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait.
Hope it was good?
It didn't go the way I wanted it to.