Status: Active

Old Habits Die Hard

Banging chicks, obviously.

Amanda's POV

Standing in the hallway waiting for Sam to open the door felt like a couple hours had passed by, when in all reality it had only been about a minute. But the person who had opened the door must not have been Sam, due to the reaction Dean had portrayed, and for the fact that the person who had opened it was a girl.

"So, where is it?" She asked causing me and Dean to look at each other confused.

What was this girl on about?

"Where's what?" Dean asked with a raised eyebrow, and that's when I started to hear a light buzzing before my sister's voice spoke.

"Wow! That's classy, opening the door in your underwear."

"You've done it before Becks."

"That was one time, plus I was sick so I had a reason. This chick probably just got done boning Dean's little brother...skank."

"Rebekah. Shut up and get out of my head."

I pushed out Bekah from my head and thoughts, and focused on what was happening before me. I looked at Dean, and saw his emotionless face contort into a bunch of emotions, mainly on relief and happiness. I furrowed my eyebrows and saw what changed his mood. In front of us stood an extremely tall man, who held a look of disbelief on his face.

"Hey, Sammy." Dean said slowly walking into the room. Sam just continued to watch him, while the three of us hung back and waited to see what would happen.  And a moment later right when Dean was close enough, there was a click of a knife being opened, and Sam lunged causing the girl in her underwear to scream.

Which was annoying as anything, but luckily enough Bobby jumped into stop it.

"Who are you?" Sam explaimed at him while Bobby tried to hold him back.

"Like you didn't do this?" Dean yelled back at him.

"It's him. It's him, Sam." Bobby tried to tell him, and this surprisingly enough started to calm him down. "I've been through this already, it's really him."

Once Sam was finally calmed down enough, Bobby let him go. "What...?"

I took this time to look over at my sister to see how she was taking all this in. All she was doing was watching the whole scene, with her arms crossed with almost no emotion as usual.

"I look fantastic huh?" I heard Dean say with a chuckle and just when I looked back at them, they were in a tight brotherly hug.

Once they two of them pulled apart, underwear chick spoke up, "So are you to, like, together?" At this I heard Rebekah actually laugh a little. It was dry, but it was still a laugh.

Which was another thing I was starting to notice about her, she only really laughed, like a real laugh, was when she was with me. But when we're with other people it was sarcastic, dry, or just a light chuckle.

"What?" Sam asked looking at her with furrowed eyebrows. "No. No. He's my brother." He said almost proudly.

The chick looked from Sam to Dean and then back to Sam, "O-oh...Got it. I guess. Look I should probably go."

"Yeah, you should." Rebekah piped up, and I couldn't help but smile a little.

She glared at Bekah and then turned back to Sam, "I'll just go get dressed then." And with that she disappeared into the bathroom.

While she was in the bathroom, an awkward silence took over the room. Rebekah was picking at imaginary dirt underneath her nails, Sam and Dean were just staring at each other, and Bobby was looking around the room.

"Well, this is interesting." Rebekah said underneath her breath quietly so only I could hear, but Bobby had heard as well and hit the back of her head lightly. I chuckled slightly at the face Bekah gave Bobby, but stopped as soon as it came when Sam turned his attention to us.

"Um. Who are you two by the way?" He questioned, furrowing his eyebrows and looking between Bekah and I.

I looked at my sister and saw that she had no intention of introducing herself so I was going to do it for her, but before I could even open my mouth,  underwear chick came out of the bathroom.

"So call me." She said to Sam as he went to the door with her.

He nodded, but didn't really seem to mean it. "Yeah, Yeah, sure thing, Kathy." He said when she was just outside the door.

"Chrissy," She said correcting him and at this both Bekah and Dean laughed softly. Which when they realized they were both laughing at the same thing, stopped and glared at each other.

"God, you two are so..." I trailed off trying to think of the right word when Bobby cut in.

"So ...immature"

"Yeah that!"  I agreed with him just as Sam closed the door and looked back at me and my sister.

"Oh right. I'm Amanda and that's my sister Rebekah." I told Sam, who just rose an eyebrow for me to continue. "Um, we knew your dad and we know Bobby? Oh yeah, and Bekah drove Bobby and Dean here."

"Whatever, that doesn't matter." Dean rudely said and sent a glare to me. When Sam sat down, Dean continued with his glaring, but it was directed at Sam. "So tell me, what it cost?"

"The girl?" Sam chuckled, "I don't pay, Dean."

Dean crossed his arms, "It's not funny, Sam."

"He meant to bring him back." Rebekah cut in. "Was it just your soul or something more?"

Now it was my turn to glare at her. "Would you shut up this is none of our business!"

She shrugged, "I'm just helping Hell Boy out."

Dean just rolled his eyes at us, and I tuned them out when Bobby and Dean were interrogating Sam about how he got Dean out of Hell. I stared at Rebekah while she just watched what was unfolding with fascination. I didn't comprehend how she changed so much in nine months. I wasn't planning on saying anything to anyone, but she worried me a bit. The way she would stare at something with an animalistic look in her eyes. It scared me sometimes. I shook my head out of those thoughts, and tuned back in when Sam's voice got louder and made me jump a tad bit.

"I tried everything, that’s the truth! I tried opening the Devil's gate, hell I tried bargaining with demons, but no demon would deal. You were rotting in Hell for months, for months, and I couldn't stop it. So sorry it wasn't me, Dean I'm sorry." Sympathy trailed through my body at how sincere and sad Sam sounded.

"It's okay Sammy." Dean said as he looked away from his brother in thought. "You don't have to apologize. I believe you..."

"Don't get me wrong," Bobby spoke up. "I am gladdened that Sam's soul remains intact, but it does raise a sticky question."

"If Sam didn't pull Dean out, then who or what did?" I asked looking from Bobby to Dean.

But before anyone could reply to my own question Bekah pushed herself off the wall and over to where we were all either standing or sitting. "Sam you got anything to drink here, I think this is a time for one."

He looked up at her and motioned towards a kitchen area, "yeah there's some beers in the fridge."

"Awesome," was all she said before walking over to the fridge to get us all a drink.

I sat down on the couch next to Bobby, while Bekah handed out the beers to us. After everyone had a beer, Bekah sat down on the other side of me, and gave a weak smile in my direction. 

"So what were you doing here if you weren't digging up my grave?" Dean asked, opening his beer bottle.

"Banging chicks, obviously." I muttered under my breath, which caused Bekah to spit the beer that she had in her mouth all over the back of Dean. Dean didn't notice though, which was a plus. While Bekah was choking, I patted her back, trying to listen to this conversation but only caught fragments.  Something about a demon named Lilith, payback, and bad ass demons dragging Dean out of hell.

"How you feeling anyway?" Bobby asked Dean, and Bekah muttered something under her breath but I didn't catch it.

Dean thought about it for a second, "well I am hungry."

"No, I mean, do you feel like yourself?" Bobby asked. "Something strange or different?"

"Or demonic?" Bekah added before taking another sip of her beer as we all looked at her. She only shrugged and took another sip.

"How many times do I have to prove I'm me?"  Dean said getting frustrated

"Listen, no demon's letting you loose out of the goodness of thier hearts." Bobby started, "They gotta have something nasty planned."

"I feel fine," Dean grumbled.

"We dont know what they're planning." I said getting up from my spot, I had to move around. I couldn't take just sitting there anymore. "We have a pile of questions and no shovel. If you ask me, I say we need help."

"I know a psychic, a few hours from here. Something this big, maybe shes heard the other side talking." Bobby  replied, which Dean agreed to. Bobby stood up and walked outside, probably to get reception for his cell phone.

I watched Dean and Sam stand up, Sam took a necklace off his neck and returned it to Dean. "Hey Dean, what was it like"

"What. Hell?" Dean questioned, I wanted to say something sarcastic, but I kept my mouth shut since they were getting reacquinted again. "I don't know. I..I must have blocked it out. I don't remember a damn thing."

"Thank God for that." Sam said, and a few seconds later Dean went into the bathroom. Which just left Sam, Bekah, and I.

"So you said you knew my dad?" Sam asked as he pulled on his jacket.

"Yeah, he used to hunt with our dad sometimes, even saved our ass once." Bekah said putting down her bottle on the table and stood up. "That was when we first started hunting of course." She added with signature smirk. All I did was roll my eyes, that's when I saw Dean walk out of the bathroom.

"So who was your dad?" Sam asked looking from me to Bekah, but I was the one that answered.

"Mick Jameson."

Sam was about to reply but got interrupted by Bobby telling us we had to go. Bekah sighed and rolled her eyes while pulling out her car keys.

"I can drive if you want Bekah." I said, which I earned a growl then a scowl. I forgot how much she hated when I drove her car ever since I broke her headlight by accident. Really, it wasn't my fault, you can blame it on a little girl spirit who liked to attack unaware drivers. Vicious little suckers.

"Uh Dean, why is your back all wet?" Sam questioned when he noticed Dean had spots of wetness covering his back.

Bekah held a huge grin as we reached the car, and I let out a light chuckle and shook my head. Dean kept turning around trying to catch a glimpse of this so called wetness on his back. He looked like a puppy chasing his tail.

"Wow." Bekah said watching Dean amused. "Don't hurt yourself there..." She said pushing passed Dean to leave.

I just shook my head as Sam followed her out and I grabbed Dean's arm, "Let's go before they leave without us."

Once we were outside in the parking lot Bobby spoke, "She's about four hours down the interstate."  Bobby said before getting into my car, and that's when we saw Sam pull out his own set of car keys and start to move toward a black Impala.

"Try to keep up!" Bekah yelled as she pushed her seat forward to let me in, and seconds later the seat was pushed back and she was in the driver's seat starting up the car.
♠ ♠ ♠
Here's part three :D
And me and Manda are having an awesome time writing this story so we hope you guys are really liking it haha.

But yeah let us know what you think?