
Durza's Sacrifice

Meanwhile, Kikyo and Murtagh are out flying on their dragons. Finiarel is on Darigan with Kikyo. All of a sudden, a loud, eerie screech is heard.

“RAZ’ZAC!!” Kikyo shouts as she turns to look at Murtagh before Darigan slows down so he’s flying next to Thorn. She looks at Murtagh with a serious look in her eyes. “Take Finiarel back to the castle!” she shouts over the sound of the Raz’zac catching up with them and the beating of their dragon’s wings. She quickly hands Finiarel to Murtagh before racing off on Darigan toward the Raz’zac.

Meanwhile, Kanna and Eragon are traveling along the Ramr River to Bullridge. They stop to rest for a minute, and are approached by a girl with red eyes and red hair.

“Elva.” Kanna says with a slight smile on her face.

“You remember me?” Elva asks, looking at Kanna with surprised eyes.

“How could I not?” Kanna asks as her smile grows.

“Dearest daughter, your beautiful blonde hair…’s the EVIL color of red!” Arya says with a horrified look on her face.

“Ever since me and Morzan well, we had Durza…” Elva says with an uncomfortable look on her face.

“DURZA IS YOUR SON?! No….” Kanna says, surprise evident on her face as she shakes her head.

“Yes. And as we speak, Durza, my darling, self-sacrificing don, is dying….to resurrect Galbatorix and Morzan. Durza was unfortunate enough to not obtain the fricai skolir from me.” Elva says with a sad look on her face as a tear slowly slides down her face. Both Kanna and Arya look at her in confusion for a moment before recollection dawns on Kanna’s face.

“Death shield…” Kanna says.

“Yes, sister.” Elva says, nodding her head as she watches Kanna.

“You….will you lead us to Durza?” Kanna asks, in a slightly uncomfortable sounding face as she stares at Elva with expectant eyes.

“I shall. Shurikan, come!” Elva commands, turning away from the three of them to look into the sky. A large black dragon appears, and growls at Saphira, who growls back. Elva hops onto Shuriken before turning back to the others. “Follow me.” She commands.

Meanwhile, Kikyo is racing off toward the Raz’zac. She swiftly kills them.

“That was too….simple. There must be a catch. Who sent the Raz’zac? Galbatorix and Morzan are dead, and Durza wouldn’t send them to me, he’d send them to Kanna. Unless Kanna already ran into a foe. Elva! Which means Durza….OH GOD! Kikyo stops Darigan for a moment when she feels a panic attack coming on.

Kikyo! Calm down! Darigan shouts in Kikyo’s mind when the panic attack comes on full force.

“MORZAN AND GALBATORIX ARE-“ Kikyo shouts her eyes beginning to water.

Kikyo! You have to relax or you’ll fall off me! Darigan says in a stern voice.

“To the castle! NOW!” Kikyo commands in a stern voice as she points in the general direction of the castle. Darigan nods before he takes off at top speed toward the castle.

Meanwhile, Kanna and the others have just arrived at Gil’ead.

“Durza? DURZA!!?” Elva questions, looking around with a worried look on her face before sorrow consumes her as she sees Morzan.

“It has happened, Elva. Our son has died.” Morzan says in a completely unemotional voice.

“Died for you. And for-“ Elva says, turning to look for the other man her son had sacrificed himself for.

“Me.” Galbatorix says, walking out from around the building.

“GALBATORIX!!! NONONONONONONO!! KIKYOOOOOO!!” Kanna shouts, hyperventilating.
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well, here's the second to last chapter of this one. Hope you guys like it and hope to hear what you think!!
KcA & RyK