A Wolf's Mate


Of course it had to be now! When all the male-wolves in the pack are out of the den. And, of course, the hunters came in a pack! Lord forbid it be a fair fight, but what did one have to expect from humans, mortals...they're all the same.

Kanashii, a cross between a werewolf and a husty, is standing in front of her father's pack of werewolves, growling at the humans that have come to kill them.

"Hey....is that a werewolf?" One of the humans asks, motioning toward her.

"You know....I'm not sure....looks an awful lot like a husky...sept the size." The other humans says.

"That's what I thought." The first human says. He tells his companion to stay and watch the pack while he walks out of the den. As soon as he walks out, Kanashii looks at her friend, Rubbalite. Who also is her cousin, and growls.

*Get the pack out of here!* Kanashii commands.

*But, what about you?* Rubbalite questions, looking at Kanashii with worry filled eyes.

*I'll be fine. Just get everyone to safety until father gets back.* Kanashii says, turning to look at the human. She stands up as straight as she can.

*What are you planning?* Rubbalite asks, looking at Kanashii with confused eyes.

*Don't worry. I'm just going to distract him....err....them...* Kanashii says with a wolfish grin on her face. Rubbalite nods, and turns to the rest of the pack.

*All right everyone. This is what we're going to do...* Rubbalite says. She explains to the rest of the pack, turns around, and nods to Kanashii, who nods back.

*Hurry Rubbalite. Get everyone out of here.* Kanashii says.

Just as the pack starts to move, Kanashii hears the human yelling.

"Oh no you don't!" The human yells as he takes a step toward the pack. Kanashii pounces on his chest, knocking him to the ground. She growls in his face, showing her fangs mere centimeters away from his nose. At the exact moment, the other human walks back into the den. When he sees Kanashii on top of his friend, he runs over to her, and pulls her off of him. He throws Kanashii up against the wall. As he went to help his friend up, he hears Kanashii's claws click against the den floor as she walks toward them again. They spin around, and look at her.

"What happened?" The human asks his friend.

"Well, the other werewolves were escaping, so I went toward them, and that." He points toward Kanashii. "Tackled me, and stopped me." He says.

"Do you think we'll be able to catch her?" The other guy asks.

"If we have the slightest chance, we're going to have to work fast." The guy says with a sigh. They look back at Kanashii, only to see her walking toward the exit, her attention completely on the white wolf standing by the back entrance to the den. Kanashii looks at Rubbalite, and sneers.

*Everyone's out. Hurry up, Kanashii!* Rubbalite says, motioning for Kanashii to come.

*Coming.* Kanashii says. As she gets closer to Rubbalite, a rope comes down around her neck. She stops dead in her tracks, and turns to lunge at the humans. As soon as she jumps, she feels another rope come around her neck. She jumps back to the ground, and suddenly, they toss a net on top of her.
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This is the first chapter in my Lycan story.