A Wolf's Mate

Meeting the Traitor

Kanashii's eyes go wide.

*Oh no!* Kanashii says with horror as she backs up in a desperate attempt to get out, only to get insnagged even deeper. She bares her fangs and tries to rip the net apart.

"Now would be a great time for you to use that tranq. gun of yours!" the second human says with a note of urgency to his voice.

"I'm working on it! Stop hounding me!" the first human says, loading the tranq. into the gun. He sighs as it clicks into place and aims his gun at Kanashii, and shoots. The tranq. dart hits her in the shoulder, soon followed by about six or seven more darts. Kanashii falls to her side, paralyzed, but not unconsious. She looks behind the two guys, only to see one of the pack's pups slowly crawling through the backentrance. She growls just as Rubbalite picks the pup up by the scruff of the neck. Rubbalite looks at her with sorrow filled eyes.

*You HAVE to get out of here, Rubbalite! Before they see you!* Kanashii says, looking at Rubbalite with a serious look on her face.

*I can't just leave you!* Rubbalite says with the pup in her mouth as she looks at Kanashii.

*You....have to.* Kanashii says as she struggles to stay consious before finally her mind goes blank. She lays on the ground, breathing deeply. Rubbalite glances at Kanashii one more time before running back through the back entrance with the pup.

*Be safe, Kanashii...* Rubbalite says as she runs through the tunnels leading to where she left the rest of the pack.

Meanwhile, Kanashii is still unconscious and the two humans are walking toward her. The first human sits on her side as the other one puts a choker chain around her neck and another one on her muzzle.

"Do you mind going and getting the truck?" the first human says, looking at the second one with commanding eyes.

"All right." the second human says, walking out of the den. About five minutes later, a truck backs up to the entrance and the second human jumps out.

"Bring the stretcher here." the first human says, motioning toward the back of the truck. The second guy nods and opens the back of the truck. He goes inside it, and emerges a couple minutes later with a steel cart type thing. He rolls it over to the first guy and Kanashii. With a few grunts, they manage to get Kanashii up on the cart, They bring her into the back of the truck. "Okay, the worst is over." he says as they pretty much just throw her in a huge cage and lock it. They leave and climb in the front seat of the truck before driving away from the den.

A couple hours later, the humans are talking when they hear something coming from the back of the truck.

"What the hell!" the second human shouts, looking at the back of the cab with both horror and confusion in his eyes.

"It's just the wolf. Its waking up." the first human says in a voice that clearly says he's not worried at all.

"Oh, okay." the second human says as he sits back in his seat normally.

Meanwhile, Kanashii is slamming her body against the cage.

*Dammit! How did I get in this thing...not to mention, what the hell IS this thing?* Kanashii shouts as she stops and takes a few breaths. She looks at her legs and watches them shake. She ignores the pain and launches herself against the bars again. She does this for a few more hours until she finally collapses to the ground from exhaustion. She sits like that until they stop. She hears the humans leave the cab, and lock it up. She closes her eyes until she hears the back open. She springs to her feet and starts growling.

"So what happened?" a new voice asks from outside the truck.

"Well....we were in the den when suddenly a wolf attacked us to allow the others time to escape." the first human says in a small voice.

"That so?" the new voice asks as he walks up to the cage. He watches as Kanashii growls at him. "Hm..." he turns to look at the first human. "Do you know if it's a female or male?" he questions.

"Not sure." the first human says, once again in a small voice.

"This one will work." the new person says as he looks at the first human with a look that clearly says 'leave'. He leaves, and the other person walks over to the cage. After he hears the door shut, he opens the door to the cage and steps back. "So tell me, my beauty. How much of a dominant are you in your pack?" he asks, looking pointedly at her. She growls at him, and takes a step forward, but when she goes to take another step, she winces when her body freezes.

"So you're not mated yet, huh?" the person asks. Kanashii growls, but when he turns to look into her eyes with his golden ones, she stops. He smiles and strips his clothing off. He jumps in the air, and transforms, landing in front of Kanashii in his wolf form.
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I know this update took a long time to come out...but here is the next chapter!
This update is dedicated to shadow_seeker!