A Wolf's Mate


*You can't be a werewolf!* Kanashii shouts in horror as she looks at his pitch-black fur with silver on his muzzle and the tip of his ears. She shakes her head in denial.

*Why not? You are.* the wolf says with a grin.

*So what!* Kanashii shouts before lying down on her belly when he turns an angry glare at her. She sees him lift the side of his lip over his left canine tooth.

*You must be pretty young, huh?* he questions, looking at her with an understanding yet irritated look.

*Reason I would tell you?* Kanashii demands, glaring at him. *Who the hell are you, anyway?* she demands, glaring at him.

*My name is Samuel.* he says as he walks up to her and looks down at her. *And because you now belong to me! I'm claiming you as my mate.* he says. Kanashii jumps to her feet and runs toward the door. She slams into the door, and busts the lock, causing the door to fly open. She jumps out, and takes off running down the road. Samuel jumps out of the truck, and takes off running after her. *Get back here!* he shouts.

*NO!!* Kanashii shouts, only to fall to the ground when Samuel bites into her left leg. *AH! Get OFF!* she shouts. Samuel releases her.

*You brought this on yourself! You shouldn’t have taken off!* Samuel says, glaring down at her.

*GET AWAY FROM ME!* Kanashii shouts, baring her fangs at him. She pushes herself up, ignoring her bad leg, and spins around to look him in the eyes. She looks in them for exactly three and a half seconds before looking away from him. *How the hell do I get myself into all this shit!* she demands.

*Just your luck, I guess.* Samuel says, shrugging. Kanashii growls at him.

*Damn you!* Kanashii shouts.

*Now, now. No need for that kind of language!* Samuel says, shaking his head. He walks up to her, but just before he licks her face, she takes a step away from him. He gives her a very pissed look, causing her to go down on her belly. She cries out when the wound on her leg touches the dirty ground, and lays all the way down on her right side.

*Damn it hurts!* Kanashii shouts, glaring at her left leg.

*Then change back.* Samuel says, looking at her like it should be obvious.

*Forget that! I will not! The only time we go into human shape is when werewolves have to!* Kanashii says, shaking her head.

*New moons, huh?* Samuel says, looking at her with a strange look on his face. She closes her eyes, and nods her head. *Well, that just won’t do!* he says. Kanashii opens her eyes, and lifts her head up in horror.

*You WOULDN’T!!* Kanashii says, looking at him with wide, horrified eyes. Samuel shows his canines in a wolfy grin.

*Oh....I think you’ll find that I can, and I am!* Samuel says as he stares intently at her. She shakes her head, and tries to stand up. Within the blink of an eye, Samuel is on top of her, growling. *I COMMAND you to transform!* he says while his stare bores into her. Kanashii cries out.

*NO!!* Kanashii shouts as she feels her body begin the transformation without her consent. When the transformation is complete, she looks up, only to see Samuel once again human. This time she actually takes the time to take in his baggy jeans and t-shirt, as well as his black hair and green eyes. She feels a cold wind run over her naked body. Once Samuel gets off her, and stands up, she pulls her legs up against her, and leans her face against her legs.
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Well, here's the first of the two chapters that I plan on putting up today >.< let me know what you think of it!