A Wolf's Mate

A Bitch in Heat

Kanashii releases his arm and looks at him.

“How do you know my name when I’ve never used it around you?” Kanashii demands, glaring at Samuel.

“I’ve known who you are since the moment I saw you.” Samuel says with a grin as he looks down at her.

“But....how?” Kanashii questions, looking at him with her eyebrows furrowed.

“Your bitch of a mother was the only one in her pack that mated with a wolf from a different pack.” Samuel says with a shrug as he scratches the back of his neck. Kanashii yelps when he grabs her, and digs his nails into her arm, causing little half-moon shaped cuts to appear and begin to bleed. Samuel opens the door to the room, and throws Kanashii across it until she hits the wall. “Now...” he says. Within an instant, he’s in front of her, pinning her to the wall.

“No!” Kanashii shouts as she tries to dodge underneath Samuel’s arm, but he pins her harder against the wall. She winces in pain, but is ignored. Samuel chuckles before focusing his golden eyes on hers and staring into them until she drops her gaze from his.

“Are you ready, bitch?” Samuel asks, grinning. Kanashii lets out a soft growl, but stops it soon after it starts when she realizes whom she’s with. When Samuel talks again, his voice is full of an evil smugness. “Are we a little touchy right now?” he asks in a mocking voice. Kanashii gaze comes up in a challenging gesture. He backs her up until she falls onto the bed. Samuel takes a step back as Kanashii transforms. When she’s fully transformed, Samuel takes his clothes off and transforms himself. Once he does, Kanashii jumps off the bed, and attacks him. He easily jumps out of the way of the attack.

Around half an hour later, she’s still trying to attack him. Meanwhile, her body is starting to rebel from it. A few minutes later, she finally drops to the ground, on her side, panting.

*Dammit! Why can’t I attack you?* Kanashii demands in a voice that’s just leaking of irritation.

*Because you don’t want to.* Samuel says as he walks forward to stand in front of her. She looks up into his eyes before dropping her head back to the ground and continuing to pant. *Nothing like the patience of a bitch in heat.* he says with a grin.

*SHUT UP!!* Kanashii shouts, shaking her head. She sees Samuel smile again, and closes her eyes.

*No! I will not!* Kanashii says, shaking her head.

*How long are you going to be able to resist?* Samuel asks, looking down at her with a strange look in his eyes.

*However long it takes!* Kanashii says, baring her fangs at him while growling. The growling gets louder and more dangerous when he goes to walk toward her. *Stay away from me!* Kanashii commands in a menacing voice.

*What would happen if I was to say no?* Samuel asks, waiting to see what she will do.
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Here's the next chapter in the series!! PLEASE REVIEW!