A Beautiful Lie

Chapter 13

Jared stared, not daring to blink in case he missed anything as the doctor picked up the baby, cut the umbilical cord, and announced that he and Tam had a daughter. Once the baby girl had been cleaned and wrapped in a blanket, Jared was able to hold her, and he cradled the bundle gently, marvelling at the size of the thing. The little one rapidly stopped screaming in the warmth of her father’s arms and just as rapidly fell asleep. Jared turned to Tam, lying exhausted and out of breath in the hospital bed. “You did it Tam; we have a girl, look.” Tam took the baby, smiling weakly as it wrapped a tiny hand around her finger. Jared smoothed her hair and gently kissed her forehead before heading out to the foyer where Shannon was waiting impatiently, fidgeting with suspense.

Seeing Jared, Shannon leapt to his feet and hurried over, beaming as he was told all about the birth. The two of them then returned to Tam’s hospital room, Shannon admiring his niece. “I do feel sorry for her, having you as a father,” he said with a grin.
Jared laughed, “Not as sorry as I feel about her having you for an uncle.” He looked at Tam, who nodded. Jared then turned back to Shannon, smiling warmly, “We’re going to name her Penelope, if that’s alright with you.” Shannon opened his mouth, but no sound came out, so he merely nodded his approval. He and Liz weren’t together anymore; they’d both agreed that to continue the relationship would be pointless, and even trying to make it work for as long as they had had been part of the now officially named ‘beautiful lie’. They remained good friends though, a relationship they both felt much more comfortable in.

When Shannon thought about the crash now, he always found it incredible how easily and unexpectedly a person’s entire life could change. One second he’d been engaged and on top of the world, the next, the love of his life was dead and he had over a year of lies and depression ahead of him. Such beautiful lies they were, but the kind that will destroy a man who sinks deep enough into them. Now, the future was looking hopeful, and Shannon began this new chapter of his life with a smile on his face and the people he loved all around him, and he could feel Penne watching over him, letting him know that he was doing the right thing, and that they would be together again, someday, in another life.