A Beautiful Lie

Chapter 8

Jared and Tam sat in the shade of a tree in the local park; Jared had an arm around Tam’s shoulders and Tam was resting a hand on his stomach, and the two were talking closely. “I just don’t know how to tell him. It’s been a month now and I still feel like he hasn’t accepted Penne’s death, like he’s trying to pretend it never happened.” Jared groaned and hid his face in the back of Tam’s neck, nuzzling into her skin and making her giggle.
She took his hand and kissed it, then said, “You love him so much, and not many brothers can say the same thing. It’s beautiful.”
Jared gave her shoulders a squeeze, then sighed, “Well come on, we’ve procrastinated enough, let’s go and tell him.” He let Tam help him to his feet and hand him his crutches, glad that he only needed them for another two weeks, and then they set off for the house he and Shannon shared.

Shannon was in the kitchen making hot chocolate when they arrived; a few minutes later, the three of them sat in the living room, each with a steaming mug in their hands. “Shan,” Jared began slowly, “there’s something we have to tell you, some good news.”
Shannon looked up curiously, “Ooh, really? What is it?”
Jared hesitated, “Tam and I… we’re engaged.”
Shannon’s stomach dropped, but he managed to pull himself together and force his face into a wide smile. “Oh my God, that’s so great, congratulations!” It was taking all his will power to remain in control. Come on, he thought furiously, this can’t happen, I have to move on, it’s no good dwelling on the past. This is a good thing, a good thing.

Jared was talking to him, “…was completely spur of the moment, I just decided to ask. It was a few days ago, I would’ve told you sooner but I was worried how you would take it.”
Jared was staring at Shannon, obviously expecting some kind of reply, and Shannon said, as though the words had been programmed into his brain, “Jay, I’m fine. I’m really happy for you both.”

Shannon needed something to do with his hands, so grabbed his mug and took a long draught. “Are you sure?” Jared asked. “Because it’s ok if you’re not, we can talk about it…”
“No, really, I’m alright, you two are perfect for each other, it was only a matter of time.” Shannon stood to take their cups away, stopping in the kitchen to push memories of Penne back into the shadowy corner of his brain where they were least able to destroy him. This is a good thing… a good thing.