Neon Hearts

Sounds Like A Date Except It Is You And Me

“Do you think he is mad at me? Sam I mean. Do you think he is mad?” I asked as JP fussed over my cuts. I was sitting on the counter in the bathroom that connected his and Alex’s rooms waiting for Alex to come back with the first aid kit. “I’m sure he told you what happened this morning you are his best friend so is he mad at me?” JP ignored my question by putting my more pressure on one of the cuts then yelling towards the door for Alex to hurry.

“Are you two dating?” He finally asked, “Seriously it is ok if you are I just don’t want to be lied to anymore about it.”

“I’m fourteen he’s eighteen we aren’t dating his just a friend. There isn’t any other sort of attraction there. I just need a place to stay sometimes and he lets me stay in his room. Last night there was blood on my shirt so he offered to wash it for me. Then he couldn’t remember where he put it after it was dry. The alarm didn’t go off when it was suppose to and his mom came in. Nothing else happened.”

“How did blood get on your shirt last night?” I turned slightly and pulled the back of my shirt up so he could see the cut.

“My school books were on the kitchen table when her and her boyfriend got home.” His arms immediately went around me as he pulled me into a hug.

“He’s not mad at you. He doesn’t like being grounded but he’s not mad at you. As long as you’re safe I don’t think he could ever be mad at you. Don’t worry.”

“I have to worry I have two weeks were I am stuck at home with her.”

“Come over here.”

“Your parents.”

“Come over here if you need to. So are you hungry? Tired? What do you need?”

“I’m a little hungry I haven’t eaten all day.”

“Here’s the first aid kit.” Alex said walking into the room with a little white box. “Are you alright?” He placed an ice pack over my eye and held it there.

“Just a little hungry.”

“I’ll go make pizza rolls.” Alex left quickly and JP looked at me again oddly.

“Do you like Sam?” JP asked quietly.

“Didn’t I already answer this?” I said defensively.

“No you answered if you were dating.”

“It’s not something that would go anywhere.” He grabbed my hand and pulled me off the counter.

“Lets go eat.” He held my hand all the way down the stairs and led me to the kitchen where Alex had pizza rolls waiting for us.

“So you are ok and everything right? You aren’t hurt?” Alex asked pushing the plate towards me. “Because I wanted to ask you something.” As he said the last words his gaze shifted from me to JP. Jp shook his head slightly “I wanted to ask you if you would go to the freshman sports banquet with me.”
“When is it?”

“Two weeks. It’s semi formal so you would have to wear a dress.”

“Umm sure I will ask mom to take me shopping this weekend. She will probably love the idea of me dating.”


“Well we know better but a boy a girl dinner. it sounds like a date. Except the boy and girl are you and me.”


“Thanks for inviting me I’m sure we will have fun.”