Goodbye My Lover

Dinner at the Jonas'

Charlottes P.O.V.

It was 6:30 and I was deciding what to wear to the Jonas house for dinner.
I finally decided on this and got ready.

After I squirted my perfume on, the doorbell rang.

I hurriedly skipped down the stairs and opened the door to see Nick standing there.
His face turned into a gorgeous smile when he looked me up and down. I blushed.

“You look amazing, Charlie.” He said making me blush even more.
I mumbled a quick ‘thanks’, then we walked to his mustang and he opened my door for me and I sat down inside, taking in the sweet scent of Nicholas Jerry Jonas.

He sat inside and turned on the car.
The gentle growl vibrating the car was the only noise that could be heard.

Finally, Nick spoke up.

“Yeah Nick?”
“How are you?”
“Uh… Good, you?”
“I'm very good.” He said turning his head slightly and smiling at me before returning his eyes to the road.

As the car slowed down, I looked over to the house. It was magnificent.

“Woah.” I whispered.
Nick must have heard me because he chuckled slightly.

Nick led me up the path to the front door and opened it.

Everybody was sitting in the living room and the all looked to me.
I blushed.

“Hi.” I said quietly.
A nice looking lady walked up to me.
“Hello Charlotte! I’m Denise. Nick was right, you are very beautiful.” She said.
I turned to Nick who was blushing and looking down.
I giggled.

After being introduced to everyone, Denise and Paul went into the kitchen to make dinner.
I sat down with Nick on the couch next to Joe and Frankie.

Joe turned to me and hugged me.
“Hello again, Charlie.” He said.
“Hello again, Joe.” I said laughing.
“Can I call you Lottie?” He asked.
“Yeah, I like that name.” I said smiling.

We then turned our attentions back to the television.

We were watching the Ellen show.

A while later, dinner was ready.

It was lasagne.

We all sat down at the dining table, Denise at one end, Paul at the other, Nick, me and Joe, on one side (me in the middle) and Frankie, Kevin and Danielle on the other side.

I ate everything on my plate because I didn’t want to seem rude.
After dinner, Danielle went home, and Kevin, Joe, Nick and I went to the game room to play guitar hero.

Joe played Kevin first and won.
Then, it was me versus Nick.
It was pretty hard but sooooooo fun!
Everyone’s jaws dropped when I beat Nick. I didn’t even miss a note.
I was so astounded.

Nick and I sat on the couch just talking then I decided it was getting late so Nick drove me home.

We said goodnight and Nick gave me his email address and his cell and home phone number and I gave him mine.

Not long after I had a shower, got changed and hopped into bed.

I was laying in bed when I heard my apple Mac book ding.

I bought my laptop over to me and sat it on my lap.

Nick J wants to chat with you.
Accept or Decline

I eagerly accepted.

Nick J:
Hey Charlie :)

Hey Nick :P

Nick J:
How are you?

Great :D Tonight was really fun! How are you?

Nick J:
Yeah, it was. I'm really good.

Awesome. What ya doin?

Nick J:
Not much just mucking around with my guitar, I think I’m writing a new song. What about you?

Woah! Cool what about? Just lying in bed.

Nick J:
Well, its about this really pretty girl I know.

My heart dropped.


Nick J:
Yeah, She’s amazing, but sadly, she has a tumour. She is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, her name’s Charlotte.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. My heart was now going a million beats per second.

Seriously? You think I’m beautiful? And amazing?

Nick J:
I do Charlie. But sorry I have to go now.
I’ll talk to you later.

Nick J has signed off.
♠ ♠ ♠
Im baaaack :)

Thankyou to everyone who has commented and subbed so far!
Love you guys.

Please, comment, and tell me what you think.


Love yous